
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 1

"Focus your breath! Your Stance Is Wrong! You better not crumble!"

"Yes! Father!"

Ye Qi looked at the sharp glare of his father, a bulky man with purple eyes with long floating grey hair.

This man, Ye Xiu, was one of the strongest people in the city, the brother of the City Lord, and the son of the legendary spiritualist.

'It had been two days since I came here. And I'm doing things I would be too lazy to do in my previous life.'

The dark-haired youth was squatting in horse position while holding two heavy barrels from their edges with his fingers.

Each weighed more than a hundred kilogrammes.

'Things I would be too crazy to think that I can do it.'

His body felt sore. A drop of sweat fell from his chin while he was looking at his now father.

Ye Xiu was crossing his arms while nodding with his head.

'You may be my father, but you aren't my daddy!' Ye Qi looked forward and tried to keep he breathes stable as possible as he can.

In the past, his name was Josh. Now, his name is Ye Qi, someone from the Snow Wind Family.

Apparently, he had transmigrated to the body of the cousin of one of his favourite female heroines, from a Chinese Manhwa.

It had happened two days ago. Josh had been shocked when he woke up to find that he has another face — a handsome one — with purple eyes and jet black hair.

Ye Qi was a young master from a Major family. But he had just an average talent to become a spiritualist. Knowing this, his father, Ye Qi, had been forcing him to train day and night, as a Demon Spiritualist would require a strong physical body as they advance. At least, hard work would allow him to have a slightly brighter future.

Because of this, even though that Ye Qi has yet to start cultivation, he was a 3 Stars Bronze Rank Fighter.

"The training of today is over."

"Yes, lord father."

He addressed his father respectfully.

In this world, there is no child protection service. Ye Qi was smart enough not to piss off someone who is a Dark-Gold rank spiritualist.

He put the barrels down, turned, picked up his rob, and put his hands in the sleeves, before walking forward, sweeping the sweat from his forehead.

The first thing he would ask while going back to his courtyard is to ask a servant to warm the water.

No, he is too tired. He will rest first, eat, and then take a shower.

Life here isn't bad. He has his courtyard, and he is a young master of a Major Family. In his previous life, he didn't even own his apartment. Life seemed to be promising.

But. He was presented with a new life, a new chance. And he has something very unique that came with him.

If you asked Ye Qi in his previous life about the things he desired but wouldn't think to achieve, it would be what every man would answer:

Every man dreamt what it is to be the strongest, and what it is like to have many beauties around him — except gay people.

Ye Qi passed by one courtyard to see a very beautiful girl, around his age, who was sitting in the lotus position. An icy blue energy aura made of soul force was dancing around her.

She had very pale skin, white like snow. Her face was flawless. Her long straight purple hair floated back as she was cultivating. Anyone can tell that she is very beautiful.

Even though she was the same age as him, 14, she was so mature with a proud bulge appearing in her chest area.

That was his cousin. The daughter of the City Lord and the genius of the Snow Wind Family.

Ye Ziyun. She was someone, giving what he knew about her, a lonely person who is trying to impress her father. Her only friend isn't talking to her because she sees her as a rival. Her father is pressing on her and think that her talent is limited. He even compares her to her foster brother and put her down, despite having the best talent and an cyan soul realm.

There was something Ye Qi didn't understand. In the manhwa, the timeline where Ye Ziyun didn't meet the reincarnated Nie Lee. She was a gold rank cultivator by the age of 15. That's like between 1-2 years later from now. On the other hand, her foster brother was a gold rank cultivator by the age of 20 and everyone thought his a genius.

It seems, that even without the protagonist interfering, she would face-slap people here.

Something would change her future, as it seems.

'Poor girl.'

But for now…

Ye Qi was staring at, what he used to think of as a fantasy beauty, her.

'I wonder what she would look like 2 years later.' Ye Qi wanted to laugh at himself as he stared at her self.

Ye Ziyun suddenly opened her eyes. They were lavender, and for someone who used to live on Earth, their colour was astonishingly beautiful.

Seeing that she was making eye contact with him, Ye Qi smiled.

"Sister Ziyun."

As cousins here, they address each other by brother and sister. Since they were at the same age, they don't add by little/big to their names.

"Mm. Yes, brother Qi" she addressed back, bland tone as she swept her forehead.

"Seems you are going to become stronger soon. Did your soul force advance?" He asked, knowing about her talent in cultivation.

She had just started recently to cultivate, so she is just close to reaching bronze rank spiritualist, from the start.

Unlike him, she doesn't have to work out.

in comparison between fighters and spiritualist, the latter was stronger.

A dark gold spiritualist can beat a legendary fighter.

that was true for all of the ranks.

"Mmm… I still did not take pills yet." Ye Ziyun nodded, as she breathing heavily. The pressure that was put on her by her father made her work so hard. She glanced at Ye Qi and noticed his face. "You were training? Are you tired?"

