
Tempest of the Battlefield

Wang Tong couldn’t wait to live his college life - girls, parties, and the dorm life - everything he had ever dreamed of. But, instead of a letter of admission to the college, he had received a ticket to the planet Norton and a contract with the Confederation as a space settler. Soon after his arrival, the Zerg overran the planet and obliterated its defenses in a matter of moments. What awaited Tong on Norton was more than just an unbearable environment - its gravity alone was five-times stronger than earth - there were also swarms of bugs, constant hunger, thirst, and desolation... Venture into the Tempest of The Battlefield, unlock the secrets within the mysterious space crystals, and meet the legendary Blade Warriors and the potent sword combat tactic: "Ultimate Tactics of the Blade: 256 Genome Nuclear Force". An honest and humble low-tier robot and a ghost with a mouth full of nonsense both teamed up with Wang Tong in a fight for survival against all odds.

Skull Elf · Romance
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678 Chs

Hang In There

Éditeur: Hitesh_

The attractive field medics that accompanied Wang Tong everywhere had attracted many soldiers' attention. The way they stared at Wang Tong and fluttered their lashes convinced everyone that all four medics had something for him.

There were the attractive four medics, and there was Heidi. Her beauty was not for the mortals' eyes. Luckily, she was with Karl and Flash on the X-6 mission, so the human soldiers wouldn't have to stomach the envy of watching Wang Tong and the goddess' interactions. 

All the space warriors worshiped Wang Tong as their hero; however, the officers didn't share the soldiers' admiration. The commanding officers were all full of themselves and snobby toward the METAL warriors on their ships, much less an outsider such as Wang Tong. 

There were even rumors about something fishy going on between Wang Tong and Samantha. The two generals were very pleased by the spreading of these rumors; their smear tactics had worked well.