
Temporary light



The sun was shining above, while the kids were playing outside. A fairy flew up to a child with long hair and green eyes.

"Ailwi, your mother wants you."

"Okay." said Ailwi with a smile.

Ailwi got ready to leave.

"You're, leaving already? We want to play with you a little longer" asked a kid.

"I will be back don't worry."

Ailwi ran to the small village he called home. The houses were small and wooden, some were even made of straw and clay. Wheels from carriages left marks in the dirt paths. Ailwi saw a cart in front of his home.

"Could it be?" thought Ailwi happily.

Ailwi ran into his house. And saw a tall man with white hair and green eyes behind the door.

"Dad, your back!" yelled Ailwi as he ran up to his father and gave him a hug.

The dad hugged him tightly.

"Hey Ailwi, how's my little guy!" said his father.

A woman who also had white hair and green eyes walked in while putting her hair into a ponytail.

"Ezekiel, put him down he's ten already, don't smother him so much." She said

"Come on Rebecca, he doesn't seem to mind."

Rebecca sighed.

"Oh, for the love of Njord fine."

Ezekiel got up and kissed Rebecca.

"You know I missed you too my love." Said Ezekiel softly.

Rebecca smiled and embraced Ezekiel.

Ailwi had a sour face.

"Eww, you two are so weird." He said.

Ezekiel turned around and tickled Ailwi.

"No, you're weird." Said Ezekiel jokingly.

"Now I remember why I called you, you feed Zues." Said Rebecca.

"Yes, ma'am"

Ailwi got the chopped-up veggies and put them in a bowl.

"Zues." He called.

Zues walked up and began eating. Ailwi began petting the unicorn while it ate.

"So free." He thought.

Then Ezekiel walked in.

"What are you thinking about Ailwi?" he asked.

"Hey dad, why can't I leave the forest?"

Ezekiel went silent.

"Where did this come from Ailwi?"

"I'm just wondering."

Ezekiel sighed, sat down next Ailwi.

"Since you're ten you should learn the truth. Humans don't take kindly to us elves." He said.


"Because they don't like anyone who wasn't a fellow human. We are more capable than them by nature. So, the fear us and what we could do."

"Why can't we all just get along."

"It's not that easy, but one day we will find peace between each other and allow them to enter the hidden forest. But for now, we need to wait."

"But if the humans don't like us then how come you can go out?"

"I wear a special hood that keeps them from seeing my face."

Ezekiel patted Ailwi on the back.

"Cheer up, like I said one day we will all become friends." said Ezekiel.

After Zues finished his food Ailwi met up with his friends.

"Ailwi don't do anything I wouldn't do." said Ezekiel.

"Yes sir."

Ailwi was playing tag with his brother.

  "I can't wait to grow up." said his brother.

"Me two Praxidike." said Ailwi.

"Look at my new magic Ailwi."

 Praxidike put his hands on the ground and grabbed the dirt. His hands began to glow, then a 7-foot tree popped out of the ground. Praxidike pulled his hand out of the ground and sighed.

"See how cool I am. When I grow up, I am going to become a noble guard of the forest." he said proudly.

Ailwi grabbed Praxidike's hand.

"That was so cool, you're amazing, no you are the greatest."

Praxidike blushed.

"Yeah I know."

Then a group of kids walked up.

"Do you guys want to play with us" asked one kid.

The brothers looked at each other.

"Yes of course." They said in unison.

The two followed the kids.

"We're going to play kryfto. So I will count and you will hide." Said a little girl.

"Eva, Ouo, Tpia, Teoopa, ttevte. Ready or not here I come."

As the girl was counting Ailwi was looking for a place to hide.

Ailwi looked at a tree. wind shot from his feet launching him into the air. After a couple of minutes he could see the other kids who were caught looking for him. Then Ailwi fell out of the tree. Before he hit the ground he made a small vortex to catch him.

"Hey that's cheating You can't do that." said the little who was counting earlier.

"What, you did it yesterday jasmine." said Ailwi.

"Well then, it's a new rule starting now."

Ailwi sighed.

"Fine." he said.

The kids kept playing till sundown.

Ailwi was eating dinner with his family then a horn sounded.

"The human are attacking!" yelled the man.

Ezekiel got his bow and whistled. Zues ran to the front of the house and Ezekiel got on.

"Rebecca, protect the kids!"

Rebecca nodded.

She grabbed Ailwi and Praxidike and left. The AIlwi let go and ran after Ezekiel.

"Ailwi get back here!" yelled Rebecca.

Then giant balls of fire formed in the night sky illuminating the forest.

All of them came crashing down.

Rebecca put up a force field.

A man on a horse with a sword charged at them. Ezekiel ran up and killed the man.

"Why are they doing this?! Yo-you said we could be friends!"

"We will talk about this later. Rebecca take them and leave now!"

Then a group of men ran towards them.

Rebecca ran with the kids deep into the fores