"Yes." Ye Qi frowned slightly and cracked his back. What he had just done was one of the toughest workouts he had ever done.

"Your father is hard on you, as always." Ye Ziyun said. Because Ye Qi older brother is considered a genius in cultivation, Ye Qi was forced to train since his soul colour was revealed. That wasn't some treatment a young master from a Major family should get.

"So is yours." Ye Qi said.

Ye Ziyun nodded. She and he had few things in common.

"Well, I'll have to go back cultivating again." Ye Ziyun didn't sound excited

"Don't overwork yourself." Ye Qi played his role as the young master here very well that no one had doubted that there is a change in his personality.

"You too, take care of your health." The purple-haired beauty closed her eyes. She took a deep breath. Soul force started to dance around her body, getting stronger and all.

Ye Qi. He thought that he would start cultivation too as well, very soon, because, when he came back to this world, he found that he had a book, a secret book that would make him soar to the heavens and achieve his dream of great life and beauties.

Although this world has demon beasts chasing humans, and the Glory City was the last place for humanity, Ye Qi can always leave things to the main protagonist to deal with those, while he works on having the best life possible.

When Ye Qi went to his courtyard, entered his house, he opened his palm. There was a scorpion shaped white ruin there, which appeared by thought. That was an inscription.

Taking a deep breath, the inscription glowed in white light. From the white light, a book appeared.

<<The Ultimate Book of Time-Space: cultivation and guide>>

At first, Ye Qi thought that this book was given to him by some ROB.

However, he found that wasn't totally the case.

Ye Qi had access to some of the previous body owner's memories.

When he tried to think about this book, he found out how he got it.

Ye Qi, the original one, had found this book when he had been punching a rock next to the City Lord Mansion.

That rock used to be his punching bag since it was so hard for a bronze rank fighter to break it.

One day, that rock cracked, and a book revealed itself.

Somehow, the book attacked the young man, causing his soul to leave his body.

And that's was how Josh transmigrated to this world and got this new body.

The book had detailed information about one of the most complicated laws and how to cultivate them. There were some inscriptions as well. And how to use the law. But all would be unlocked at a certain level.

Most importantly, the cultivation method had a style to each soul realm's attribute.

Soul Realm was inside the Dantian where Spiritualists cultivate their soul force, which allows them to become very strong individuals.

Ye Qi didn't know what attribute his soul has, but from the original TDG, he knew how to find out.

Ye Qi's planning to find out about that tomorrow, as the first day in the spiritualist institute starts tomorrow.

If his calculation isn't wrong, tomorrow should be the day Nie Lie come to this world.

However, there was something that made him think that there may be a different possibility.

Ye Qi lifted his head.

In the Original Tales of Demons and Gods, there was no one who is called Ye Qi.

However, here, there is a Ye Qi.

'What if things here are different,' he thought.

He smiled wryly as he threw himself to his bed.

'In that case, things would be more chaotic. Demons beast. Dark Guild. And too much will go around.'

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Nonetheless. In case things went badly, he has the knowledge of the future, even if it weren't accurate.

That can always come to hand, as long as he doesn't act too high profile and provoke everyone to insult their families just like Nie Lie usually do.


"Don't walk with money greedy non-talented students."

"Yes, Big Brother."

Ye Qi was walking alongside Ye Hong, who was two years older and a student in Geniuses Class.

Ye Hong was a lean man with long purple hair and purple eyes. His wear consisted of long white robs and leather boots. As a spiritualist, his cultivation of Silver Rank. As a fighter, probably he and Ye Qi are on the same level.

"Good then." Ye Hong gave a slight nod.

They then walked in the Glory city, making their way to the Orchid Institute.

Orchid Institute was an ancient school in this city where people from all of the families, starting from commoner families to the Major ones, go to so they can learn how to become fighters or spiritualists.

"Also, our uncle want you to do something." Ye Hong said. "About Ye Ziyun."

"You mean?" Ye Qi had an idea."But she is a talented spiritualist, with one of the best soul realms there No one would bully her."

Ye Qi didn't remember all of the details from Tales of Demons and Gods, so he found it a bit weird to be asked to look after her.

"Not that. Keep it from the boys. The Sacred Family young master, Shen Yue is there." Ye Hong sighed. "He should be in genius class, yet he chose to go to the usual class."

Oh, right. Ye Ziyun is in the class because she wants to re-friend her childhood friend.

Meanwhile, the son of the sacred family, Shen Yue went there to court her.

In such a world, people marry at early ages. They don't have college, and they can start working early.

It wasn't weird to see 13-14 teenagers looking for marriage at such an age.

The daughter of the City Lord was a target.

