
Teenwolf: Mage

After waking up to an unexpected encounter and new friends Oliver Fenris makes his way to Beacon Hills and builds his pack to claim his own spot in this world.

Ashtin_Pratt · TV
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11 Chs

Power of a Pen

"Shit i know i packed one, where is it?" i hear the girl murmur as i do a light chuckle and walk over to the counter "Hi im Ezra Belserion and im here to pick up my schedule please." The front desk lady asked me to have a seat while she looks for it. So naturally i sat a seat away from the main heroine of the first 3 seasons.

"Im pretty sure that whatever youre looking for isn't in there if you've taken everything else out already" i tease pointing at the ever growing stack of papers and books on the chair next to her. She looks up at me making eye contact for a second then she just slumps her head down.

"Sigh its the first day and i was in a rush and i forgot a pen." I chuckle at the idea she realizes now instead of after she got into the classroom. Taking out a pack of multi coloured pens i hand her a black and a purple one and tell her "Keep em." She flashes a smile and takes the pens while thanking me.

"Thank you so much youre a life saver. My name is Allison, Allison Argent."

"Ezra, Ezra Belserion. You must be new to the area right?"

"Yes i am, how could you tell?"

"You have an incredibly beautiful face and in a town like that i would've definitely remembered. "

She blushes as the counter lady comes back with my schedule. I begin to stand and say my farewells in french "~Well Ms. Argent i hope we see each other around the halls. Otherwise itd be a shame if this is the last time i saw your cute smile.~" Her face turns a shade of pink as she responds likewise back in French.

I grab my schedule and head to my first class and notice im quite early. So i sit next to the famous protagonist window seat. I remember birds flying through so i don't want to sit right next to it, but i enjoy the view. One by one the students start coming in the room and i tell people the seats next to me are reserved.

6 minutes before the first bell i notice a blonde girl in a sweater walk in and she nervously looks around the room before spotting me and the tension in her shoulders drop as she smiles. She makes a beeline for the window seat and doesnt make eye contact with anyone else.

"Erica c'mon you cant make friends if you cant look people in the eye" i tell the underconfident girl. I met Erica in the 7th grade when she had her first seizure. Naturally being asshole teens people started avoiding her but luckily i was her Scarlett knight to protect her from verbal abuse and that made her cling to me in classes.

"I dont want to hear that from the guy with two friends" she jokes back at me and i can tell she wants to continue but her attention is divided as two guys come bursting in the classroom like they just ran a marathon. They took two seats by the other end of the class. The 2nd to last person to walk in the class was Greenburgh and as sorry as i feel for him when he tries to sit next to me i told him it was reserved. He nodded and moved to the only other available seat in front of Scott.

"Why'd you tell him it was reserved?" Erica inquires of me.

"Simply put, the teachers here love picking on him and i dont want that anywhere near my nap times."

"Its so unfair how you dont even try but maintain perfect grades."

"Its all in the genes love, and my mom is as bad as a dragon when it comes to a single bad grade."

She shakes her head in understanding when finally Allison walks in. I had my head down by this point because i knew she'd sit next to me. I keep my head down when i finally feel someone poking my shoulder. I roll my head to find a smiling Argent waving at me.

"~(French) Well Ms. Argent we meet again."

"~Haha it surely seems so Mr. Belserion, thank you for the pen again."

"~My my Ms. Argent if youre so adamant about thanking me for the pen how about buying me a cup of Boba after school."

"~Well aren't you the quick worker." she giggles "~Id love to." I was gonna keep flirting when our homeroom teacher finally walks in and starts doing his beginning of the year speech.

So i did what i always do.. took out my pens and starting drawing. Sometimes i mix in enchantments to make certain colours blend better or pop and sparkle when you look at it. When i asked for dexterity i didn't think it'd give me Godly hand skills.

"Ahem Mr. Belserion its the first day of class and youre already not paying attention. Mind sharing your skills with the rest of the class?"

I dont mind. In fact i hold out the book for the class to see and needless to say everyone except Erica was shocked to see just how lifelike my drawing is.

I drew a picture of Allison smiling playing with her pens. Looking over at her i can see her faintly blushing while Scott seems to be constipated with that look he's giving me.

Even the teacher was do stunned by my work that he drops the matter and i take the page out of my book and pass it to Allison who smiles and places it in the plastic part of her Binder cover. I think she was very impressed. The bait has been thrown so lets see if she bites.