
Chapter One • Chapter 1

The parallel counterpart, the doppelgänger, the faceless reflection; the screeching portrait of one self. 1, enter immediately- no emotion, see. 2, enter confidently- Some emotion, a nose waved above and beyond, a true stud I'd say. 3, enter quietly, and cautiously- It's whimpering, send it out.

The data compiled from years of underground testing, brought to light- the fascinations and horror of a well thought out scheme to control an entity and replace humanity.

Josh: Put the damn sci-fi down, Replicate isn't even that good. Pick your jacket off the rack and meet me outside. Mom's here with the groceries.

Bill: Hey don't run too fast dude, you'll slip on the staircase again.

A common household, a bathroom, small but useable. Three bedrooms, a compact kitchen with a bit of a dish problem, and a living room where a small coffee table acted as the dinner table(it made do). A family of three, a mother & her two sons, Josh & Bill Fall-Star. Cheyenne Fall-Star the mother, single mom worrying if her kids would go at one another and if she'd be able to make rent in time.

Bill: Mom, Josh has got the case of being an asshole again-

Josh: Oh, fuck off Billy.

Cheyenne: Can you two just please grab the groceries, I have to be to work by 6. And I'd very much appreciate if you two didn't fight all day.

Josh: Sure thing mom, but I'll bring them in myself.

Bill: Oh no you don't, I'm gonna do it first.

Cheyenne: *These boys*

[A smile falls onto her face]

Later that night…

The boys were in their rooms, Josh on his Xbox, Bill writing his manga he'd been working on all year. The two both minding their business when suddenly, a loud growling noise echoed from downstairs.

Josh: You…heard that? [he said after running out of his room]

Bill: Y…yea dude…

The two walked slowly down the steps, the charring of claws scraping their way across the wooden floorboards screeched every now and then. Finals making their way to the living room- claw marks and a ruined living room- a busted TV and ruined couch.

Bill: Mom's gonna kill us.

Josh: Yeah, that's if whatever is down here with us doesn't do it first.

They walked slowly to the kitchen, where a blood stain sat, an almost fuzzy light cleared the spot up- and a flash blinded the boys for a few seconds.

Josh: Wh-what the fuck…?

Bill: We're dreaming right…

A tall man walked from the bathroom, zipping his pants, he looked over

Tall man: Uh, oh shit- YOU GUYS CAN SEE ME???

The boys mouthes dropped, Josh's instant reaction was to swing on the man, but every punch was quickly evaded until finally…

Tall man: WAIT, WAIT-

Bill: Maybe we should hear him out dude.

Josh: The guy broke in why would I hear him out?

Tall man: Look, I don't know how you guys can see me, but you shouldn't be able to. I'm from somewhere else, let's…let's just say that.

Josh: The fuck you mean somewhere else?

Tall man: Alright, this won't make any sense if I don't just show you.

The lights in the house flickered and the blinding light covered the area, in a matter of seconds it dimmed and a new surrounding was before the boys

Bill: Uh, yeah definitely dreaming. [passes out]

Josh: Wh-what is this place?

Tall man: Welcome to the reflection world, we monitor demonic activity and evil do-er's (if you will). Basically a division of demon hunters, for the most part. What was in your kitchen happened to be a yeti. A small one, about 8ft so wasn't much of an issue.

Josh: I, why'd we never know about this place- I just, this seems unreal.

Tall man: Look, you can call me Todd. I wanna show you around the joint and maybe show you some of my colleagues. See if they know why you can see me. My guess is it's bloodline related. So tell me, is your mom or dad a demon hunter?

Josh: My mom's a hardworking lady, my dad he uh… well it doesn't matter.

Todd: Sorry little man, my dad was never around either. I get it-

Josh: I'd just like to know more about this place, it's really interesting. And I think Bill would too when he wakes up.

Todd: One rule, before we get further in- after you leave this place, tell no one about it. It could lead to you or your family being in serious danger. Demons listen, and they're everywhere. So be careful.

Josh: Thanks for the heads up, I think billy finally woke up, I can see him staring at the statues over there.

Todd: Guess that means it's time to show you aren't, let's get started.

The boys didn't know yet, but a perilous journey was already underway for the young boys… and what would come, would reshape their minds… and everything they had ever believed in…

To Be Continued