
Teen comes in

A flower is grooming in itsfull bloom with her mother,father and friends.She belongs to a family of pleasent people who love her like a daughter.Both parents are educated and want her to become a nice girl with education being a priority but she is behind the power within us.She managed to go out with her friends and meet new people so that she can write about them and in the meamwhile she met a boy namely romeo as her own name was Julie.Julie was aware of love but she didn't know how to express it.She met romeo in a park where her other friends are know romeo but she was a stranger to him.At first she noticed that romeo insisted her for reading a novel in which there is a lovely relation between a boy and girl but the boy wanted to complete the relationship with love .Julie asked romeo that what is the result afterwards.Did they fell in love and married with each other.Romeo replied that I will tell you if you come tomorrow with me on the top of hill mt. Westob as it is a nice place to share thoughts with you.She nod her head with a yes.