
Chapter 13

Stiles comes back downstairs after getting his dad situated and resting and looks around trying to figure out how to fix things. The first thing he decides to do is to change the protections he put on the house so he starts there by adding sigils and runes to the baseboards, doorframes, and windows to repel those who intend harm to the house or its occupants. He also adds ones to alert him and his dad of supernatural visitors so they won't be caught off guard again. Finally he grabs his supply of mountain ash and goes into the back yard. Stepping far enough out from the house, he activates his Earth tattoos and magically digs a trench all the way around the house in a circle, even going under the driveway like a little tunnel.

Smiling at his handiwork, he opens the jar of ash and pours it into his hands and concentrates on the ash, on what he wants it to do. Finally ready, Stiles tosses his hands out, the ash streaming out from him and lining the trench creating a circle of ash around the house that flashes blue as it is created. Nodding in satisfaction, Stiles moves the dirt back into place, covering the circle as if it was never dug. With another gesture the grass speed grows to cover the dirt so that there is no trace of where the ash line is actually located.

Stiles drops down to sit on the ground and he sends his thoughts down, searching as he reaches down into the earth, feeling for the rocks resting far below the soil in the yard. Finding a large one, he visualizes a sigil of protection that he magically inscribes on the rock before moving on. One by one, Stiles casts various runes and sigils on each of the rocks he finds in his yard, adding layer upon layer of protection on his house. Finally, he focuses on a really large stone that he finds almost directly under the house. He has special plans for that one so it will have to wait. He knows that unless someone actually tries something and tests his defenses, the house won't be appear to be different from anyone else's thanks to the blanket spell he cast and tied to the house. If something magical or supernatural tries to enter the house, the protections will respond and the jig will be up, but his dad will be safe inside.

Deciding that everything else is ready, it's now time for the big magic. Stiles goes in the house retrieves the books he has been reviewing on witchcraft and magecraft and grabs his notes before heading back downstairs. He had spoken with both Wong and Master Lyra about his idea and had been working it all for a while now. He hadn't been certain about the timing, wanting more time to research and work out things, but now he isn't going to sleep until the house is finally safe. Sending his mind to that large stone, Stiles begins by casting an enchantment to tie the stone to himself. Slicing his hand with his knife, he lets his blood fall to the ground as he claims this place.

Feeling the link forming, Stiles stretches further until he reaches the telluric lines and he recites the incantation that Lyra had given him. As he does he feels the slight shift in the line as it moves from its former path and shifts so that it is now connected to the stone, giving the stone a power source like he plugged it into an outlet. Now any spell he casts will be able to draw on the magic of Beacon Hills to power its effects.

Stiles had read about the creation of a warder, a magical construct that served a singular purpose. As he casts the spell, he focuses on the purpose in his mind: Protect this home. He visualized the ash ring as the borders and, one by one, he links each of the stones he inscribed in the yard to his new 'house stone' until everything inside the ring are all linked together, their magic all bent to meet his command. Protect this home from any that would harm it or its inhabitants.

Stiles finally finishes the last spell and he pulls back to observe what he created and he smiles happily as he feels a magical 'presence' touch him, recognize Stiles, before reaching out to the sleeping Sheriff inside, and recognizing his link through Stiles' blood. Stiles fist pumped as he feels the stone settle in place and he knew, without a doubt, that if any Alpha shows up now, they will be in for a nasty surprise. But while the stone is not smart exactly, it does have a form of intelligence. In fact, it will actually keep out humans who wish them harm, but the supernatural is more complicated. It will be tough to distinguish the good and bad werewolves for the stone. He could use a blood bond to each member, but Stiles found an ingenious workaround. His tome on Necromancy explained how to create a personal sigil: a symbol that embodied a person; mind, body, and soul. It was difficult not because of the magic, but because the caster must connect with the very heart and soul of the person, feeling and truly knowing the person in order to have the sigil form. Once complete, Stiles will be able to add the person's sigil to the house stone and it will recognize them as friend.

