
Ten Thousand Birds of Song

Eight hundred years ago, a great comet shot through the solar system. It granted magic to everything it passed, setting into motion an entirely different history of humanity. In the present day, it is peaceful. However tensions are rising and terrible forces are rising from the shadows, threatening the fragile peace. Callum, however, is about to do something entirely new. Go to school. I wonder how that will go.

Claiomh · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
4 Chs

Chapter 1: Big Day

Warm dawn light streams through half-opened curtains onto Callum's sleeping form. His eyes slowly blink open. He yawns, pulling himself up from his bed's warm embrace and turning to the window. Normally Linnea would be in the yard hanging laundry at this time of the morning, but today there must be something else keeping her busy.

'Today's the day isn't it.' Callum thinks to himself while little birds flit about just outside the window. 'I'm not going to be back here for a while huh. I suppose that didn't really sink in until just now.' He tracks a little red bird as it ducks and dives around the others. 'Mom has taken me to the city a few times before, but this will be the first time I don't come back home before the day is up… It's a little frightening.' Just about two years ago, Linnea proposed that Callum attend a University in Rain City. She had taught him plenty enough over the years to get by in the city without issue, but living there was another beast entirely. 

"Cal I know you're perfectly comfortable on your own, but being a part of society for at least a little while and making a few friends is essential for your future. Plus you can train in a much better environment than you can up here." She had said with enough purpose to make him think that she had been planning this for quite a while. Ironic, since she was also the one who decided to raise him in the wilderness in the first place. Callum had accepted it up front since it was a ways off and he'd thought it would be interesting, but now with it hours away his nerves are getting the better of him.

'Grand Frontier University is what I think mom called it. She said it was "founded a while ago by an old friend of hers." Though "A while ago" and "an old friend" don't exactly narrow it down.' He chuckles to himself to ease the butterflies in his stomach, while his gaze shifts to the trail leading down the mountain, and he spots something extremely out of place.

A black sedan, much too large to have made it up the trail, sits neatly in the field in front of the porch. Callum doesn't recognize whose it is or how it could have possibly gotten there. As if on cue, Linnea's voice cuts through his focus from downstairs.

"Cal I can hear you shifting around up there, come down and say hello to your uncle!"

"Your ears are as good as ever aren't they Lin, I couldn't hear a thing." Another voice follows along behind hers, much quieter but still audible.

"No yours are just getting worse with age, old man."

"Oho I don't want to hear that from you of all people."

"Whatever, at least I don't look decrepit."

"I think you mean classy."

"Who taught you to be sassy, old man?"

"At the time she was a woman more than ten times my age…"

"Why you little…!"

Their banter continues as Callum gets out of bed and throws on the clothes he prepared last night. Nothing special, just a hoodie and jeans that weren't stained by grass and dirt. He didn't think it'd be a good idea to go out into the city looking unkempt. His eyes pass the collection of wooden practice weapons in the corner of the room, and he regrets that he won't get to train this morning. Quickly dressed, he makes his way downstairs to meet this supposed "uncle".

Meanwhile, Linnea and a peculiar looking older gentleman converse in the living room.

"Leaving aside my apparent age; how are things at the Border?" The older man's expression quickly grows serious, and Linnea's shifts to match.

"You know the North has never been much of a front, that's why I can handle it by myself. Did something happen?" Linnea answers confidently and the older man's expression softens. He lets out a sigh before continuing.

"You could say that. The Mountain Recluse in the far south has begun migrating, and the beasts are restless. The Southern Border has been pressured quite a bit recently, but it's still manageable. I was worried you might be getting overwhelmed." The older man gives Linnea a look that says it's not a big deal, but she's still a bit concerned.

"I know everyone down there is capable, but I can make a trip if you need me to-"

"No you stay here, it's better if they can trust that their back is safe." The older man cuts her off before she can finish her offer. "They'll be fine." Linnea isn't completely reassured but knows better than to press for more information. She trusts that if it was a big deal he wouldn't withhold anything from her. As she is about to change the subject, she hears Callum taking measured steps down the stairs.

"Cal just come down, you've met him before." The steps stop briefly, then start again much less carefully than before. The older man smiles and takes a more dignified posture on the sofa. Callum rounds the corner into the living room and stands awkwardly in the entryway.

"Why are you so nervous? Come sit and say hi to your Uncle Valor." Linnea beckons him over. He quickly takes a seat beside her and turns towards the older man, "Uncle Valor".

Callum isn't exactly nervous, just surprised. "Uncle Valor" is someone he remembers, at least vaguely. When Callum was still small Linnea had lots of people over, possibly to discuss the "Border" that Linnea is guarding up here in the mountains. In reality Linnea was trying to get advice on how to raise a child, but Callum doesn't need to know that.

Uncle Valor is someone he has seen multiple times, but not within the 10 years at the very least. His appearance is a little bit jarring at first glance, even to those who've met him before. He is a man standing at an above average height and build, and his face isn't very marked with age as you would expect from someone who was being teased for being "decrepit" just moments earlier. He holds an ornately carved cane in front of him, and is wearing a black blazer with intricate red embroidery. As he said, he does look very classy. The real surprising things are his features. His skin is bright red, while his hair and eyes are a just darker shade of red. Finally, he has large and distinct black horns pointed straight up out of his head.

