
Teen in Teen Wolf

With something new in his life changing his perspective of the world he will try his hardest to adjust and not be killed by something more that wants to drag him down. I own nothing but my own OC and Ideas.

Pink_Ghosty · TV
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8 Chs


*Quick Third Person POV*

"Did you apologize to Lydia?" Stiles was saying to Scott as they stood in the locker room, he made him go after that party and him knocking Jackson into Lydia. Plus he was scared of how Beau would kill them if he didn't now that he knew that Beau was also a wolf.

"Yeah." Scott answered with a silly smile on his face, he did get the chance to talk to Lydia and apologize but he also got to talk to Allison, who he actually made smile and exchange numbers with. If it wasn't for Beau coming over then it would have been even better.

*Third Person Beau POV

After doing the final lap Beau got out the pool, he leaned on the side looking out at everyone else who was still training, yawning he hated that his insomnia was back. He didn't know what happen but this past week has been hard for him to sleep, after the first night of sleeping alone in his bed he found that it was back, rubbing his eyes he picked himself up out the pool.

Since there was only minutes left in the practice he went into the showers and took a quick one, leaving behind a coach who kept yelling his name he went out into the hallway. Since he didn't have homework for the night he was going to leave his backpack in his locker, turning the corner he bumped into someone.

With his reflexes he reached out and felt a soft body in his arms he looked down at the girl, "I am mad at you missy." He said looking at who it was, it just happened to be Allison.

"Why is that?" she looked a little sad hearing me say that.

"Cause ever since that night you and Lydia hugged me to sleep I can't sleep anymore, you two made my bed feel empty and now I am back to being an insomniac." He told her but didn't let her go, she didn't seem to want to pull away either as she stood there in his arms.

She started laughing hitting his chest, "You can't blame that on us maybe you just need to try harder in sleeping."

He glared at her slightly before wrapping an arm around her shoulder, she followed him as they walked to his locker, "Well I will still keep blaming you two until I either get some sleep or you come back to my bed and hug me to sleep again. Yes I know how that sounds but I am still not taking it back."

She laughed as they reached his locker, he rolled his eyes at her and went to put his stuff away at that moment Lydia showed up, "Hey guys what are you doing? Jackson has practice lets go do something."

"Sorry I actually have something today which is why I made you drive yourself today. Don't worry though I will make it up to you tonight by making you my famous grilled cheese sandwich." Beau said closing his locker, he let go of Allison and gave her a kiss on the forehead before walking backwards away, "Don't worry Alli I will bring you some to later tonight, I will message you before I show up."

The two girls waved him off while he kept going, turning around he walked out the front door, thankfully he didn't have to drive Lydia since she would have made him do something he didn't want to. Today he was actually meeting up with Derek who was going to train him some more, though he had control it didn't mean that he had the experience.

Waving to Issac who was heading towards the field he got into his car and drove off, they were meeting in the woods near a camping sight, they weren't going to his place just incase.

When he showed up he didn't see Derek's black Camaro instead he heard his voice coming from in the trees, "Find me using nothing but your senses, keep your eyes closed the entire time."

"But seeing is a sense." Beau said with a smile but he didn't get a response letting him know that he didn't find the joke funny.

Beau followed what he said though and started to move to the woods, when he was finally at the tree line he closed his eyes, letting out a breath he train his hearing. Since he couldn't see he tried to use the lack of sight to get a feel for the trees he didn't want to bump into one, the smell of the wet dead leaf's and soil tickled his nose as he moved through the trees.

He could feel Derek's eyesight on him as he was moving through, the only thing though was that Derek was good at hiding his breathing so it was hard to find him. The wind wasn't helping either as it was making all the scents in the air scatter, one moment he would smell him but the next it was like he was in the opposite direction.

Derek and him had agreed to this during the week after he told them some more things about Werewolves, he also had an appointment to meet with Chris Argent to learn more. At that time he also agreed that Allison should know about this side of the world he agreed.

Beau was caught up in his thoughts and didn't realize that Derek was pouncing at him, so when he did manage to get out of his thoughts he was on his back on the ground. "We are here to train, get your head out of the clouds and pay attention my time is valuable." he said with that permanent scowl on his face.