Taking a deep breath, Stiles begins his meditative breathing to center himself and then he starts thinking of Scott, of everything about his brother, the good and the bad, the strong and the weak, the things that define him. As he brings up his memories and feelings, one after the other, a totally unique symbol starts to form in Stiles' mind that grows in complexity slowly until it is suddenly finished and Stiles knows that this sigil is Scott. He sees the teen's strong sense of right and wrong, his lingering anger at his father's abandonment, and his desperate need to protect his mother. Stiles also senses that Scott is struggling with the idea of losing his humanity, becoming a beast in truth. And somehow the biggest surprise in all of that is he can see that Scott is on the verge of becoming an Alpha, somehow claiming that power and status on his own merits, not taking it from someone else! Putting that aside for a moment, Stiles allows the sigil to finally finish and he is looking at Scott's essence. The book indicated that his familiarity with a person would affect the ease and speed of creating the sigil so he started with the person he was closest to. Taking a few deep breaths, he knows that this, while difficult, was probably going to be the easiest one he does. Stiles reaches down with his mind to the large stone under the house and inscribes Scott's sigil on the stone. He feels the stone 'taste' the sigil and react, adding Scott to its protections. The house now knows Scott and will grant him access through the protections just like it will for Stiles and his dad.

Standing up, Stiles stretches and realizes it has been several hours that he has been working. He shakes his arms to get the blood flowing but feels a whole lot better about how things stand. He will meditate on the others in the pack and add them to the stone to allow each of them access. He is also pretty sure that the spell on the house stone will allow the wolves to cross the mountain ash ring even while keeping other wolves out! Stiles smirks, that's right, he bad!

Looking at the living room he sighs and drops the illusion and decides to tackle the blood first. Summoning water and air, he starts cleaning. After an hour he has gotten rid of all the blood, moved all the debris to the trash cans, including the final remains of their TV. Thankfully his Xbox was upstairs so it is okay. The oven is pretty much gone, he will need to talk to his dad about that tomorrow. They will also need to replace the back door but between the magical protection and illusions, they should be good tonight.

Dragging himself upstairs, Stiles collapses in his bed and is out mere seconds later. He knows tomorrow is going to be difficult with Tara and Mr. Argent, but that is for tomorrow.

Stiles pulled himself out of bed at the smell of...bacon? The stove is gone so he stumbles downstairs confused only to find his dad setting out several containers from their favorite diner. He is torn between being annoyed that his dad probably choose completely unapproved food and delight as he is starving and it smells awesome. "After the kitchen is fixed, we can eat healthy" Noah says with a snort at his son's expression before the teen just gives up and dives on the food like a beast. "Is it just me or does the house feel different?" he asks looking at Stiles with a curious expression.

Stiles tells him what he did last night and the Sheriff is surprised and after some questions, the Sheriff expresses his pride and support. After dropping the illusion temporarily to show where things stand, Noah thanks Stiles for getting the blood up and most of the debris. "I'm afraid that the door is going to be a priority over a new TV" the Sheriff says with a sigh.

"We have that extra money Stephen gave me" Stiles mentions tentatively and sees his dad tense up. "I'm just saying that you wanted to put two thousand into the account after I put the original back. Maybe we use that to fix some things instead" he suggests tentatively.

"Stiles, this house is my responsibility. I don't want you using your college money for this" Noah tells him.

"Well…with my teleporting powers, I could commute to…well, anywhere. We would save on housing" he suggests with a smirk and accepting the look of parental disapproval with a chuckle.

"Are you still going to go to college?" Noah asks quietly after a minute and Stiles sees the fearful look on his father's face. "I mean with all of this…stuff?"

Stiles pauses and sips his coffee while he thinks about the question. "I'm not really sure dad. I mean with everything I know now, being an accountant or something doesn't really feel like an option anymore."

"As if it ever was" Noah snorted and Stiles smiled in reply.

"True. But now I just don't know. I haven't really thought too much about it. I mean everything has been happening so fast but I guess I can ask Stephen, Wong, and Doc Deaton for some advice. I don't know, maybe I should take a year off to think about it and work a little. Maybe that will help some" he hesitantly admits.

After some more discussion, they finally agree to use some of the money to help with the repairs and the Sheriff tells Stiles to go to school, lack of sleep notwithstanding, while he deals with Tara and Argent. Standing up, Noah heads to his cruiser and thinks about everything that Stiles has told him about the hunter and what he has been doing in Beacon Hills and decides that it's time for Mr. Argent to remember who the law in this town actually is.

Noah Stilinski walks in to the station and sees the looks of concern of his people's faces, especially as their eyes inevitably locked on to the bandages on his neck and wrist, but they were well trained. Other than a 'good morning' and 'everything okay?' they didn't push. The same could not be said of Deputy Tara Graeme. She was watching him with a very determined expression even though she didn't say anything directly.

