
Template System in Attack on Titan!

Rakesh was an average boy who died in a Truck accident, However, that was not the end at least for him see how he gets reborn as Eren Yeager and changes the course of event . Note- English is not my mother Tongue there may be many grammatical mistakes. Note- Pic is not my property and all credit goes to the Original Producer.

Akros_Zero · Anime et bandes dessinées
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45 Chs

Saving Mikasa

3rd Pov

It is around 4 P.m in the evening and in Shiganshina in a two-storeyed house, three people around a table are eating food. Two of them were Male while one of them being a Female. The First Male is an Adult that looks around 30 years of age with brown hair and brown eyes, the second male is a young boy around 9 to 10 years old and has darkish brown hair with green eyes, lastly, the only female who has a colored skin tone, tied brown hair green eyes and green eyes she also had a beautiful face with breasts of E-cup with a medium-sized A*s if an otaku or Pervert saw her he will say the word 'Milf!'. (Author's Note: Can't believe I am writing this so all those perverts who made Harem 1 win rejoice!)

They were Grisha, Eren, and Carla who were having supper.

Eren: Father so will you leave today for diagnosis?

Grisha: Yes son I will leave for the diagnosis of Mrs. Ackerman who is pregnant.

Carla: Darling, Will you come late today?

(Author's note: Don't worry my pervert readers Carla will definitely go to Eren's Harem! So praise thy Great Author!)

Grisha: Yes Carla I will come home late today as Ackerman's house is quite far so it will take a lot of time.

Eren: Father can I come with you?

Both Carla and Grisha who were eating raised their eyebrows at Eren's Request.

Grisha: Eren why do you want to come with me?

Eren: Father I want to just explore and see a new place.

Hearing his response Carla shouted.

Carla: Eren you won't be going anywhere! What if you get injured? What if you get lost? It will be late at night when your father will arrive at the House so won't you will feel sleepy? You will be tired and what if your Health gets deteriorated?

Eren felt like Crying because her mother gave so many reasons against him going out with Grisha. Although he doesn't argue back his mother a lot and it rarely happens but thinking about Mikasa and her finally he knows that he needs to go otherwise due to the butterfly effect Mikasa might get sold as a slave or worse dies.

Eren: Mother please I want to see the forest and the hills.

Carla: It will be nighttime or late in the evening when you will arrive there so you won't be able to see the view anyway not to mention you go out almost every day near the forest to play so you won't be going out.

Eren seeing he his losing the argument looked at him with a face that expressed,' Please Help me!' but his father turned his head sideways with a look,' You are on your own seeing that his father isn't helping him he cursed under his breath," You traitor".

Eren Pov

On seeing that his father has refused to help him in the argument against his mother he cursed under his breath,' You traitor'.

Eren sighed and looked at his mother who was pouting with a displeased and a bit angry expression, looking at his mother who is Milf is pouting he really wanted to say,' Why are you pouting like a loli?', thought Eren but gulped his words and quickly started thinking of a plan to win the argument and got a fantastic idea.

Eren smirked inside and looked at her mother making a pitiful face and said," Mother! If you will let me go with Dad I promise that I won't go out to play for 1 month!".

Carla got a bit shocked and thought for a bit and replied, "Really? Son are you sure after all I know how much you like to play".

Eren: Mother I promise!

Carla: Very well son! If you stay with me at home for 1 month you can go out with your dad.

Eren smiled and sighed thankfully his plan worked as for why his mother agreed and believed him so easily is due that he never lied to her according to her or his lies never got caught though most of the lies were related to his reincarnation directly or indirectly so he really didn't lie her about anything else in his whole new life not only her but also to others.

3rd Pov

Carla's expression changed from angry to an expression like she is in bliss and on seeing her expression Grisha couldn't help but think,' She never had this expression when we climaxed during the S*x and now she is having such an expression just because of my Son's word *Sigh* My son will be a ladykiller in future if this continues well after all he inherited my genes so being Handsome is normal!'.

While Grisha was thinking about his son being a lady killer Carla was having other thoughts,' Kyaa! I will get so much time to spend with my son! I can kiss him a lot! Don't worry Eren Mama will give you lots of love during that time!'.

(Author's Note: You guys don't know how much I fried my brain to write this bullsh*t)

Eren on seeing that his mother is in a daze shouted," Mother!", and Carla got out of her thoughts and said," Yes?".

Eren: Mother so can I go with father?

Carla: Very well you can go with your father.

Eren finally relaxed and thought,' Finally I can meet Mikasa and I will save her and her family! Still, I won't be able to exercise for a month *Sigh* I guess a small price to pay for the greater good'.

Grisha on seeing that Carla agreed without agreeing with him and without his consent couldn't help but say," Dear what about my opinion? I haven't agreed yet".

Carla on hearing his words looked at him with a scary face and said," Fufufu, You haven't agreed huh?".

