
Teen Mom

Juliet never expected to fall pregnant with her boyfriend of 2 years, Leo's baby. But it happened, and now she is going through teen pregnancy.

ENBYFREAK · Sports, voyage et activités
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2 Chs


"Juliet, have you found your Romeo yet? my best friend, Rose, joked. "No, and ew, that joke is corny by the way, I told her. "We're 14 do we really need to find a boyfriend anyways?" "Not really, it would just spice up your High school experience, Rose told me.

I crossed my arms."Anyways, have YOU Found a boyfriend? since you want me to find one." She laughed." I did, in fact, find a boy, his name is Zander, and he's so handsome honestly!" I roll my eyes. "Must be. I guess being in a relationship would be nice, wouldn't it?"

"Mhm, it is nice."

I sigh. "Don't remind me how jealous i am that you've found someone." She giggled. "You'll find someone, Juliet, i promise." "Hopefully, I reply.

[2 days later]

School was back in session after the weekend, that sleepover with Rose made me remind myself that i was lonely and in desperation for a relationship. Then, i saw Leo, my crush. He approached me.

"Hey Juliet, he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "Hey, i blushed. "what's up?" "Can we talk? He asked.


When he asked me out, my whole world lit up, i was so excited that i kissed him on the lips, what a tale.