
Tenebris Renasci: A World of Magic and Gunpowder

when a prideful, rowdy college senior get the chance of a lifetime, he decides to take it with great pleasure and enthusiasm, making fun of all those who try and reason with him, however this behavior becomes his downfall as he is met with a tragic accident. but instead of death he finds himself reborn in a world of mystery and wonder, this world blends the early 20th century with the late medieval period, and it’s seemingly done by one woman; the queen of Ambur. now known in this new world as Alexander von daname, he finds himself living the dream as a noble, and he has grand plans for the future. however fate is a fickle mistress. a war that was seemingly out of mind for Alex, grows to be the very thing that uprooted him from the new life he has grown accustomed to, after fleeing this war he finds himself staring over in the Kingdom of Ambur.

Therealwaterboy · Fantaisie
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14 Chs

forging bonds.

Another year has passed, marking the sixth year Alex has inhabited this world.

"Focus my lord, your strikes must be more thought out," Elise said as she dodged all of Alex's sword swings.

Alex grew increasingly exhausted, he was trying his best, but with his small arms and heavy sword, it made for an awkward and difficult fight.

"Elise I'm just not good enough for this, I think gun training would be a better use of our time," Alex explained as tried to muster up the strength to continue swinging his sword.

Elise sighed as she knocked the sword out of Alexander's hands, causing him to collapse onto the ground and breathe heavily.

"My lord, we have been over this, a gun is only as useful as the bullets you carry and the range you fight, but a sword will be with you always, do you understand?" Elise asked as she took a knee beside Alex.

Her white shirt was sweaty, as she had been trained by both Marcus and Alex back to back.

Alex sighed as they looked up at Elise, "You say that, but what if I'm fighting someone with a gun, then what happens, I get shot before I even get the chance to swing back.

Elise chuckled as she dropped down onto the grass beside Alex, "That's why you practice your ether abilities, so that you can dodge and weave, close the distance, and strike, it's all about how you use what you have."

Alex nodded his head as he slowly pushed himself off the ground, he stumbled forward a few steps, he then fell over a few steps away from Elise.

"My lord, are you alright?" Elise as she slowly sat up.

Alex nodded as he stood back up and began to walk back towards the mansion, his goal was his bed, and he was trying to get there as fast as possible.

As Alex continued to walk up the cobblestone path, he could feel his muscles ache in pain, his sword dragging against the cobblestone path, making a small clinking sound.

As Alex reached the front door of the mansion, the door opened revealing his mother and a guard.

Alexander's mother looked down at Alex and smiled, her golden eyes filled with a joy that made Alex's heart skip a beat.

"Alex, do you want to come to the store with me? I've gotten word of some new books being delivered today and I want to be the first one out to get them."

Alex looked up at his mother and chuckled, he was tired, and in all honesty, he just wanted to go to bed, but this was his mother, and she barely asked anything so off him.

Alex nodded his head, "Of course Mother, there's a book I've been meaning to get as well."

Erica's eyes widened with excitement, "excellent, go change your clothes while I get our carriage prepared."

Alex nodded as he entered the mansion, he placed his sword beside the door, blade down, and he then began to unbutton his shirt as he began to make his way upstairs.

His movements were slow but steady, when he finally reached his room he began to remove all of his clothing and placed them on the floor beside his bed, he then grabbed a change of clothes and began to put them on.

Once he was dressed he began to make his way back downstairs where he was greeted by the sight of Marcus examining his sword.

Alex scratched behind his ear in confusion, "Uhm, don't you have your own sword?" He asked as he reached the bottom of the stairs.

Marcus quickly turned around and chuckled nervously, "Your sword blade is scratched up, I was curious as to what had caused it, that's all."

Alex shrugged his shoulders as he yawned, "knock yourself out then." Alex said as he continued towards the front door.

As Alex reached the front door, Marcus stopped him by grabbing his shoulder.

Alex looked up at Marcus with tired eyes, "What is it, I'm going to be late for meeting my mother."

Marcus nodded with understanding, "I get that, but I was wondering if you wanted to spar sometime, you know to test our skills against each other."

Alex blinked blankly at Marcus for a few seconds, his eyes rolling to the back of his head, and his head slumping backward.

Marcus blinked a few times in confusion before shaking Alex and stirring him awake, "Alex!" Marcus exclaimed.

Alex yawned as he shifted his gaze towards the front door, "What man, I gotta go, or something."

"But is asked you a question, do you want to spar against each other?"

Alex gave Marcus a look of contempt, "Dude you're like three years older than me, you'd clobber me." Alex explained with a chuckle.

Marcus smiled, "Yeah, that may be so, but what if I teach you, what if I became your second trainer."

Alex chuckled, "If that's what you want to do then I'm not complaining."

Marcus nodded, "Good, now, uhm, go be with your mother, and bring me back some cake or something."

Alex chuckled, "You got it, my tall fellow."

With a shoulder tap, Marcus released Alex from his grasp, and went to pick up his sword, "I'll go polish this for you, hopefully, I'll be before you get back."

Alex nodded as he turned towards the front door, stepping outside he was welcomed by the sun's rays shining down, and the slow breeze of the wind blowing past him.

All I have to do is just make it to the carriage, and then I'll be in sweet dreamland.

Alex made his way down the stairs and onto the cobblestone pathway, his steps were slow but consistent, each step he took made his arms swing back and forth, as if he was a tiny zombie wandering the mansion grounds.

Eventually, he reached the front gate, where a guard quickly tipped his cap and slightly pulled the gate back, allowing Alexander passage through.

"Thanks," Alex said as he continued his trip towards the stables.

When he finally got there he noticed that his mother was chatting with Elise, as grew closer he began to hear the last snippet of their conversation.

"Oh I don't know, I was thinking about it, but I'm worried how Alex will react, I honestly think it's better to cross that bridge when it's time, instead of worrying about it now," Erica said as she crossed her arms.

Elise nodded, "Of course my lady, it was only a suggestion, but I'd hate for their talent to go to waste, even at such a young age–"

Elise paused in her words as Alex's steps grew louder, she smiled and waved, "Are you ok my lord, you look exhausted." Elise said teasingly.

That's an understatement…..

Erica chuckled at Elise's words, "he's just overreacting, he's probably just as ecstatic as I am about going to the bookstore, isn't that right Alex."

Alex looked up at his mother and smiled, "You know it mother, I'm so excited I can barely keep my eyes open."

There was a small bit of laughter, but it didn't come from Erica, or Elise, it came from the emerging guard, with a Windwalker in a harness.

And that certain Windwalker was Liz.

She began to laugh and chirp when she saw Elise and Alex, her paws hitting the ground with excitement as her tails began to sway like flags in the wind.

"Woah girl." The guard said as he tried to calm Liz down, however, Liz was still trying to get to Elise and Alex.

Elise chuckled as she raised up a hand, "It's alright Ben, I'll handle Liz from here, you can help Lady Erica and lord Alexander enter the carriage."

The guard nodded as he handed Liz to Elise.