He appreciated that she gave him enough time to get his coffee and check his messages. He told Murray that they would meet after lunch and sent the man to patrol near the high school. When he had cleared enough off of his 'must-do' list, he calls Graeme in to his office and she shuts the door behind her, sitting across from the Sheriff with a very well put together 'interrogation' face. Enough that he was able to call her on it without having to actually say a word and she flushed at being caught before backing down a bit.

"I appreciate you not calling things in last night" the Sheriff begins carefully. "I think we both know that with everything else happening, including the pressure from the FBI about these killings, an attack on the Sheriff would have raised alarms from here to Sacramento."

"That and if whatever did it wasn't exactly human, it might cause even more problems" Tara mused and then looked cautiously at her boss. "It wasn't human was it?" she finally asked.

Noah just shook his head. "No. It was a werewolf" he said and saw her eyes widen in shock.

"A werewolf" she replied with a trace of disbelief. "You were attacked by a werewolf?" she repeated but it didn't sound any less crazy.

Noah frowned as he looked at how his deputy was handling this. "Tara, I thought you knew about this stuff already" he finally prods.

The deputy just shakes her head at his question. "My granny, she told stories about spirits and creatures in the Preserve and around the place, swore that there were non-humans all over the place when she was younger, but that they had gotten better at hiding. She never gave any specifics, but you know she would tell us not to go to the woods during the full moon…that was a big rule. My brother swore that she was just a bit crazy but I always believed her, there were just enough strange things that happened to make me sure that granny knew more than the rest of us."

"Graeme, there is a whole lot going on that none of us have any clue about, but you don't have to know the details. You can call this a Code…what are we up to…9? A Code 9 that covers how to handle all this unnatural stuff. Once you know this stuff…you can't un-know it" he warns her.

Noah is glad that she doesn't automatically reply but instead takes her time and really thinks about what he is saying. A few minutes pass before she finally looks back up at him and nods. "I think that we need more than just you knowing about this stuff" she finally says. "Besides, if there are things like werewolves out there I want to know." She pauses and then looks curious "Granny always said that the Hales were good people, protectors of the county, even if they were not totally human. She never told us what she thought they were, just that they were killed because of it. She never believed it was an accident."

"Your Granny was right. They are…were werewolves. Apparently Talia Hale was pretty well thought of and bad things were pretty scared of her. Kate Argent was from an ancient family of hunters and she broke their own rules when she murdered them" Noah said slowly as he watched Tara process that information.

"The night the station was attacked?" she asked. That led to a brief discussion about the Kanima, no names were shared on that one, other than that the threat was neutralized. That led to discussions about hunters, packs, and the fact that magic was real. "You are avoiding telling me any names, and I guess you have a reason and that's okay, but you seem to be still shaken by all this. This is new info for you?" she guesses.

Noah sighs and leans back in his chair. "Just since yesterday" he replies and Tara blinks in shock. The man is sitting here telling her fantastic tales when yesterday he wouldn't have believed himself and he isn't freaking out.

"How are you so calm dealing with all this?" she asks in amazement.

"Honestly? I think I have locked everything away in a box until I have time to deal with it. I can't deny it so I'm dealing but once the crisis is dealt with, I will probably have a meltdown" he laughs. "Also, Stiles apparently has been involved with all this for nearly a year so I got a crash course about everything. Then I found out that Melissa McCall is also in the know. Of course, having a damn werewolf try to kill me was very convincing. By the way, regular bullets don't stop them. We will be getting some special ammo from Mr. Argent that will" he smiled at her look of surprise at that "whether or not he knows he will be providing them." Noah chuckles. Argent has always raised his hackles despite never having a real reason to be suspicious of the man but now that he knew a lot of things were falling into place.

"He was at the house and saw the damage. Put out the fire too" Tara reminded him and that led to a suitably edited version of the attack. He did not mention Stiles' magic, instead just saying that the boy had prepared some weapons and was able to wound the Alpha rather significantly and that he would no longer be a threat. That led to a brief discussion about pack dynamics and the presence of the Alpha Pack and the dark druid doing the sacrifices.

"Shit" Tara finally said when Noah had finished. "Should've gone with the Code 9" she says with a small smile. "So what's next?" she asks.

"Well, we need to figure out what, if anything, we tell the rest of the deputies. I also want to have a rather pointed discussion with Chris Argent about his acting like this town is his personal turf, killing those he deems 'unworthy'. I also think we will need to look at how we can secure the station to avoid future attacks like the one from the Kanima."

