
TDG: Time-Space Spiritualist

A young man who finds himself in TDG world as a nephew of the city lord, with a powerful method to cultivate the strongest law, and beauties around him. However, the protagonist isn't here. How would he achieve his dreams then, with all of the possible dangers this world offers.

blazuki · Anime et bandes dessinées
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39 Chs

Chapter 17

Ye Qi looked over the scroll; the permission he had just got from Ye Zong.

"A permission to enter the Heavenly Sacred borders."

Ye Qi lifted his head. Even if he forgot some parts of TDG, as a person from this world, he won't be ignorant of it.

The Heavenly Sacred Borders were a subsidiary realm. Only geniuses under 15 years old are allowed to enter it. Not only so, but the pressure in that realm can help, or destroy someone's soul realm. It's risky to enter it.

There are rumours about that place that says it is a test. The ones that pass it would become Glory City brightest talent. One of them was the only Legendary Rank Spiritualist nowadays, his grandfather.

"Guess Ye Zong knows about my talent."

Ye Qi shook his head. Ye Zong's timing couldn't be better. If he isn't wrong, the subsidiary realm has a high pressured soul force. Training there for a day is better than training outside it.

Ye Qi patted his necklace. With enough resources, he should reach golden rank there.

"Sure, I will see about it. It's only a few weeks."

Ye Qi made up his decision before he asked a near maid to make him breakfast. Once Ye Qi finished eating, he sent a letter to the office of the City Lord that he is ready to move tomorrow. The response didn't take long, and the whole mansion heard about his decision.

Ye Qi, all of the sudden, was faced by his mom.

"No, you won't go there. It is so dangerous." She said sternly.

"Don't worry about me." Ye Qi smiled at the woman who he considers as an older sister, given the small age difference. "I can handle it. Besides, I am a genius."

"But, you will face a very strong pressure on your soul once you enter. That place is trial. Not a blessing." Ye Luo said, her eyes were teary.

"I can deal with that." Ye Qi said. "Besides, no one was said to die from entering — "

"Only has their soul force crippled."

"Not my grandpa, father, or uncle." The three of them were known to enter the heavenly borders.

Ye Luo's face eased up upon hearing his explanation. She then let a helpless sight. "You have their blood after all." With a sad sigh, she looked at the side and said. "But wait, I have to cook you something before you leave."

Ye Qi could only sigh. The something she cooked was food that was enough for 2 years of survival. How is he supposed to finish this up?

"Eat well. You better not leave anything" She handed him the storage ring, before walking away with a sad expression. "Sure, I will." Ye Qi said before his day continued.

Ye Qi then met Ye Ziyun. She had heard about what will happen tomorrow, so she rushed here.

"I will miss you so much." Ye Ziyun gave him a strong hug. "I swear. Once I beak through higher, I will enter with you." Ye Ziyun had a sad expression as she said that.

"Hey, I won't take a long time. Once I get bored, I will come out." Ye Qi said. "Besides, you don't want to make my father in law worried."

Ye Qi pulled back from her hug and placed his thumb on her chin. He then caressed the beautiful pink full lips, and then he smiled.

"Mmm. Be sure to come out for a visit."

Ye Ziyun looked up to his eyes, before his lips.

Ye Qi waved his hand, sending a surge of his soul force, and the door of his house was closed. He then scanned the surrounding to make sure his uncle wasn't near. Ye Ziyun's lips were approaching, and Ye Qi could only seal them with his.

The kissing took a quite long time, and because of the tongue movement, she was moaning in his mouth. Ye Qi felt that he would miss this. Probably he should tell her to come inside with him, or let her tell her father. *Muah*

Once they were done kissing, they looked at each other's face before they started talking for quite a long time.

After that, Xiao Ning'er came for a visit to the City Lord Mansion.

She heard about what's going, and she didn't show any upset expression on her face, even though she didn't want to depart from Ye Qi.

But it was necessary to see him go inside that place and grow stronger. After all, she, too, planned to go inside that place.

"So, when are you coming back." She asked.

"Probably before the apprentice fighters test. Do you have a preferred time?" Ye Qi said with a lifted eyebrow.

"I don't." Ning'er, with her face blushing, looked at the side. "I just wanted to see your face carefully, before you go there."

