
Technology And Tensura

Cover art does NOT belong to me, However when I found it I could not find any credits, if this is your image and you would like me to take it down, please tell me. R18, no lemons or porn, but it will be suggestive and there will be some very graphic vocabulary and descriptions, so be advised. Mention of dark subject like rape included, so not for the faint of heart. This was written purely as a Pasion project and as such has no fixed schedule, I have only written a novel once before this and I abandoned that one real quick, if any of you (if anyone at all is actually reading this) enjoy my story and wish for me to put more time into this I would appreciate if you leave a review and or edit suggestions, I am open to constructive criticism and since I don't have a lot planned out, ideas for the future, again this is simply something I wanted to write and might be dropped at any time, if you want more, please support me, thank you. After killing himself to avoid spending the rest of his life as a vegetable in the hospital doing nothing but costing money to his family and being a burden to others Sebastian is given a chance to reincarnate in another world, Due to his slightly abnormal priorities he is able to gain incredible abilities and reincarnate into Tensura with his memories intact and without parents, however he has never watched/read Tensura but heard of if from others so he wont know future events, He will know the important Nations/Characters names and no more. The mc will be reincarnated when veldenava creates the universe but will not be there for long, you'll see. The mc will be slightly unhinged and has a different set of morals as to the average person, He views rape as the worst crime any being could ever commit, and cheating on your spouse to be a close second, although he sees no problem in having multiple casual relationships as long as all people involved are aware, and unless all parties are fine with it having multiple dedicated relationships is evil, he sees no issue with killing others should they threaten him, people close to him, or innocent lives, but he is not a hero, he will not sacrifice himself or people close to him for a random person he doesn't know, he is a bit of a battle junkie but only enjoys fighting people with similar skill to his own and dislikes fighting people weaker than him, but will still fight back if he is attacked, the mc will likely spend most of the novel referred to as a he however they can change their gender at will and have no problem with being a women, however they are strictly attracted to women, not men, so if you don't like that then don't read this also I likely wont write any smut but it will be implied, and if you don't like Yuri or the views on gender, good for you, I couldn't care less. they also have less of an attachment to life than others and might be slightly reckless at times however paradoxically they enjoy doing things as efficiently as possible, The mc is very powerful but not perfect, if you couldn't tell already this is pretty much a self insert so yeah.

kokishorttail · Anime et bandes dessinées
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24 Chs

Chapter 3, who knew being antisocial would come back to bite me?

(an, just watched Oppenheimer, pretty damn good movie, pretty sad though, reminds me of Allan Turing, the man who invented what is widely seen as one of the first computers and decoded the enigma machine, a great achievement that likely saved thousands if not millions of people by crippling Germanies ability to send and receive information without being intercepted by the allies, but despite his achievement, was pushed to the point of suicide by his own country for no reason other than that he was gay. So I wanna right a side story semi inspired by it, so expect that at some point, anyway, back to the chapter.)

"well that's certainly strange, I was sure nothing was here before me, so what might you be little one?"

well fuck, how am I supposed to respond to that, I wasn't a very social person in my last life but I doubt any amount of experience would prepare me for this.

"well uh, my name is- sorry was Sebastian, I used to be a human on a planet called earth, but I got diagnosed with cancer, it's a relatively common disease caused by imperfections in our DNA caused by a problem in its replication, and before it could kill me I decided to go out on my own terms, and next thing I know here I am." now I know oh voices in my head 'well that was dumb why would you just tell them everything, aren't you supposed to be smart? I'm dropping this novel! and you should care about me specifically leaving because I'm special, and I'm here to tell you, yes! you are special! but not in the way you might want, see sure maybe that would be a good idea, but I am currently in the presence of an entity that I just watched create a fucking universe and on the slight chance that it can detect my lies I would rather not, and I don't really have anything to lose as far as I can tell, so I digress'

"how strange, you seem to have some traces from the interference of the voice of the world (an, idk if he made it yet in cannon but here he made the voice of the world before he created reality, back to the story), but it shouldn't have had any reason to pull any souls yet, and to even grant you an ultimate skill, very strange indeed, but your here now so nothing to do about it."

oh cool guess god's a pretty chill entity huh, anyway how did he do this, I'm so interested! would it be rude to ask? nevermind, I don't care, I wanna know!)

"hey uh, god? uh I'm curious, how did you make something from nothing, do the laws of thermodynamics not apply here? OH OH does each universe have its own sets of physics independent of one another? how does that work? Or is it like magic or something, OH does magic exist as the sort of unexplained esoteric stuff you see in fiction? or is it another force like the Higgs field or something that can be manipulated without the use of tools or something, how did you make mass from nothing? can magic be turned into mass or be used to reshape energy into mass? how does it work?"