The next hour was spent going over a number of ideas between the two of them and as they finished Tara called Argent to see if he could stop by as she had some information for him that she would prefer not to say over the phone. Chris said he could be there within the hour. Tara hung up and looked at the Sheriff and they shared a smile for what was coming next.

Today was a stressful day on all fronts. He was still furious with the Alphas for their attack on his dad and he didn't miss the looks of confusion and uncertainty on the twins' faces when they saw him walk in to school. He would also admit, if only to himself, that the water fountain that sprayed one of them and the fire extinguisher that 'accidently' discharged on the other were childish pranks but it kept him from setting the two of them on fire like he first considered. He also encountered the return of his headache during English class to the point that he was almost willing to go to the nurse. It had been pretty bad making it tough to even pay attention to Ms. Blake's rather interesting lesson for the day.

"Stiles!" Lydia hissed the third time he put his head down trying to quiet the pounding. Luckily they were near the end of class so a few minutes later the bell rang and he escaped to the cafeteria where his headache finally faded away.

"Stiles! You missed the big summit" Scott said happily sliding in next to Stiles causing the teen to look at him in confusion. "You need to check your phone bro!" he said causing Stiles to remember that his phone had been destroyed by Ennis' attack.

"I kinda broke my phone last night" he admitted and had to take the ribbing that Scott gave him for losing another phone.

"Well, Allison and Mr. Argent both agreed to meet with Derek and the pack so everyone went to Deaton's and shared information. I didn't tell you because I know you were having dinner with your dad and it all kind of just happened spontaneously. The Argents had some info about a Darach they had fought back in Ireland a few generations ago and Mr. Argent actually had some info about the leader of the Alphas, a guy named Deucalion. Seems that the guy was blinded by Gerard" Scott paused and saw the explosion coming from Stiles at that bit of news.

"Are you kidding me?!" Stiles groaned. "Is there any problem that we are dealing with that doesn't come back to that guy?"

"We haven't been able to tie the Darach to him" Scott offered meekly just as Allison and Lydia sat down.

"Anyway, Derek and Mr. Argent agreed to work together to deal with both threats and we have split up the patrols. I agreed to act as a go-between Derek and the hunters" Scott adds proudly.

Stiles glances over at Allison and sees the pride in her eyes as she stares at Scott and he can tell there is something else there. Something that she has been carrying in her shoulders but it now seems gone. "Wow. That's really impressive bro. I am really proud of you man. You got everyone to work together…I knew you could do it" he congratulates the beta. Staring at Scott he remembers his sigil and the potential to become his own Alpha somehow and thinks that taking the lead in this is probably a good part of that potential.

"Thanks man" he says and after a quick smile at Allison he turns back and looks significantly more serious. "Allie and I also stayed and talked to Derek…about a lot of things that needed saying. I told him about Gerard and why I did it and everything. Allie wanted to apologize too and Derek was actually pretty good about it. He also apologized for what he had done and apologized for the whole cure thing as well as trying to kill Lydia and Jackson" Scott said noticing that Lydia huffed a bit at that bit.

"Derek actually apologized?" Stiles was shocked. Sure he figured that the guy would eventually unclench long enough to remember that he was a real boy, but he certainly didn't think it would happen so soon. He had tried suggesting it once to the guy, telling him why Scott was so mad, but it was like talking to a brick wall and after he went all 'I'm the Alpha now' it was even worse. It was almost like even admitting he might be wrong was some major werewolf no-no or something. Stiles thought that at least one, if maybe the only, benefit to Peter's Lazarus act was that it seemed to knock some humility into the Alpha. He had finally realized that he wasn't necessarily the big bad just because he had the red eyes.

"Yeah, he was very sincere" Allison confirmed and seemed just as surprised. "I think he will always be uncertain and cautious around dad and me, which I understand, but he said he would try and Scott said his heartbeat was steady. I also talked with Erica and Boyd and apologized to them for…everything." Allison sighed heavily and Scott quickly moved to reassure her.

"You also got them away from Gerard Allie, in the end you did the right thing" Stiles reminded her gently and she smiled at him in thanks. "I am totally impressed with both of you. Seriously. Like I would totally be willing to date you both…just saying" he says trying to look serious but has to duck the French fries both of them fling at his head. "Hey! Where's the love?" he wails happily.

