
Year 2005

"We are neither mortal nor immortal Lewis, we only get to live for four hundred and fifty years."

Lewis chuckled lightly at Maxwell's words, his gold hair glimmering under the sun light. He had tied up a portion of his hair and let some loose ends fell seductively on his face and the rest tapered down to his shoulders.

Lewis, the second Prince of Bure, he was as gentle as a dove but whenever he got angry, he was as uncontrollable as a raging hungry wolf. He was known as the golden prince because of his blond hair, good heart and attractive features.

"Indeed Maxy, but four hundred and fifty years sounds quite immortal to me," Lewis said. "We get to live through different centuries."

"I've had enough of this argument," Maxwell said enjoying the company of his elder brother. "Shall we go for a horse ride in the woods?"

Lewis blue eyes shone with excitement and mischief. Around Maxwell, he always acted like a child.

He sprinted across the open courtyard and Maxwell took off after him, his long legs carrying him towards the stables. Lewis arrived at the stables door and waited for Maxwell to catch up with him before he shoved the door open.

"You have have quite the stamina my brother,"

They both turned to see Simon walking to their direction. "Going for a ride I see, can I tag along?"

"Simon, good to see you," Lewis said, his eyes searching for the perfect horse. "I see you managed to escape from the bosom of your mistresses."

"Your highness," Simon chuckled. "a man needs time to himself."

"I thought you were getting serious with the maiden from the Granger's family?" Maxwell inquired.

"Who?" Simon asked. "If I remember correctly they have about six daughters, five of which I've been with."

Maxwell made no answer as he mulled this over. He wondered if Simon would die without knowing what true love was. Perhaps it was better this way, for Maxwell would not wish for Simon to feel the kind of pain he felt everyday. Craving the one you love like a drug and wondering when she would come back to you.

Lewis called out, interrupting his thoughts. He waved his hand to him, indicating that they were ready to set off and he was delaying them.

Maxwell moved swiftly as he got on the horse waiting for him, the horse shifted under him as he sought for balance and he settled himself in the saddle.

Out in the bailey, Lewis raised his hand in a fist to signal to Maxwell and Simon to halt.

"Last one to get to the Meadow owes the rest a drink."Lewis said.

"Your highness, Ahh I think that's too small a bet," Simon whined. "How about the loser, which of cause won't be me, dresses like a lady for the rest of the day and also gets the rest a drink?"

"I believe that's too much of a punishment..."

"No, it's just perfect." Maxwell declared.

Maxwell and Simon were popularly known for being great competitors. It was hard to tell who was the better between the two of them, for they both exhibited the same qualities and courage.

"If you say so my brothers, but you both know that you're great warriors and very good with horses," Lewis admitted. "I will very much like a two minutes headstart."

They both nodded in affirmation and watched Lewis set off. They both waited patiently, listening to the sweet melody the birds sang and they whistled along with them.

"A minute and a half," Simon put his pocket watch back into his pocket. "Seems okay to me." With that, he rode off ahead of Maxwell, catching Maxwell off guard and making him swear.

Maxwell urged his horse forward in a bid to overtake Simon.

"Bastard!" Maxwell swore at him. "When I get my hands on you."

"Try and catch me first." Simon shouted in response.

A small girl rushed out of nowhere causing Maxwell and Simon's stallions to startle. They halted after calming their horses down. Maxwell jumped down from his horse and in two long strides, he was in front of the child.

He lifted the scared child up and inspected her body for any injury, he noticed her elbow was bruised, her red hair unraveled, dirt on her face and her eyes shut tight.

"Do not be afraid child," he said as he wiped the dirt from her cheeks with his thumb. "Open your eyes and tell me your name."

Her long eye lashes cast shadows on her cheeks as she slowly opened her eyes. Maxwell bit his lips hard as he held his breath, her emerald eyes caught him off guard. She looked like the child he had hoped to have with his Lady Anne.

"My name is..Mary," her voice shook. "Mary Loughty."

"How old are you?"

"Seven..I am seven years old."

Maxwell nodded, he picked the child up and put her on his saddle.

"Simon do you know the Loughtys?"

"The Loughtys? is she one of the Loughtys?"

"Yes, that is what she said."

"What is she doing here then?"

"That I do not know," Maxwell turned to the child. "What brings you here all alone child?"

The child looked at him for a split second as if studying him then she looked away and gave him no response.

"How dare..."Simon stopped as Maxwell shook his head at him. "I will ensure that I inform the Loughtys, that they need raise their daughter right."

Maxwell got on his horse and set the child properly at his front, in between his legs.

They changed course and headed to town to drop the child at her home.

"I love you."

"uhhmm?.." Maxwell looked at the child confused.

"I will marry you when I grow up." The child said again.

Maxwell laughed lightly to himself, what did the child know?

"Is that so Mary?"


"Why, are you not afraid of me. Did your parents not teach you to not trust strangers?"

"They did not teach me to not trust rich handsome strangers."

"Oh my is that so? how do you know I am rich?"

"From your clothes, they look expensive."

Maxwell laughed louder this time but chose to avoid the conversation. He watched her red hair bounce up and down as they continued their journey.

Simon stopped at a mansion that was almost as big as the palace and Maxwell halted along side him.

Two female servants rushed towards them in joy. An elderly woman and the other nothing less than 15, they helped bring the child down from the horse.

"Oh thank you sire, you are so kind." The elder woman said as she wrapped her hands around the child in an embrace.

"Let's be on our way now my prince, prince Lewis awaits our arrival." Simon said.

"Prince?" the younger servant exclaimed and they quickly bowed in respect to the prince.

"I will quickly go and inform the Lady of the house."

"No need for that, I have to be on my way now," Maxwell mounted his horse. "Tell the Man and Lady of the house that Prince Maxwell sends his regards." He cast one last look at the child before he rode away with Simon.

He rode fast trying to get the image of the child away from his head. They arrived at the same moment at the meadow, Lewis was seated under a tree waiting for them. He raised his head and smiled at them, they got off their horses and went to him.

"You finally made it, I asked for just two minutes headstart seems you gave me more than that."Lewis said.

"Something came up." Maxwell said as him and Simon sat beside Lewis.

"Well you both arrived here at the same time," Lewis smiled mischievous. "We'll stop at the tailors shop to pick up the female dresses and then we'll go and drink, you two will split the bills."