I go on an on and on, but with my newfound ability to split my focus, I can tell how he's reacting to my questions even as I focus on finding more questions to ask, its funny to watch him squirm, its even more hilarious because I can actually see its form physically squirm in a universal sign of discomfort, did I mention I'm and asshole? cause I'm an asshole, oh it finally decided to respond!

"I'm sorry young one but can you calm down, I'm quite confused by your questions"

oh guess some things don't translate into concepts well, wait, does that mean it doesn't know about science? well don't worry! your good friend ME will rectify this situation!

"OH sorry I assumed you would know this stuff see physics are the laws that determine the way the world works, and the Higgs field is a force under quantum mechanics that gives particles their mass-"

"oh I see, well I'm sorry young one, but these things just come naturally to me, so I cant really explain them to you all that well, and I'm a bit busy at the moment forming this new universe."

(an, no I will not come up with a bullshit response to these questions we don't know the answer to, I will never come up with an answer that would satisfy me or others so just no, and I'm also far to lazy, what you gonna do about it :3)

well that sucks, guess this guy is useless.

"but I can tell you that "magic" as you call it, can be used to reshape energy into any form you want, and I don't know what thermodynamics is, but it cant create or destroy energy, only reshape it with perfect efficiency, but that requires a vast understanding of magic and the wor- (mc) "oh hey I did it!" (veldanava) WHAT? HOW?"

"well I mean you said it could be used to reshape energy, so I just idk, tried it? and it worked! wow this is cool, I can make gold out of hydrogen! just fuse 79 atoms of hydrogen and Viola! Gold! damn if a scientist from earth saw this they would probably fall over and die! lol."


oh shit its sulking, I just made a god sulk, hey where's my steam achievement?

"hey hey, its not that bad, maybe it was just beginners luck?" Fuck what do I do I've never comforted someone before, let alone a god.


damn guess I chose the wrong dialogue option, shitty world, why couldn't my reincarnation give me natural charisma, all those stupid mc's at least get that bullshit protagonist aura to make people like them.

"well guess I'm just naturally gifted then?"


well great its not responding, what do I do, OH I KNOW! CHANGE THE SUBJECT!

"so uh... cool universe you made here?"

"its empty"

fuck I should have interacted more in my last life

"well lets change that then!"

"fine, lets just get this over with."

"btw I cant keep calling you "god" can I so do you have a name?"

"sure call me veldenava" the entity I now know as veldenava replies, quite obviously exasperated, wait where have I heard of that name before?


(Reader pov, huh who invited you here cliffhanger kun? didn't I tell you your not welcome around these parts after what you did? we still haven't forgiven you for what you did in no game no life.)



(Author pov, WHY OF COURSE I DID)



(I need therapy)

(AN: veldenava is much younger here, this isn't cannon but pretend that gods have like a society or something and making a universe is like a coming of age ceremony so he's like a new adult and you get a decent picture of what I'm going for here, this isn't how I'm going to write it btw, just a thought exercise, anyway my energy (motivation) and creative juiced (alcohol) are running low and I have some important plans to get to so toddles! (read and sleep alone in my room))

(oh before I go here's a poll if anyone is interested, because I want to skip to cannon in a bit but have two ways I might go about it in my head so here, btw I'm not going to read through the comments checking which ones are/ aren't votes and are just recommendations I will have a SEPERATE option for that, thanks.

Option 1: Have him sent to the main planet before its really developed and have him sort of do his own thing, developing some technology and stuff and not really interacting with the world until cannon starts.

Option 2: Have him sealed in some way, maybe he gets put to sleep by veldenava for a while and his death starts his wake up or something, maybe he gets trapped under a collapsed mountain before he has the capability to escape and just sorta gets stuck there for a few centuries, idk.

Option 3: put your recommendations here, and if any are good or have some likes maybe ill make another chapter with all the new and old options to vote again.

in order to allow time for some votes to come in the next chapter will be the side story I promised at the beginning of this chapter, so expect that.

I'm having fun writing this so far, but its kinda just idea vomit with only a little bit of structure and planning, Ideas come and go over the course of writing a single chapter so this is my 5th rewrite of this chapter, and not to mention ideas for the future making it harder to write things in a way to set things up, see I went into this with the idea that their interaction was short and sweet before veldora either threw him onto an undeveloped world or just ignored him entirely, then I wanted them to have some more interaction, then I had the idea that they learn from each other, yadda yadda idk where this is going, if you like this then please support me with comments, reviews, idfk anything, bye!

kokishorttailcreators' thoughts