"Oh yeah" Scott says looking almost angry as he glared at a shocked Stiles "and when it's just the two of us, we are going to have a long talk about lying to me" he said and when Stiles looked thoroughly thrown Scott finally growls "Gerard"

Stiles eyes widen and he glances over at the leather trio who suddenly were looking anywhere else but at Stiles. "Peter figured out why you did it, but I'm still mad" Scott said looking like a puppy that had just been yelled at. Stiles groaned, not the damn puppy eyes!

"So…everyone knows" Stiles says sadly after a minute and took a deep breath "should have known it would come out eventually" he confessed before being pulled into a tight hug by the beta. They would talk later when it was just them and then things would be okay.

The rest of lunch goes fairly well with the betas stopping by the table with a quick update on the patrol plan and that last night was a bust, Erica and Boyd both looking guilty when they looked at Stiles. Stiles just smiled at them saying it was okay and he was in a much better mood by the time the day ended and he was doing great when he stepped into the hallway after his last class and almost threw up. His stomach protested furiously and he had to reach out and grab the wall or he was going to fall over. He glanced around and couldn't figure out what was causing this because it hit him too quick to not be something bad. He hadn't felt like this since…the day the crows crashed into Ms. Blake's class.

Speaking of Ms. Blake, Stiles saw the woman walking out of the school, not too far ahead of him and heading towards a very familiar looking black Camaro causing him to narrow his eyes. Seriously? She walks up to Derek who is standing there, leather and sunglasses, and she moves in and kisses his cheek causing Stiles' gut to twist. Considering Derek's history with women, he should seriously be careful about who he dates. Stiles freezes as everything clicks. The coffee shop before school. The English class with the crows. The fact that Ms. Blake must have been in the hallway just a few minutes before Stiles. What if she was involved and not a target?

Taking a deep breath, Stiles casts an illusion around himself to hide his magic from casual sight and casts the more intricate 'true-seeing' spell he learned in Kamar-Taj. It takes a bit of power and he sways at the sudden influx of information as he opens his eyes and looks around. The spell was powerful because it revealed so much and he wouldn't be able to hold it for very long but when Stiles looks out the window he freezes and nearly loses his lunch.

Derek was surrounded by an aura of a black wolf that was pretty stunning but the disgusting thing that he was standing next to was a Frankenstein-like mess! Bald, scarred, with flesh torn and a 'melted' face Stiles nearly threw up again when he watched the Alpha lean in to kiss that thing. Stiles' eyes narrowed and he knew with absolute certainty that Blake couldn't hide that form without tremendous power, the power of innocence stolen. That woman killed Heather! Stiles almost burst out of the school, intended to blast her into next week when he realizes that with the warriors she sacrificed, she might be more than he could take on at the moment, especially if Derek fought alongside her since he had to be under her spell or some kind of enchantment.

Stiles growls as he lets the spell fade and his eyesight returns to normal as he watches Ms. Blake get in the car and drive off with Derek. He needs to put an end to this and fast. She was too dangerous to let her keep killing and if she also somehow took the power of an Alpha? Stiles shuddered. He needed help!

Stepping through his portal on the street just a few steps away from the Sanctum, Stiles focuses his anger as he enters the New York Sanctum and looks up and spots Wong. "Hey Wong. Is Master Strange here? I need some serious help" he says without preamble.

"No, Stephen is currently in another dimension dealing with a dark incursion" Wong informs him. "Can I help you?" he offers and Stiles nods and tells him about the Darach, the sacrifices, and his finding when he used the 'true-seeing' spell. Wong looks more and more concerned as Stiles explains. Stiles finally asks about the Darach using her magic to mess with Derek's mind and how it might affect the pack.

"I am not certain. Normally I would say that her spell on one person wouldn't affect another but the bonds of a pack are magical in nature so her spell may be transferred to them as well. We should check at the library to see if there is anything that can guide us" Wong suggests seriously.

"I looked for information on the Darach but I didn't find anything the last time I was there" Stiles admits as they walk through the door to Kamar-Taj. "There isn't a lot on the druids in your library" he informs the monk.

"Well, let's look again" Wong says serenely and Stiles groans but agrees. It only takes about an hour to both of them, along with three others who join in helping, to ascertain that there is nothing in the library on this issues that they can use.

"So this was a waste" Stiles says sounding defeated.

