
Technically An Overlord

What else is better than being able to create something that came out of your imagination? Something that can only be left hidden behind our minds, yet here you can freely explore it. Michael, a 20 years old boy, homeschooled, not technically spoiled, but still privileged enough to care about the outside world, was suddenly transported in another world, MID-AIR! However, despite his unluckiness, he seem to be favored by God. As the world he got himself into was the same world of the game he was addicted to. Now, the only problem lies to his self... A selfish bastard who knows nothing of outside world will now have to take responsibility of more than 11500 people... He had to keep these people from both starvation, and of course, foreign threats. // Credits to the rightful owner of the image provided in the cover. // I am an amateur writer of a novel, so if you find something wrong with my explanations, do please give me a comment and I'll try my best to elaborate and change it!

Helfenite · Fantaisie
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30 Chs

Vs. Knights Battle II

Though the griffin did have a strength equivalent to even a truck running at full speed as it tried to slam towards me, it still needs more than just that to actually hit me. Perhaps a maneuverability.

In a simple side step, I was able to evade the incoming griffin. And at the same time, I activated a very powerful AOE magic to show off my power to these ridiculous people.

[Lightning Strike]

A powerful AOE magic that can strike specific targets within the designated place. If an unfortunate person were to be struck by this powerful shock, even their soul will surely crisp while their entire organs burn.

Once the magic was finally activated, the sky immediately gotten dark due to the large formation of heavy, greyish clouds. In the next instance, the place was engulfed with thunderous blazes. It was a total massacre.

The radius of the magic was massive, with a range of 1 kilometer. In this range, even the 2nd group where the 2 knights run to is within the area effect.

Such a sad fate, for them to die like this without even knowing who they are actually fighting. For the very least, I will save one of them from the ill fate they cannot escape.

Once the thunderclap of the angry heaven descend to earth, I flew with a maximum speed evading and preventing the powerful magic to get a touch of my skin, and right after, I landed just behind the summoner of the griffin.

Then, I held his--no, her... neck which looks like I'm strangling this 2nd lady knight.

"You're quite lucky. It seems you are the person I chose to save!" I exclaimed with a hint of ecstasy.

"Don't be ridiculous, you bastard! I will fucking kill you!" However, she yelp.

But since I have already caught her, there is no way to even scratch me with her mere fingers. Also, by now, her comrades have probably been fried along with her summoned griffin.

Now that I think about it, it's truly a sad one.

It seems I am learning sympathy... or is it pity.

With the roar and cries of the thundering sky, I ascended from the ground and decided to have a great look from above. And it betray me not, the expectations I have to this magic is something I didn't really have hope for.

But upon seeing its destructive force, I have no qualms to it now. I can now use it to attack one of the nearby hostile city or town that I can use as an example for trying to interfere with my citizen's peaceful life.

After confirming that the knights had already been fried by [Lightining Strike], I also checked the status of the griffin.

It seems that despite it's attempt to desperately escape, it was still killed before it could even leave the area.

Since my job here is instantly done, with the lady knight's neck still at my grasp, I decided to fly across the lake and within a matter of minutes, I landed just right at the large gate of the municipal hall. It was where the two knights and Greg had a standoff.

And after seeing the result of the battle that just finished, I can say very well that I didn't regret giving him the power.

His weary expression improve once he saw me, and like a dog who saw its owner, he immediately run off towards my direction.

"Milord, you have returned just in time! How was your battle?!"

"It was fine... Since you have finished your job, secure the entire perimeter, I will be leaving for our friend." I said so while still holding the lady like a baggage.

When Greg saw this, his complexion change but didn't made it obvious and instead gave his goodbye. After that, his member followed.

Now that the situation is under control, I activated the [System] and look unto the [Tool Menu] which upon opening, I head for the [Status] where the status of the town's--specifically Rose is revealed.

I frown upon seeing the total number of deaths they caused, it seems I truly underestimated their strength and therefore cost me a staggering 161 deaths, man, woman, and children alike.

It leaves such a bad taste to my mouth. The fact that I neglected this simply because of my pride.

But such lesson can be learned. I will be sure that their sacrifices will not be put in vain, and will take this as a step to develop my personality for the sake of my people.

My thought was interrupted when the lady I am carrying suddenly struggles to be free. When I look at her, she violently shake which caused me to drop her.

Upon falling to the ground, the lady made groan noise due to the pain, but immediately recovered and attempted to flee while holding her marked neck.

But all of her actions were useless when I hold her wrist disabling the lady's action. My force is incredibly high, and in comparison, her's is similar to a child.

"You flee once more, you will suffer a much more painful death than your former comrades, I dare you." I warned her, with my eyes staring dagger at hers while radiating a cold aura that made her stiff.

This in turn made her metaphorical tail waver in fear, and the strength she's producing fades gradually before fully submitting to my shackle.

Once I have confirmed her docile nature, I decided to enter the bloodied municipal hall where a former battle had occured. This scene didn't really made my mood better, thankfully, a member of Greg's force appear coincidentally.

"You, what's your name?" I called, which the hooded man promptly reply,

"The name's Ben, milord! Do you have any orders?" The man emanate a happy expression while he awaits my order.

"Clean all of this, call your comrades to help you if you need it."

"Certainly, milord!"

I nod in satisfaction, and with that, I turn my back against Ben and head for the conference room.

Vacation just ended, here's a start!

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