Once Callum finishes taking in his uncle's appearance, he greets him kindly.

"Hi Uncle Valor, it's nice seeing you again after all these years." Linnea snickers at his formality.

"Oh you don't need to be so formal Callum, I've known you since you were barely taller than my knee and it would be uncomfortable if you acted like I was unfamiliar." Valor chuckles and Linnea nods in approval.

"Well alright… I assume you're taking me to Rain City?" Callum recalls his mom telling him something along those lines. She didn't say who it would be but at this point he can only assume.

"Yes, I'll be your sponsor at GFU." Valor tells him something completely new.

"What does that mean?" Callum's eyes light up with interest.

"I can explain." Linnea interjects and Callum's gaze instantly shifts to her. "Transfer students without a storied record trying to come into GFU require a sponsorship from someone that the University recognizes as important. Whether that means they're rich or powerful it doesn't matter, they just need to be important enough that they can vouch for you." She continues, "Uncle Valor here happens to fit the bill perfectly, and he was willing to be your sponsor. Of course if you don't perform, the University might kick you out, but I'm certain you'll be fine once you've got your foot in the door."

Callum processes that for a moment, and then nods, turning back to Valor with a newfound appreciation in his eyes.

"Thank you for this opportunity." All the anxiety he had been feeling disappeared into thin air, replaced by gratitude and a sense of responsibility. Doing it for himself was one thing, but performing because he wants to repay someone's kindness is not something he finds difficult.

"Oh no need to look at me like that, I'm benefiting from this just as much as you are. Plus this is no issue for me in the first place." He smiles benevolently and Linnea snorts, barely holding back a laugh.

A moment of silence passes as Linnea coughs and collects herself.

"Anyway, Cal, why don't you finish getting packed. Remember you don't need much, they provide a lot at the dorms right Valor?"

"Yes, you'll have all you need there, but most students prefer to have casual clothes on hand." Valor nods.

Callum stands and nods to Valor, before speed-walking back to his room to get ready.

"He's still not very talkative." Valor says, just as Callum rounds the corner.

"You'd think that, until we spar and he won't stop." Linnea leans back in her seat and sighs. Valor looks at her with curiosity clearly showing in his eyes.

"Is he really so great that you'd willingly spar with him? You've never been great at holding back."

"Hey I've gotten better!" Linnea snaps. "But yes… He's strong, stronger than any of us at that age."

"None of us knew each other that early." Valor corrects her.

"You get what I mean." Linnea looks at him solemnly and Valor realizes how serious she is.

"Well then he'll fit in just fine, there are a lot of exceptional kids in this generation." Valor reassures her and she smiles.

"Take care of him, Val."

"You know I will."

Linnea and Valor continue to converse for a while as Callum finishes his packing and returns downstairs.

"Are you ready?" Valor rises from the couch as Callum reenters the living room with his luggage. He nods and Valor turns to leave, gesturing for him to follow. Linnea is close behind.

"I need to give him something, Valor, so you go on ahead. It won't take long." Linnea stops Callum on the porch and Valor nods, continuing towards his car and taking Callum's luggage with him. She makes a haphazard waving gesture and the porch shifts and undulates directly beneath her hand. The wood folds and extends upward as a tendril and deposits something in her arms. She waits a moment, looking for recognition in Callum's eyes before holding it out to him. It is a large and distinctly sword shaped object wrapped in dark blue floral patterned cloth that Callum has a sneaking suspicion he has seen before, but can't quite place what it is.

"This is for you. There's two things on the inside." Linnea smiles and forces the wrapped object(s) into Callum's arms. It isn't nearly as heavy as it looks like it should be.

"What is it?" He quickly asks, pulling his eyes away from the hypnotic flower patterns.

"I'll give you a hint. You see it extremely often, every day even. I believe you'll also see it every day for the foreseeable future if I raised you well." Her long winded hint throws Callum's brain into the gutter, but he has an idea of what it could be.

"Could this be-?"

"Let's leave it at that. You'll know exactly what it is soon enough. Now don't keep your Uncle waiting, I can tell he's getting restless." Linnea points over at Valor waiting by his car, and he does seem to be fidgeting with his cane quite a bit.

"...Alright." Callum turns back to his mom with a conflicted look on his face. Linnea just smiles widely back at him.

"Getting cold feet?" She pierces straight through his hesitation, and he sighs, answering with confidence.

"No, this is going to be easy."

Linnea laughs and pulls him into an embrace. "Ok ok, don't get too confident." She pulls back and locks eyes with him for a final time. "I love you kiddo. You go kick some ass, ok?"

"Ok." Callum smiles and pulls away, feeling much more refreshed than before. "I love you too Mom. See you whenever."

"See you whenever." Linnea stands on the porch waving as he and Valor get into the car, turning as soon as Callum's form is blocked by tinted windows. She turns and heads back inside as Callum and Valor depart.


"So how is this getting us out of the forest?"

Erm so I added like 500 words because when I was writing chapter two I realized that I had a better endpoint for chapter one... Sowwy :)

(New stuff starts after "You know I will.")

Claiomhcreators' thoughts