"Not necessarily" Wong says looking at Master Pei. Stiles looks at the sorcerer in confusion. "We may not have the information you need, but maybe what we need to do is seek assistance from those that do" Wong explains.

"You mean ask a Druid? We have one in Beacon Hills" Stiles says disappointed at the idea. "The guy is great, but he hasn't given us very much to work with so far when we asked about the Darach."

"Perhaps you are asking the wrong Druid" Wong challenges. "This may be beyond a common Druid's knowledge."

"Then who would we ask?" Stiles says leaning up, starting to get excited again. "Who would know more?"

"There are many sorcerers on Earth, but there is only one Sorcerer Supreme. That person is considered the greatest practitioner of the Art, but only of that Art. Like the Sorcerer Supreme there are others for those in the other domains of magic" Master Pei tells them.

"So who is the head Druid? Druid Supreme? Super-Druid? What do you call them?" Stiles asks one after the other not really giving either man the chance to answer.

"The highest ranked male Druid is the 'Merlin' and the highest ranked female is the 'Morgaine'. Druidic magic is rooted in balance and nature so they have both a male and a female leader, each with very different powers. We can send a message to both expressing your concerns and requesting assistance or at least information" Wong tells the teen when he pauses to breathe.

"How long do you think it will take?" Stiles asks now getting really anxious and excited. If the Merlin or Morgaine were anything like Stephen, maybe they could take down Blake easily.

Wong frowns. "There is not an established way" he admits with a frown before shaking his head "but we can put out the word and hope for a quick response. The uniqueness of this request, coming from sorcerers that is, may speed up their reply. While I am not sure where either of them are I do know where to start" Wong says confidently.

The three of them spend some time crafting Stiles' plea, and both Wong and Master Pei agree that this should come from him with their endorsement. It shares everything they know so far and a request for them to help Stiles and the pack deal with the Darach.

Stepping back into his house Stiles realized that his dad was still not back yet and he must have had a long day. Checking his phone he found the message from his dad saying he would be back late tonight so he would be one his own for dinner. Instead of doing that, he decided that he was going to meditate for his next sigil. Though he wanted to choose Derek, he knew with the Darach's spell, he should probably do someone else.

Instead he focused on Isaac. Allowing his thoughts to flow towards the curled haired beta, he brought up every thought, comment, and idea he had about the teen. He pulls on the thoughts of Isaac's brother and mother and even his father. He even thinks about the freezer that Isaac had to suffer through before Derek gave him the bite. He sees how Isaac went through his leather douche phase, even the near attack at the station, before he settled down. Stiles watched as the sigil revealed itself with each moment and it finished when he saw the beta being drawn towards Scott and Allison and Melissa McCall, taking over as his surrogate family. The final sigil glowed and Stiles added it to the house stone with a flick of his magic.

Opening his eyes Stiles cracked his neck and blinked as he came back to reality. This meditation was giving him not only insight, but a significant understanding of the person as the sigil revealed itself. He didn't know how, but he knew that Isaac loved strawberries but hated blueberries. He also understood that Isaac had never really dealt with his fear and anger for his father and that it was still affecting him. Shaking off the heaviness of his thoughts, Stiles was able to laugh as his stomach loudly demanded attention. He definitely needed to eat before he tried this again.

Sitting on the couch after eating, Stiles realized that he probably wasn't going to be able to do more than one sigil per day, it was too emotionally draining. He was still feeling the effects from Isaac's and right now if the guy showed up Stiles wasn't sure how he would react. Probably get clawed trying to cuddle up to the guy and hug all the pain and lack of self-worth away. He needed to come up with a system, something logical, which would allow him to deal with all of this.

First he wrote down everyone's names: Scott, Isaac, Derek, Peter, Boyd, Erica, Jackson, Lydia, Allison, and Mrs. McCall. The house stone knew him since he created and powered it with his blood, so he didn't need to be on it which meant neither did his dad. Allie and mama McCall were human so unless they meant harm, they would be able to cross the border. So he crossed them off his list and then marked off Scott and Isaac since they were already done. He thought about adding some additional wards against more non-magical threats, but decided to wait and discuss with his dad first. Lydia. Lydia was a question. There was… something that was definitely there, but what he wasn't completely sure. It was enough that he was reasonably certain she wasn't purely human. No human could be immune to the bite and she was.