"I can do that." Ye Qi nodded. With him being 3rd Star Bronze Fighter, no one in the first year in the institute would be able to bother him. And for the fact that he's a part of a Major family, no one would be stupid enough to mess with a young master.

"Good." Ye Hong nodded.

They were now crossing the market of the Holy City.

A place where you can buy Demon Spirits, herbs, armours and weapons, and scrolls with inscriptions. Ye Qi was amazed by the size of this world. Although this is a city, it was way larger than the cities back in his world.

On his way, he saw a group of snakes in a cage, demon beasts with a low cultivation base. People were gathering around them, trying to negotiate for their price. People like to eat these things, don't they?

Ye Qi patted his storage ring. Although his father was a tough man, he was generous enough to fill his ring with allowance.

Very soon, they reached the doors of Orchid institute. the Snow Wind guys went in separate ways.

Ye Qi got inside.

The Holy Orchid's hall was so large. It looked more than a castle than a school. Making his way inside, Qi was looking at the doors, trying to find his class.

Today probably is going to be the day of the bet...

Although, Ye Qi still wondered how a mature fantasy beauty would look like.

After all, she looked fantastic as a drawing. As a real person, he couldn't help but wonder. Mad Snail knows how to design his women, doesn't he?

On his way, he spots an orange-haired teenager at his age, wearing a brown leather jacket and orange pants. He looked a bit dummy, though.

Ye Qi didn't dare to underestimate him. If this went like the original story, this orange-haired kid would turn into a monster who lived for hundreds of years and have knowledge from higher realms.

But now, as he is, he is nothing other than an aristocratic noble with no talent to cultivate this world's cultivation techniques.

Ye Qi entered the class. It was a large place, with stairs and seats that lead down to the teacher's desk, which had a board behind it.

'It's not so different from a normal class.'

Ye Qi looked around at his classmates, trying to recognise people.

Xiao Ning'er was sitting on the corner and avoiding making a conversation with anyone.

Just like they described her, a very beautiful girl, even if she was so young.

She was pale, with snowy flawless skin. She had orange smooth long hair, tied in a ponytail with few bangs covering her forehead. Her eyes were big, innocent, and brown.

Ye Ziyun looked in her direction, only for Ning'er to glance in her direction and look away.

Although this girl seems to be a loner type, she was acting like this because she was engaged to Shen Yue's big brother.

Ning'er was a part of a noble family.

But because she couldn't control her fate like her friend, she pulled herself away from everyone and devoted herself to training, to escape the marriage to a guy she doesn't like.

Anyway, she was secretly very sick… But she would get healed anyway.

Ye Qi looked back at Nie Lie.

Nie Lie, making eye contact, made a silly smile before looking around.

Rumours on the class were exchanged. Ye Qi was just lazily lying on the back while hearing what the kids are talking about.

'When would this be over…'

He couldn't wait to know what attribute his soul realm has, so he would start with his cultivation method.

Hearing what the others were talking about, Ye Qi assumed that things would go just like in the original work, as he had heard students talking about beauty from the Major family, the Sacred Family, would be their teacher for this year.

The door was opened all of the sudden, and a woman walked, swaying her full snowy white hips in her way to the teacher's desk.

She was wearing a purple robs, a tight one, with slits on the side of her hips, showing her smooth exposed thighs, and there was a slit on her chest area, showing her big cleavage.

Ye Qi couldn't help but follow her with his eyes.

She was surprisingly tall for a woman, with exposed legs and full smooth thighs. Her long tried crimson hair danced as she walked forward. Her reddish eyes scanned the students around. Her huge chest jiggled with each step she made down the stairs.

Although it was cold at this time of year, she didn't seems to be bothered. As a woman, showing her beauty was more important than the weather.

Ye Qi nodded.

The Sacred family, known for their flames, were hot.

As 18 years old in heart, Ye Qi was charmed by her.

'Now I can't stand up. Maybe I'll fall in love.'

With a tent forming down, Ye Qi thought, looking at the teacher who took a group of papers reading, before she stared at them. Her face was flawless, with full lips, and she had a faint layer of makeup.

Given the fact that girls in this world marry at ages of 13-14, Shen Xiu is considered a woman who is unlucky to have a relationship. The older the woman from 14, the less her chances her family would marry her.

'This city's people, are uncultured swines.' He thought.

Ye Qi seriously was charmed here by the mature beautiful woman and wanted to let a long sight. Ye Ziyun and Ning'er have nothing on her. He knew that for sure.

But she is still the supposed villain.

Ye Qi leaned his head back. 'Is it bad to fall for a someone who is doomed to face someone with the toughest plot armor...

"Now, let me introduce myself, I'm Shen Xiu from the Sacred Family, a Silver Rank Spiritualist…."

Now, the time for the first even of the TDG.

'Let's see where this would lead.' Ye Qi now payed a real attention.