"Sorry about that thinking about more werewolf type things and just got caught up in the moment." He said taking the offered hand and standing up on his own.

Derek looked him over before walking away, "Alright well we are going to let you experience fighting in your half form, no need to go all out to your strongest for yet." he didn't wait for a reply before shifting and letting Beau do it too, after that he didn't wait but went straight on the attack.

This wasn't a problem though because for Beau everything started to slow down again, he noticed that this always happened in a fighting state as long as he was prepared for it. It was different from his wolf senses it was like time actually slowed down for him when this happened, seeing the claws coming at him Beau grabbed his arm and flipped him over.

Though it was all in slow motion for Beau everything for Derek was the same, so when he was thrown he twisted his body before landing back on his feet. He was staring wide eyed at Beau but then smirked and went at him again, this kept going the same way though for ten minutes.

When the ten minutes were up Beau was bent over panting while Derek stopped he noticed that whatever ability was being used was now gone, Beau finally flopped to the ground. Panting he looked up at Derek, "How did I do?" he said.

"Good, I don't know what that ability is doing for you but it is helping you keep up with me. I would suggest that you train it more so that it will work better for you." Derek said while picking up his jacket that fell off when they were fighting. Beau went to say something but Derek spoke again, "That also means that you need to also not get to use to it, the ability will only cripple you if rely on it to much. Now come on and give me a ride home I am to tired to walk."

Without waiting for a reply he headed in the direction of Beau's car, shaking his head he got up and started to follow him, cracking his neck he slowly walked over. Checking his body he noticed that it got stiff using that power so he was working it out, also the power made him winded some, there was also the fact that it made his vision a little blurry.

Rubbing his eyes he came out the woods and walked to the car where Derek was already sitting down in, Beau really needed to remember to lock his car next time he was somewhere. Getting in he got a call right from Lydia at that moment, she wanted him to pick up dinner on his way home, he had to remind her of the grilled cheese which she got excited about.

Even though Jackson went to the hospital she didn't go with him, they were slowly drifting apart or at least that is how it looked from his side of things. He wasn't sad about it though, he always thought that Jackson was no where good enough for his sister, so he hated the guy.

When they finally made it to the Hale house it was to the sight of police cars outside, getting out with Derek it was only a second later they were arresting him on the suspicion of murder. Beau was shocked learning that, seeing the dead body in cut in half he was even more shocked.

He didn't take a moment before rushing over to Scott who was standing at Stiles jeep, "Dude, what the hell is going on?" he asked a little annoyed that they are probably the reason this is happening.

"We found a body buried here, we figured Derek was the killer since it seems this top half matches the bottom." Scott said actually sounding proud of himself.

"Are you an idiot?!?!" Beau said staring at him, he already knew about the body because he caught Derek burying it and after the explanation actually helped him bury it, "That is Derek's sister, he found her body and buried her here. She was under wolfsbane because it would keep her from being in human form, that way no other person would smell an actual dead body."

Scott stood there stunned hearing that, Beau had no time for him and nodded to Derek who nodded back, the charges wouldn't stick and he was done being near Scott and Stiles. Getting into his car he went straight to the store he still needed to buy a few things for Lydia's and Allison's grilled cheese sandwiches.

He ended up buying four kinds of cheese's and two pounds of bacon, when he got home he already found Lydia in the kitchen seeing the bags in his hand she squealed while putting her homework away. She was watching over his shoulder as he did every step, even though it was a simple grilled cheese the way he made it was like heaven to her.

"Well here you go BunBuns, I need to take Allison hers so I will be back soon okay." He said kissing her forehead.

She pouted and stopped him, "You have been super busy since you became a teen wolf, we haven't hung out as much."

Beau paused and knew that she was right, they use to carve out a day where it was just the two of them but they haven't done that since he became a wolf. "Alright well how about this, I will go drop this off to her and while I am doing that you go to my room and set us up for a movie night. It will just be you and me."

She gave him a beautiful smile and nodded, "Alright hurry back or I will get first pick on the movie."

Beau nodded and grabbed the wrapped sandwich leaving out the house, the sun was setting as he left.

Just keep swimming Just keep swimming Just keep swimming Swimming, swimming What do we do? We swim, swim, swim Oh, ho, ho, ho! How I love to swim! When you want to swim You want to swim

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