
The Start Of A New Experience #1

As I strolled down the sidewalk with my hands in my pockets all I was thinkking was,

'Ahh, why couldn't I just get mind control or technopathy or any other myriad of subtler and more useful powers than this?' And what power am I referring to when I say this? Make a guess.

The most generic superpower of all superpowers; Telekinesis.

Now you might be thinking, 'But Dick, telekinesis is such an amazing and versatile ability with a huge variety of effects! Enhanced Physical abilities? Check. Long range attacks? Check. Cool factor? Double check."

Oh you innocent, naïve person, why would you think the world would ever be nice to us cool people? (Read: Chuuni)

You have no idea of the absolute pain it brings to live with an ability like that in your possession. No matter how much I belittle it, to have such power at my fingertips and have to endure not using it is cruel torture, but endure I must. This is not the 12th century, where I could have a cult build itself around me just by showing some tricks, this is the 21st century, an era of logic where stupidity is rampant and cameras are everywhere.

Really though, unless I want to go hiking into the wilderness I can't find any place to actually practice my powers. The fact of the matter is that I'm inevitably gonna be abducted in my sleep if I'm ever seen by the multitude of secret shady private organizations while I'm practicing my T.K.

That lead me to have to practice it in my room, the only safe haven in this horrible world. After doing so I was able to figure out how to use my powers, their minimum and maximum parameters and how to improve them. Unlike in those fantasy novels, or fanfictions where people compare their Esper ability to muscles, as far as I could determine mine is dependent mostly on my emotional state.

Anger and frustration can enhance my raw power enough so I can go from being able to lift my dad's car a few inches off the ground, to lifting my brother's pick-up truck up until it was parallel to the roof in one burst.

I have no clue why but sadness enhances my range, with the maximum going from it's regular 100 meters up to 500 meters.

Happiness and joy give me more a sort of macro control over my power, making it so I can control it fluidly, making sure it doesn't just lash out accidentally, allowing me to do stuff like juggle 10 different balls at the same time.

Being hyper focused allows me more micro control, letting me change the shape and some of the more obvious properties of objects, at least only for now. For example, if I tried to bend a spoon while happy, it would only bend one time over and pushing it would turn it into a pretzel, while if I did it while I was calm I could make it look like a piece of art. Comparatively, if I did it while angry, the spoon would just squish into a metal ball.

Being calm is the way to go though, with it giving me a moderate enhancement in every aspect of my power compared to the other emotions that more specialized in a certain field. Thus, I've been doing some meditation which has actually been pretty fu-


As I try to get my bearings straight from the impact, I look upwards towards the stranger. I could see blood-red hair, huge eyebags, and bloodshot red eyes that were staring at me as if they won the lottery and I was their ticket.

"I found you. I found you. I finally found you. Hahahaha, HAHAHAHA, I found you!" A dark grin stretched across his face as he kept repeating the same thing and all I could think at that point was-

'Nopenopenope, gottagofast!' And I got off my butt and hauled ass.

As I instinctively used my T.K to enhance my enhance my speed, I could hear that maniac's laughter petering out in the distance and I sighed in relief. Looking back at his rapidly dwindling figure I thought to myself,

'Ha, eat my dust, psycho!'

I partook in my elation for a few minutes until I looked forward and myself running straight at him again. All I felt was dread as I skidded to a stop and rapidly started backtracking, at least until I felt myself lock into place, barely able to breathe. In a nasally voice, he started speaking with a fanatical tone.

"Ah, youth, always so full of energy. How absolutely delectable! Well, boy, go on! Fiora seems to have much faith in you, so so will I! Come, I'm standing right here! Come and end my horrid existence!"

I couldn't move.

I couldn't speak.

And so I couldn't start running when I saw his patience grow thin, presumably by my silence.

"What, is that it? Is this all the challenge the fabled Aster of the Luminescence poses? I suppose your spirit must be weakening by every cycle."

As he said those words, for reasons unknown to myself, I felt raw, and vulnerable as anger roared inside, not wild as before but much sharper and more focused.

His smile dimmed, his features grew softer, his voice lower, "What a cursed existence, suffering for millennia without purpose or belonging."

Pride and indignation at my circumstances surfaced in my heart.

With a sympathetic face, completely at odds with his previous psychotic expression before, he says, "But don't worry, I shall end this cycle and put you to rest."

And so I screamed, letting all of my fear, my anger, and my power flow through me until I felt empty inside. Darkness swam over me and I saw no more.

Bit of an infodump and abrupt encounter, but I'm making literally everything up as I go along so expect the story to be chaotic lol. If you guys have any cool ideas, comment it and I'll see if it can fit.

TheScrubMaincreators' thoughts