So that left Lydia, Jackson, Derek, Peter, Erica, and Boyd to consider and figure out what order he should follow? His initial impulse was Derek next, but with him being under the Darach's spell, that just screamed 'bad idea' and since he was the Alpha, the rest of his pack might be too. That left him with Lydia and Jackson. He supposed it was a toss-up but he decided that he wasn't quite ready for Douchey McDouche so Lydia was #1 and Jackson #2. He also decided that he would do Derek last, Peter would be right before Derek, so that left Erica as #3 and Boyd at 4. Giving him a final list of:

1. Lydia

2. Jackson

3. Erica

4. Boyd

5. Peter

6. Derek

So it would probably take him some time to finish up, but hopefully they could free Derek before then. Putting away his stuff he headed to bed and thought about how he was going to ultimately explain all of this to his friends.

Walking into the school the next day Stiles whispered a reinforcing mantra on his blanket spell as well as one he found to protect him from harmful magics. After doing some more reading, he had figured out that his own magic was acting out in order to protect him from Ms. Blake. It seemed that each time she was using her magic, he was being warned by reacting to her twisted magics. Now that he was warded, he should be okay. He spotted Scott by his locker and came up to him.

"Dude, you are not going to believe this but I figured out who the Darach is" Stiles whispered urgently making sure that no one would overhear them.

Scott's eyes widened in shock. "You did? Man, that's great. If we know who they are we can stop them before anyone else is hurt. Who is it?" Scott asked eagerly.

"Ms. Blake, the English teacher" Stiles started to explain but saw the sudden shut down on Scott's face as he looked thoroughly annoyed with Stiles.

"Stiles, that's stupid. Ms. Blake is awesome, she is probably one of the best teachers we have. She isn't the Darach" Scott's tone was absolutely certain and completely dismissive of Stiles' theory.

"Dude, I am not kidding here, I know…" Stiles doesn't even get to finish his sentence before Scott slams his locker shut startling him quiet.

"Look, I'm sorry you are feeling left out or whatever this is that's making you lash out, but it needs to stop. It's not cool. Ms. Blake is amazing and you need to drop this. Now" Scott growled the last and actually flashed his eyes at Stiles before stomping away. What the hell?

Stiles tromped out of the class, stilled pissed off at Scott completely blowing him off and not even giving him a chance to explain. It was so stupid he seriously considered magically throwing the werewolf in the pool if it wasn't for the evil druid nearby who would probably sense it. He approached the door to class and almost passed out from the sudden piercing pain in his head. Falling back against the lockers he tried to refocus but was like there was a jackhammer in his head. "Stiles?" he looked up to see a very worried Lydia Martin staring at him in concern.

"Lydia" he groaned out before he felt a sudden wave of nausea hit him.

"Ms. Martin, Mr. Stilinski?" Ms. Blake said coming of the classroom door. "Is everything alright?" she asks just as Stiles let out another groan.

"I think Stiles is sick, I will take him to the nurse" Lydia offered and Ms. Blake just nodded at the girl and smiled at Stiles.

"I hope you feel better Mr. Stilinski" she said with a smile and he just swallowed down on his desire to throw up all over her shoes, though this would probably be the best chance he would get.

Lydia dragged him to the nurse and with each step he was feeling better. He tried to convince her to stay but she just rolled her eyes and left him with the nurse. He told her that he was suffering migraines so she gave him some time to rest and he quickly recovered once he was away from Blake but he also decided that he wasn't going to go back to that classroom today. He desperately needed help from Merlin and Morgaine or he is going to crack.

By the time class ended he was feeling just about normal when Lydia showed up to check on him before lunch. They left the nurse's office and Stiles pulled her in to an empty classroom before they got to the cafeteria. "Lydia, I figured it out, the Darach is Ms. Blake!" he tells her urgently.

Like Scott, Stiles watches her face twist into one of utter disbelief and even a trace of anger. "Stiles enough!" she nearly spits. "You have had problems with Ms. Blake from the first day and this is just too much to take!"

"Because she is evil. She is the one killing everyone" Stiles sputters but Lydia cuts him off without mercy or patience.

"Stiles you need to get over this inferiority complex you have. Just because Scott and the others now have super abilities, you have got to stop trying desperately to get any attention. It's just pitiful!" she says in her haughtiest and coldest voice before leaving Stiles standing in shock.

Stiles slowly comes out of the classroom and sees Lydia stomping off, fury clear in her every move, and he just stares not getting why no one is even listening. Hasn't he proven himself by now?