Grisha on seeing her scary face gulped and cursed inside,' I miss the days with Carla was submissive, It's all my fault! Why do I have to punish myself and awaken the Alpha inside Carla, if I don't agree with her I will be sleeping on the floor next week! I don't have any choice other than to accept,'.

Grisha: Don't worry dear! I have agreed! Eren can go with me!

Carla's face changed back to normal while both Eren and Grisha sighed.

2 hours later...

It was around evening and both Eren and Grisha reached Ackerman's House. Grisha and Eren both were gasping for air.

Grisha: Eren! Why did you run away?! I have to run after you so you won't get lost!

Eren: Sorry Father I was just a bit excited and wanted to arrive earlier so I can see the view and it's not completely dark yet too!

Grisha: I will punish you once were return home!

Eren couldn't refute and couldn't say his mother's name to scare him after all he is pretty sure she will too reprimand him once she will know that he might have lost though he did this to arrive early and avoid the tragedy.

Grisha sighed and went towards the door of the Ackerman's house and tapped the door a few times but got no response he held the handle of the door and saw the door was open. He pushed the door and saw a gruesome scene.

Blood was spilled on the floor and a body of a dead man lay on the floor. Grisha became shocked.

Eren on seeing his shocked face got a bad feeling and saw inside and after seeing the scene he became shocked and horrified after all it was his first time seeing a dead person in real.

System: It is noticed that host is shocked, surprised, bewildered, horrified, and afraid, Report- Skill Calm Mind has taken effect and is making the Host calm. Skill's Passive effects, Decision making, 3 times thought acceleration, and lessened emotions have been activated.

(Authors Note: They are effects of Skill Calm Mind)

Eren heard a voice that he was familiar with. It was his System's voice and just like System Reported he became abnormally calm and his thoughts became clear and he got back full control of his body again.

Eren's Pov

3 Times Thought Acceleration

' Why?! Why? This happened! It didn't occur this early in the plot there should be still at least an hour left! F*ck this is my mistake! I should have known it! The butterfly effect is already has occurred I thought it will occur after I will save Mikasa and her family! I am a fool!', thought Eren.

Grisha quickly runner towards the body which was Mr. Ackerman's and checked his pulse.

Grisha: He is dead, blood is still hot so he must have died a few minutes ago.

Eren wanted to blame himself more after hearing that Mikasa's father really died but calmed himself and decided to search for Mikasa and her Mother after all he still can save them,' I need to save Mikasa and her Mother after all there is no the body of Mikasa's mother like in the original and he hoped that she didn't die like the original.

Grisha: Eren! Let's go from here and report it to the scouts! This must be the work of the slave traders!

Eren: Father I want to stay here!

Grisha: Eren!!!

Eren: Father I am tired and can't run anymore and slave trader must not be that far from here! I will just burden you! You should go and report to the scouts so we can save Mrs. Ackerman!

Grisha on hearing Eren's words knew that he was right so he sighed and said," Very well Eren I will go but you will stay here! and close the doors and windows and don't move from here till I come! Understand?!

Eren: Yes father!

Grisha nodded and knew that Eren almost always obeyed the orders so he quickly ran to the nearest scout post he knew.

Eren after seeing that his father has went away far a bit that he won't be able to see him he quickly jumped on the roof of the house easily and looked all around the forest but couldn't see the cabin in which the Slave trader kept Mikasa in the original plot. He gritted his teeth and spoke," System Help me! I need to find Mikasa quickly! For all God knows she must already have been far from here or worst can die!".

(Author's note: All who want to curse Eren for being useless Mc and cant save Mikasa without System curse all those who voted for Harem 1)

System: Host you can buy a map function for 1000 shop points but you only have 34 SP so does the host wants to take a loan?

Eren: Yes take a loan! I don't care just help me point out Mikasa's current location!

System: Task Received! Carrying out the task... Done! The host can see the mental map!

Eren saw a hologram-like map appear in front of his eyes and could see the Mikasa's location on the map.

System: The target is around 700 meters away from here.

Eren quickly jumped to the ground and dashed towards Mikasa's location.

Inside the Cabin

Slave Trader Boss: Did you kill her by mistake?!

Slave trader Lackey 1: No boss! She was disturbing us a lot so we just gave a small wound near her stomach she will be fine after some treatment and her face is still intact so it won't lower her price.

Slave Trader Boss: Okay, I will be doing out to pee and after I return we will give her treatment so she won't die by any chance.

Slave Trader Lackey 2: Boss can I R*pe her and enjoy her before selling?

Slave Trader Boss: Yes both of you can enjoy her body however only after her injuries are healed and don't R*pe her now in case she dies!

Slave Trader Lackey 1: Thank you, Boss!

Slave Trader Lackey 2: Thank you, Boss!

The Boss left outside to pee while both of the lackeys started talking to each other.

Slave Trader Lackey 1: This girl will fetch a good price after all women with black hair and black eyes are rare and some Nobel who has a Fetish for F*cking young children will buy her at a high price.

