
Template Aizen Sosuke's in Naruto

Переродиться в Наруто и стать братом Учиха Шисуи, потомком Учиха Кагами. Открытие входа Учиха Лу - это шаблон Айзен Сосуке! Третий Хокаге: Лю, хороший мальчик с хорошим характером. Учиха Фугаку: Лю, ты должен стать связующим звеном между семьей и деревней. Учиха Шисуи: Брат! Я хочу использовать Котоамацуками, чтобы изменить ваши неправильные мысли! Учиха Итачи: Независимо от того, насколько мрачна деревня, я всегда буду Учиха Итачи, ниндзя Конохи. Учиха Лю снял очки и вытер руки лаком для волос. «Отныне я буду стоять в небе!»

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25 Chs

Chapter 15 Hōgyoku absorbs the soul!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke.


Both Jōnin died in the hands of Uchiha Lue.

After having gained a lot of skill proficiency, he unexpectedly awakened Mangekyō Sharingan.


Uchiha Lue is ready to complete the final step.

Soul harvest!


The shape is a mysterious gem shining with blue and black light.

It can absorb and manifest the heart of the things around itself, and can protect the host's body from death. When the host's ability reaches its limit or its life is threatened, Hōgyoku can make the host evolve endlessly to the next meta-realm!

The BUG artifact in the Shinigami world!

It is now in an unlocked state.

According to the instructions of the system.

Uchiha Lue needs to absorb a lot of souls to unlock Hōgyoku.


Holding Hōgyoku in his hand, it emits a gloomy light.

They were shrouded in the bodies of Sarutobi Shinnosuke and Troy.

After a while.

With transparent energy, it flows continuously from the corpse.

Eventually absorbed by Hōgyoku.

[Hōgyoku absorbs the soul of a Jōnin, not unlocked] [Hōgyoku absorbs the soul of a Jōnin, not unlocked]"Sure enough, this level of soul is still far from enough."

Uchiha Lue put away Hōgyoku.

But he was not in a hurry.

After all, Aizen's template itself is already very powerful.

in addition.

Soon there will be the third Ninja World War.

War means dead.

At that time, he can reap his soul wildly!

Squeeze the remaining value of the two Jōnin completely.

Uchiha Lue casually released a Fire Style to destroy the corpse.

After that, he carried Yurihong and Shizune who were sleeping.

Leaving the Daming Mansion.


Konoha Shinobi Village.

Hokage building.


"My son!"

Third Hokage let out an extremely painful wailing.

"The enemy is Cloud Shinobi's Magnet Style Blood Succession Limit Ninja Troy."

"After Sarutobi Shinnosuke's battle with the enemy, both sides died together…"

"The daimyo of Yunokuni was unfortunately involved in the Jōnin battle and lost his life."

"The fourth shift failed…"

Shimura Danzō looked at the task report in his hand with an incredible expression on his face.

Third Hokage deliberately arranged to give his son the A-level task of "brushing merit".

Never imagined that the latter would never go back.

"These goddamn Cloud Shinobi ninjas!!!"

Third Hokage squeezed the pipe in his hand, and there was a raging anger between his brows!

However, the white temples of Madara showed an old face.

But it gives people a feeling of sluggishness.

The Konoha Shinobi of the past is still old after all.

if not.

Now he should immediately put on the battle uniform and lead a large army directly to avenge the Cloud Shinobi Village!

Instead of just yelling and cursing like it is now.

"Hiruzen, don't you think this mission is a bit strange?"

Shimura Danzō questioned: "According to intelligence, the purpose of Cloud Shinobi should only be to break the agreement between Konoha and Yunokuni. There is no need to smash to the end. What is the reason for the two Jōnin to die?"

"Danzo…what are you trying to say?"

Third Hokage's eyes were bloodshot, and he was extremely angry.

"What did the three subordinates of Shinnosuke say?"

Shimura Danzō asked.

"The three Genins were hit by the enemy's illusion as soon as they came up, almost knowing nothing!"

Third Hokage said impatiently.

In his opinion.

The battle between Jōnin.

Genin had no room to intervene at all.

It's pretty good to be able to come back alive.

"Everyone has been hit by an illusion, don't know anything?"

Shimura Danzō narrowed his eyes and continued: "The other two imps are normal, but Uchiha Lue definitely has a problem!"

"Do you have any actual evidence?"


"Then what are you talking about!"

Third Hokage was upset and irritable at this time.

Don't want to listen to the other party's conspiracy theory at all.

Uchiha Lue is a good student certified by his son and can be trusted.


Shimura Danzō had nothing to say for a while.

He has a natural prejudice against the Uchiha clan.

It's the kind of egg that can pick out the bones.

The problem is.

Uchiha Lue is so perfect.

There is nothing wrong with it!

This gives Shimura Danzō a sense of inexplicable unreality.

the other side.

Cloud Shinobi Village Raikage personally led a team of Anbu.

Come to the daimyo mansion in Yunokuni.

Looking at the destroyed battlefield in front of him.

Raikage fell into a long silence.

At this moment, in his heart.

There is also the same question as Hokage.


Troy wants to fight Konoha Shinobi desperately?

His task is only to break the agreement.

This weird battle.

What secrets are still hidden?

"Report that Lord Raikage, Senior Trojan and the corpses of the enemy Konoha Shinobi were all burned by the powerful Fire Style."

"The Sarutobi family are good at Fire Style, which is probably used by the enemy."

"Senior Troy used Magnet Style to attract the enemy before he died, and eventually both were burned to death by Fire Style. The battle deduction should be like this…"

Cloud Shinobi Anbu got a conclusion after a period of field surveys.

Raikage frowned, and seemed to disagree with this inference.

"Look again to see if Troy left any secret signs."

Troy is known as Jōnin in Cloud Shinobi Village.

He didn't believe that before the other party died, there was no information left.

"Master Raikage! We only found this…"

Cloud Shinobi Anbu carefully held a small piece of Wind Demon Shuriken.

"This is...."

Raikage took it in his hand and took a closer look.

I found that blood was used on it, and a word was vaguely engraved-slightly


"What's the meaning?"

"Strategy? Is it Konoha's conspiracy?"

Raikage was puzzled.

"Take it back and let the secret signal team read it carefully!"