Ye Qi smiled and leaned forward, letting his face get closer to Ning'er's. Since she was a pale woman, the blush looked strong on her cheeks. Looking at his eyes with her big honey brown eyes, Ye Ziyun didn't say a word. Ye Qi was handsome, that's for sure.

Ye Qi smiled as if saying here is my face.

Xiao Ning'er could read his body language. Her body shook and her well-developed chest jiggled. The two of them had their faces getting closer, and a kiss has happened.

Once the kiss was over, Ning'er's cheeks were so red, her eyes wide open. "That was…" she wanted to scream in happiness. He kissed her! And he felt her tongue while she did the same. It was her first kiss, and it was with him.

"I.. I…" she didn't know what to say. She only took a red ruby from her storage ring and gave it to him. "I also made you some rational to eat there. Be sure to eat all of them."

Qi sighed.

"While I am not here, stay out of the troubles. Alright." Ye Qi lifted his head and played with the ruby in his hand. In Glory City, red ruby is a way for a girl to express her love.

"Mmm…" Ning'er only nodded, blushingly. Although her body was calm, inside, she was jumping.

"Keep this for me. I may want to take it back later." Ye Qi said as he waved his hand and put something in hers.

"This, your necklace!" Since he was wearing robes that covered his neck, she thought it was his necklace, like Ye Ziyun's; talking about that, she would always feel some tingling whenever she sees him and Ye Ziyun wearing something similar.

"Keep it warm for me. It's my lucky charm." Ye Qi can only use one.

Ning'er, since she wants to defy her fate, family, and finance by cultivating, would be the one in need of this.

"I will." Ning'er nodded, warmly smiling before she put on the necklace. "It's beautiful, I will wear it all the time."

"You better do." Ye Qi smiled when he saw her suddenly open her eyes widely as if realising something.

"My soul realm! This pressure on my soul!"

Ning'er felt the pressure on her soul realm. The necklace, somehow, was forcing her to practise, even without her getting to cultivate.

"Now you know what it is, keep it warm." Ye Qi patted her neck area, touching a part of her cleavage in the process.

Ning'er had a mixed feeling between excitement and warmth. Ye Qi has given her such treasure of his, while he is going to the heavenly border.

He must really love her to leave something so precious for her. And then, they had a small talk while walking around.

Ye Ziyun noticed the necklace on Ning'er. Somehow, it shocked Ning'er that Ye Ziyun was happy for her instead of wondering why Ye Qi gave her his treasure. But Ye Ziyun knew that Ye Qi has an extra one. So, she only congratulated Ning'er.

And very soon, noon has arrived. Ye Qi has prepared all he needs to move out. All he needs is to move tomorrow.


Ye Qi looked up at the high building in front of him. It was silver in colour. So high that Ye Qi assumed that it's ten stories high at least. Next to Ye Qi, there was a Black Gold elder, who happened to be his bodyguard.

"Young master, I wish you luck in your journey." The elder bodyguard said with his hands behind him. Although the elder was Black Gold Demon Spiritualist, he didn't go inside of the Heavenly Sacred Borders. Ye Qi, who was only 14 years old, is going there. If Ye Qi managed to pass that, he would be considered as another legend.

"Thanks." Ye Qi said. The elder waved his hand, and a gate was opened. The elder said few words and gestured with his hand for Ye Qi to enter. Once Ye Qi stepped inside, he found that there are stairs that take him up, with torches on the wall to lit his way.

Ye Qi, with curiosity, began to climb up the stairs.

At some point, he felt the ground slide beneath his feet.

The next second, he knew that he wasn't in the same realm.

The view in front of him has changed to a garden-like. A very beautiful one with trees and flowers everywhere.

Ye Qi felt a strong pressure on his soul realm as if wanting to crush him.

As it seems, this place was specifically made for training.

Training here for weeks can ends up giving the results of months.

Ye Qi felt that he should start immediately, to cultivate, before the ghost who guards this place interrupt him. That ghost is his ancestor's soul and Ye Qi knew about him.

With the pressure from this realm, and with the boost he gets from the necklace, Ye Qi took a chair from his storage ring and sat on it.

He closed his eyes and his soul realm started absorbing the energy from the surroundings, increasing his soul force in the process.

While someone cultivates, he would lose the sense of time. After all, the meditation mind state one take is similar to sleeping, yet without dreams.