Slave Trader Lackey 2: Yup you are right about that!

While both of the slave trade were talking Mikasa's eyes slowly opened and saw that she was bounded by ropes and saw blood near her mother's body and thought that her mother died too. Her eyes became lifeless.

Soon a knock was heard on the door.

The slave traders thought it was their boss so the lackey 1 opened the door.


A knife was stabbed inside the chest of the lackey 1 directly at the heart and he died and fell on the floor. Lackey 2 and Mikasa saw the scene and became surprised.

Lackey 2: What the!

Eren quickly approached him and he couldn't react and stabbed in his neck and lackey 2 died too.

Eren shifted his face towards Mikasa's mother Misha and saw a bit of blood near her stomach his eyes widened fortunately on seeing Misha's face he found that she is still breathing and sighed in relief.

Eren mentally asked System,' System is Mikasa's mother's life is not in danger right?'

System: Don't worry host her life is not in danger for now and if she is treated in 2 hours she will be fine.

Eren relaxed on hearing the System's Reply and took the knife out of Lackey's dead body, he brought this knife of uncommon grade from the system on loan on remembering that he hadn't brought any weapon and cant reveal his monstrous strength and use his shield now.

If not for his Skill Calm mind which helped him make the right decisions and thought acceleration otherwise he definitely would have used his Shield or his monstrous strength and if Mikasa or her mother have seen that then he would have been exposed and many problems would have arisen.

He went towards Mikasa and saw her eyes were lifeless and thought,' She must have thought her mother died too', and untied her ropes.

Eren: Don't worry you are safe now.

Mikasa: There was a third one!

Eren acted surprised and soon heard a voice from behind and saw the third slave trader.

Slave Trader Boss: You piece of Sh*t! I will kill you!

The slave trader ran towards Eren and tried to choke him against the walls.

Eren,' I can't believe I am doing this' thought Eren after all he remembered there was a third one and he wanted this scene like the Original so Mikasa can awaken her Ackerman Bloodline. Thankfully he saved at least Mikasa's mother but her father died due to his carelessness and understood that he can't save everyone at least alone and he needed a reliable, strong, and loyal comrade to help him and who is better than Mikasa? Third Strongest human after him and Levi and the fact she is thinking her whole family died will make her at least loyal to him.

He knows that it is a B*stard move but he can't change Sh*t if he becomes goody two shoes and he needs comrades like Armin who are loyal to him and help him in the future.

Eren: Fight! Pick up the Knife!

Boss: Shut up! You Sh*t!

Mikasa: I ca...cant! I won't be able to!

Eren: We both will die! Fight!

Mikasa shiveringly took the knife in her hands but still couldn't stab the Slave Trader.

Eren: Fight!!! To survive! Fight!

Mikasa suddenly felt a jolt of lightning running throughout her body, her body and mind became calm her goal was clear and she stabbed the Slave Trader killing him.

Slave Trader Boss: AuuwA!

After Eren breathed air he looked toward Mikasa and said," Your mother is alive".

Mikasa's eye opened in shock and another knock was heard.

Grisha: Eren! I told you not to...

He stopped midway and saw the dead bodies around and became shocked.

After a few minutes

Eren has already explained to his dad all that happened and that Misha is alive.

His father handled the scouts about his son's killing and said that it was self-defense and since he was the miracle doctor they left the case though they made a report of it.

Grisha: I have patched her wound, we just need to take her to the infirmary and a few days rest will make her normal though it will take a few months for her wound to heal and the news of her husband's death will break her.

Grisha then looked at Eren, any normal parent would reprimand his child if he killed someone at such early age however he didn't after all he knows that Eren would need to kill many people in the future and how dangerous the world is,' He doesn't look like that adverse to killing and that is good, Eren is like how I want, he wants to join the scout and if he is strong on joining the scouts so there won't be any problem, I just need to make sure Carla doesn't make him adverse to the idea of killing', thought Grisha.

Scout 1: Sir here is the bed, we can take her to the infirmary.

Scout 2: We will check the dead body tomorrow.

Grisha nodded and said to Eren and Mikasa," Let's go".

Eren nodded and holds the hand of Mikasa to which Mikasa responded by making the grip stronger, after walking a bit she said," Its too cold".

Eren looked at her and understood it was autumn so it was cold and due to his endurance he didnt feel cold but Mikasa did and thankfully his Mother gave him a scarf which was a black one and like the original he wrapped the scarf around Mikasa and said," Its warm now right?".

Mikasa looked at Eren with small sparkles in her eyes and nodded.

Eren,' I gave her scarf like the original though it is black colour* Sigh* today was a tiring and long day'.

To be continued...

(Author note: My Fan died today, R.I.P Fan, so I am writing this story while It is too hot and sweating buckets not to mention the long chapter so there was a bit delay today. Anyway all vote on the previous chapter for the Novel/ Fanfic you guys want and don't be stingy and comment a lot just don't spam it)