
A fake?


Eve was still shaken, her dazed state was so loud that Seth could see it. It was surprising for him to experience because, within the short frame of time he'd spent with Eve, he'd never seen her like that. He'd never seen her look phased, moved. He even noticed a hint of fear in her eyes.

After both cars had been brutally taken from them, he was also shocked that Eve didn't call for help or asked him to. Seth didn't call the police or asked for help, he merely remained where he watched and studied Eve.

She was crutched to the bare ground, sitting on it. She backed him, so he couldn't completely see her face. Seth wanted to see her face so badly that he moved to the side a little bit just to have a partial side view of her.

Her eyes were closed. What was she doing? or thinking about? Her lips were partially open. Her fingers closed these on the floor. It was a strange and unexpected sight for Seth to see and he was heavily invested with what he watched.

He had to nudge to reach to her and see how she was doing. It was obvious that the robbery he just made happen had hit Eve, his target really well. It was a brute idea from him but he was on a mission. And plus, an orchestrated robbery was to get Magnus and his men, who he worked for to get the infamous brute eve's recipe.

Now, Seth was sure that Magnus and his team were working on the recipe. Not only have Eve lost her multi-million dollar project, another company would be using her recipe. Eve wouldn't be able to detect, not until she tastes the drink. And if she wasn't lucky to taste it, she would be branded for copying her own thing. Seth had to place a dark smile at the edge of his lips.

But the smile disappeared when he heard a faint whisper come out of Eve. He couldn't believe it, was she crying? now Seth was fully invested in the view.



Eve subconsciously wiped the tear from the lid of her eyes, before it even dropped. She was shaking so much that it trembled Inside of her. She was relieved to be far from Seth, otherwise, he'd have noticed her stance.

The robbery that just occurred had violently thrown her back to her past afflictions, one she never want to remember. Her chest was beating so fast that she couldn't contain it. The mask the men wore, had caused her to time travel back to the past reenact the scary faces of the two people who slaughtered her family.

Eve was going number just thinking about the past, and the present. She couldn't help but to watch as the robbery replayed itself to her, over and over again. And as it did, her brain related it back to the night that dreaded her memory, the night she lost her family.

She was foolish for leaving her mouth open, now it got her loosing strength. It was because she was breathing through her mouth so vigorously. Her eyes soon became so rigid and wavy. She had to stand up, she had to move away from where she was, she had to go home, to her safe haven where she could do the three things that were her orthodox remedy.

She would scream out while casting her set of guitars on the wall, shattering them to pieces. Or, she could just sob silently as she played with her favorite guitar, the one her father got her. She named it peanuts, after the nickname her father gave her. She would sit on the floor silently and play the guitar, while singing her songs. Any of the two remedy's worked.

As Eve struggled to her feet, she didn't realize that she was very dizzy to stand. She almost fell, but seth was there to rescue her. She caught her by waist as she fell on his arms. Their eyes met, it became a scene that seemed to be In slow motion.

Seth was taken off guard by the scene he saw, it was her eyes. Her eyes were in the most vulnerable state he'd ever seen. They seemed to be in pain, deeper for some reason. Her eyes were glassy, and transparent. The fragile state of her eyes made them to appear almost spiritual.

She had such beautiful and tender eyes. As Seth was loosing himself to her beautiful eyes, he began to recall a memory that never left him. His gaze stiffened as a young girl's face came to him. They had the same eyes, Seth's heart skipped a beat.


" Let go of me. " Eve was gradually returning to her normal self as she fought from his hold. She soon stood on her own. She looked ill all of a sudden.

Seth was at the early stage of being dazed. He tried looking for her eyes, but Eve hid them on purpose.

" Are you okay? " Seth was forced to ask, and he genuinely meant it. " Do I need the call the police? or Ramone? "

" Don't call no one. " Eve began cleaning off dust from her body. She turned to leave.

Seth rushed and stood in front of her, " Where...where are you going? "

Eve gave a sarcastic smile, " To Bermuda... where do you think? "

Seth recognized that version of Eve immediately, " Just answer me. " He waved.

Eve brushed past him, and he followed her.

" Where are you going? " He asked again.

" To our initial destination! " Eve yelled, " Didn't I tell you to drive me home before this charade happened? " Eve was on another mood as she gestured to the scene of the robbery with a smile on her face.

Seth was surprised to see her smile. A second ago she looked like she was in the scene of a real life walking dead movie.

" It was a robbery Eve, not a charade. " Seth took the matter to heart as he seriously corrected her. He knew that she was trying to act like she was okay again, and was a very good actor. That got him thinking, what more was underneath the tough shell of Eve Rivera?

" Whatever happened to boss? I remember me being your boss. "

" I'm... I'm sorry, boss. " Seth said with a crooked voice.

" Now I have a party to attend with Diablo Morales.... that weird fuck, " Eve sighs as she wore her thick, big and dark shades.

Seth arched a brow, he was confused. " Party? "

" Yes, " Eve nodded, " My beautiful red dress is waiting for at home. "

Seth squinted hard, " You're thinking about a party right now? are you kidding me? "

" I am not. Now hurry along home assistant, I will be fine on my own. "

As Eve tried to exit for the second time, Seth held her back by the arm. It was firm, but light grip.

" What... what are you doing? "

" We just had our fucking car get hit and surrounded by three other cars... " Seth vehemently began, " We were at gunpoint... they stole the fucking recipe... and you're thinking about a party? " Seth wanted to understand.

Eve scoffed, " I'm getting late for the party. "

" Brute's recipe is gone! the fifty million dollar idea is gone, aren't you worried? " Seth's was in distress, trying to figure out the nature of Eve's surprise stance.

Eve adjusted her glasses and took a deep breath. " Really don't want to be talking about this with you, but since you're so adamant, I will. There's no need to be worried, everything's fine. "

" How? " Seth was becoming heavily concerned, " I don't understand.. "

" That wasn't the original recipe Seth...those fools stole a fake. "

That was when Seth's heart skipped a beat, " What? " He went into instant shock.

" Yeah, so don't be worried. If they process the ingredients on that file, they'll be drinking what piss and vomit would give birth to. Not to mention, its heavily acidic and harsh. "

Seth felt his head spinning and becoming heavy. " You gave me a fake recipe? why would you do that? "

" Are you more worried about that? "

Seth was still trying to understand what Eve revealed to him, " You gave me a fake? "

" You think I trust anyone? I don't even trust my own shadow. "

Seth couldn't believe it, the woman had fooled him. He was flabbergasted.

" So let them fool around, the recipe is safe with me. " Eve winked at him and began to move away.

Seth was so stunned that he just stood for a while, trying to grasp the truth. So here he was feeling secured that he just landed a major blow to eve, but in reality, he hadn't done anything?

Instead, he'd caused Magnus to deliver the recipe to Daint winery. If he doesn't do anything now, it would become trouble for him.

" Abort! " Seth screamed to Magnus on the phone.

" Is there a problem? " Magnus asked.

" A massive one, the recipe you stole us fake. "

it appeared that Magnus was also shocked, " Jesus Christ, "

" Yeah, if you don't want to waste your money and resources on puke and piss offspring, call it off. "

" We already have assigned teams to begin with the recipe.... it's fake? "

" Yes it is. " Seth was both pissed and marvelled.

" We already paid you for this Seth, what are you going to do? "

Seth felt the pressure, " Don't worry, I'll get the original. "

As he ended the call, he meant it. He would wait until she was at her party. Then, he'll break into her house and search for it.