
Teleported to a magical world

Heather is a nineteen year old young lady which life change drastically after mistakenly teleported into a magical dimension. This dimension hold a magical school which trains Magical people to use their powers to fight villains in dysheria. Will heather be able to survive the intimidation of not having powers. Or will she overpower or surpass her mate and reveal the mystery of dysheria

Alicia400 · Fantaisie
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Angry janitor

Heather sprang in action after realizing the disaster she has caused. She accidentally tripped on her untied shoe laces causing her to fall on the janitor who was mopping the third floor of the school.

The bucket filled with water flew pouring the soapy water very where. The janitor fell flat on his face and immediately got up when he saw that the girl who caused that accident running. He immediately chased after her with anger surging within him.

Heather could feel the janitor chasing after her with an immense anger she cursed knowing she is in big trouble.luckily there was no one in the school since it was already after school day (closing time). If they was still some students in the school she will be more than embarrassed.

"Sir am sorry it was an accident, I did not do it intentionally" she screamed while running.

"Ohh wait let me get my hands on you, you are going to regret this" the janitor said threatening the clumsy girl.

"Pls sir I did not do it on purpo...." She said as she tripped on her shoe laces again making the angry janitor to catch up with her.

He grabbed her by her arm aggressively with anger. He then pinned her on the nearby wall. "Lucky me no one is around to save you from me, you are going to pay either with broken bones or your body or even both" the janitor said eyeing her body with his eyes.

"Pls sir am s.. so...sorry" heather tried to talk but he was strangling her neck really bad.

The janitor started licking her neck and this hands started moving to her thighs.

Heather tried to set her sef free from his hold but he was to strong. His tongue was licking her ears and his hands was on her laps. She widened her eyes now realizing what he meant by her paying for what she has done with her body. Anger snapped through her as she swiftly hit his groin and he scream with agonizing pain.

She used to opportunity to set her self her self free from him and tried to run but he grabbed her again and pinned her on the wall again he raised his hand to hit her when his hands stopped mid air it seems someone held his from behind.

heather peeked through the janitor shoulder to see who it seems.

"D.. dylan" she shocked seeing dylan holding the janitor hands and pushed him away from her.

" Are you out of your mind?, why are you trying to hit a lady" fuming dylan questioned the angry janitor.

"she fell...." the janitor was caught of his words by dylan.

"I don't need to listen to your silly excuse". Dylan cut him off annoyingly.

the janitor then mumbled with some unknown words. for sure it was a curse words. " say any words again I will make sure you lose your job and no one in new york will employ your sorry butt.

the janitor simply worked off knowing if he stood there for any more second dylan will ruin his life suppose he is the mayor son.

l did not do it intentionally, I mistakenly tripped on my shoe laces and all this happened.