"Stiles, you okay?" Erica says surprising him from behind. Stiles spins around and sees the golden-haired Beta standing there looking a bit concerned.

"No" Stiles snarls and sees the raised eyebrow on Erica's face at his snap. "What do you think of Ms. Blake?" he asks suddenly.

Erica's face looks thoroughly confused. "She is a great teacher. Never really liked English class before, but I do now. She's okay I guess. I think she is dating Derek too, so there is that."

Stiles grimaced at that reminder. "I think she is the Darach" Stiles tells her and once again, sees the girl's face get angry.

"You know if you are going to be stupid, I am not wasting any more time on you Stiles" Erica almost snarls at him. She stalks off, heels hitting the floor with way more force than is necessary.

"Seriously? I swear you would think that having super senses would give them a heads up about a psycho, demented serial killer" Stiles mutters as he stomps back to his locker. "You would think…" he trails off and stops suddenly. If I was an evil, murdering zombie-corpse druid, then my first targets would be anyone who could mess with my plans. Stiles was pretty sure that she had enspelled Derek, but what if it was more than that and she got to everyone who was supernatural? He knows that he is protected from detection by his magic but he would bet that a druid could spot the others.

So if she got to all the wolves then who is left who can…Allison! Suddenly determined he pulls out his phone and sends Allie a text message. Urgent!! Come to band room right now. DON'T tell pack!! and then hits send. Heading to the band room he steps in the empty room and starts pacing. What if he is wrong? Could the Darach have spelled everyone and he was just protected from it?

"Stiles?" Allison's voice causes him to jump. He spins around and sees the brunette standing there looking concerned. "Lydia said you were sick earlier, went to the nurse" she asks.

"Allie, I need to ask you something. Please" he begged and she looked concerned but nodded. "What do you think of Ms. Blake?" he asks watching her closely.

"The English teacher?" Allison asks startled by the question. "She's a good teacher, pretty interesting I guess. It's not my favorite class or anything" she adds with a shrug.

"And if I told you that I figured out that she was the Darach?" Stiles says glaring at the huntress.

She frowns and looks down for a minute. "Ms. Blake? Why would you say that? What did you figure out?" she asks sounding interested.

"You aren't angry that I asked? Don't want to jump to her defense? Say something really hurtful?" Stiles demands and Allie just looks at him like he is crazy.

"Stiles, what's wrong. If you have some info, share it. We are all trying to figure it out" she assures him.

"It's not that easy Allie" Stiles says with a sigh as he flops down onto one the benches. "She has cast some spell on the pack and Lydia so that they react very strongly when you suggest she is evil. I tried Scott, Erica, and Lydia and each of them nearly tore my head off when I told them I thought it was her. I mean they really went for the jugular" Stiles goes on to share how each of them reacted and Allison shook her head in confusion.

"We have all been desperate to figure out how to stop the Darach, I can't believe they wouldn't even consider it" Allison tells him.

"I think she went after anyone who might be able to detect her and made it so they can't even consider it" Stiles told her with a sigh.

"Stiles…I know they were wrong to say those things, but do you think that you might be, well, trying too hard and seeing things that aren't there? I mean what proof do you have?" Allison asks making extra effort to sound reasonable.

Stiles stared at the girl for a moment before he stood up and started pacing. "Okay, I haven't exactly been totally, completely honest with everyone" he rambles but stumbles when he sees the look of concerned confusion on Allison's face.

"I have been learning magic in secret and yesterday I cast a 'true seeing' spell. Ms. Blake? She looks like a mannequin that was sent through a wood chipper before being shoved in a microwave. Just being around her makes me physically ill because her magic is so dark" Stiles says and looks at Allison who is just staring at him, a look of concern on her face.

"Stiles…Scott told me what Deaton said about your…magical abilities" she said delicately and Stiles rolled his eyes. "I just think that maybe you are...HOLY SHIT!" she screams and jumps up, a dagger in her hand before she even realizes that she has drawn it.

Stiles is standing there, his mystic shields spinning like fiery pinwheels centered on both his hands and his eyes glowing with a bright, emerald green. Allison sees the mystical symbols slowly rotating around the circles and she thinks some of them look familiar from her study of the Argent Bestiary. She blinks when she sees the shimmer in the air around him that seems to pulse with his breathing and she swallows hard. "Okay…you have magic. Right. So…Ms. Blake is the Darach. How do we kill her?"