
Tensura: Alter/DEEP-RED

Hello! Readers! Explorers of the realms! I share you my story of baginning of reincarnating weirdly, wish granting, to being one of the most powerful beings of my new world!

Nakamura_Shun · Anime et bandes dessinées
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10 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnation


I stare at my stomach that was consistently bleeding from a gunshot.

'The blood… The pain… I feel burning pain… It hurts! God, I don't want this.'

<<… Confirmed, creating a body that does not have blood, continuing, granting skills; [Pain cancelation] and [Heat resistance].>>

"Why am I here again?" I mutter to myself.

I look towards my left and see a couple dozen ramen stacked.

'Yeah, I remember now. I wanted to eat. My stomach feels empty, I feel like I want to eat everything!'

<<Granting unique skill; [Excess].>>

'Ugh, shut up… My head hurts. How did I get shot again?'

My head jolted to my right, and I saw a man in a robber's clothes on the ground with a gun centimeters away his hand.

"Ahhhhh… Right." I spoke inbetween loud gasps of pain.

'I bought the ramen, and a robber entered the store gun pointed at the guy on the counter. Me, as myself, punched the robber. And he shot me in exchange. I… I guess I wanted to be a "hero"?'

<<Confirmed. Sensing ideals… Great amount of want for omni-human salvation, detected. Granting a hero egg. Error, unable to proceed. Granting partial(45%) hero egg.>>

I ignored the voice and continued thinking to myself.

'I saw a pen, and I immediately imagined myself having a power of weapons that could pop out of an infinitely large storage space that could store anything. Kinda like Gilgamesh's gate of Babylon. Kinda stupid, I know. No no no. It's not just kind of.'

<<… Confirmed, granting unique skill; [spacial storage]. Continuing, upgrading the skill to ultimate skill; {Lord of Preservation, Ariel}. Error, soul unable to receive skill. Downgrading skill… successful. Obtained unique skill {<-[Vigil]->}. >>

I look at the pen poking out of the robber's back and thought.

'Aaaand, I stabbed the guy! He was weak. Really weak as he immediately dropped to the ground without resistance as I was about to do some slashes.'

<<Confirmed, granting extra skill; [Pierce n' Cleave]>>

"But I'm still dying anyway."

'If I really die and help comes late, I wish that I'd reincarnate with a cheat like an A.I. that would help me with all the complicated intellectual stuff.'

"Haaahhh… My body feels terribly cold. I don't want to die out of cold… If I could just somehow create a blanket... I would feel protectd from the cold."

<<Confirmed. Granting unique skill; [Avantelligence]. Continuing, granting skill; [Cold resistance]. Fusing skill with [heat resistance]... successful aquisition of [Thermal fluctuation]. Granting skill; [Object Materialization]. >>

"Just shut up already… People really go bonkers when they're about to die. This isn't my rational, heroic, and virtuous self… This is not the self that always tries to help people and was viewed as a pushover... this isn't who I am... I am… Venge-"

I managed to find the energy and muttered my last words as my consciousness slowly fades to oblivion.