Hours and hours passed. Ye Qi, whose soul force was 1920 when he had entered, felt that he broke through. However, he didn't stop and continued cultivating. Somehow, even his Demon Spirit was growing here.

As more hours were passing, a ghost-like figure appeared next to Ye Qi.

"Mm... Those clothes and eyes. Someone from my descendants is here." The ghost-like figure rolled around Ye Qi, waiting for him to finish up cultivating. No matter how much one can go, they would need to open their eyes to eat and drink.

Ye Qi, who was cultivating, flinched. However, he didn't stop. The elder from the novel is here. And Ye Qi preferred not to start chatting with him. After all, this man would try to teach him.

'I'll pretend that he isn't here. For now.'

But that was useless. As Ye Qi's soul force has reached 2300 after an unknown amount of time, he opened his eyes. He got too hungry.

"Hello there, young man. Show your respect to your ancestor."

Ye Qi rolled his face, sighed, before turning and look forward. A figure like a ghost stood in front of him.

"May I know who you are." Although he knew, he needed to ask as he doesn't remember his name.

The ghost stroke his bear and examined Ye Qi. "I am Ye Yan, one of the 5 Legendary Demon Spiritualist who found the Glory City."

"Nice to meet you, elder. I am Ye Qi." Ye Qi stood up from his chair and gave a slight nod.

Ye Yan gave a satisfied nod. "Great, another one from my descendants is here. By the way, who is your father?"

"Ye Xiu."

"I see." Ye Yan smiled. "I have taught your father, uncle, and Grandfather, just as many others before them. Tell me, how the Glory City is."

"Just let me eat first."

Ye Qi said with a click on his tongue as he sat down again and picked up a lot of food before he started eating in front of a ghost who can't eat. Ye Yan only licked his ghost-like lips and just nodded.

"Don't take too much time."


Glory City, the Orchid Institute.

Days were passing since Ye Qi had entered the Heavenly Sacred Borders. The other students from his class were all working hard at this time. After all, the yearly test is a few weeks away from now. The test would determine which advanced class they would go to.

Shen Xiu, who was writing in the border, was staring at an empty spot. It was Ye Qi's. Ever since he had made up that unrealistic bet with her, he hadn't shown up. She wanted to talk with him again and asks why he is struggling for her.

But he isn't here. Somehow, she felt bad. After all, he is the first man to court her despite her age, and he is the first man who is willing to take a risk for her. She was worried when he didn't show up.

Once the class was over, she stopped Ye Ziyun. "Ye Ziyun, come here to my office." Ye Qi's cousin only nodded. The rest of the student left, and Shen Xiu and Ye Ziyun were alone here.

"Teacher, may I know what you need from me." Ye Ziyun asked.

"Ye Qi, where is he. Has he been avoiding my class or something like that?"

Shen Xiu sighed and spoke, looking at Ye Ziyun with a cold sad expression.

"No." Ye Ziyun shook her head.

"Then, is he home alone. What is he doing?"

Shen Xiu would understand if Ye Qi changed his mind and didn't show up here after making that unrealistic bet. However, that made her feel sad a bit. Last few days, she had been thinking about him a lot that he started to show in her dreams. It would be too sad if the drama ended up too soon. She is a woman after all.

"No, Ye Qi isn't in the home."

Shen Xiu's eyes lit up as Ye Ziyun looked to the right corner, as though she was thinking if she should tell Shen Xiu or not.

"You can trust me. I am his teacher, I'm only concerned about him." Shen Xiu could read the expression of a young naive person like Ye Ziyun. Unlike Ye Qi, Ye Ziyun is easy to read from her facial expression.

"Well. I don't know if I should say that…" Ye Ziyun took a deep breath. What she was about to say was a secret. "Ye Qi has gone to the Heavenly Sacred Borders. He has been there, training. And we don't know when he would get out."

"What!" Shen Xiu opened her crimson eyes widely. Slamming the table with both of her hands, she stood up. Ye Ziyun only took a step back as the action of the teacher scarred her.

" Is he crazy? It's too dangerous to go there." Shen Xiu retorted. The Heavenly Sacred Borders was known to test the person. Many had entered and had their soul realm getting crippled.

"I know."

"That stupid little…"

Shen Xiu now understood why Ye Qi had confidence.

Ye Qi wasn't an unrealistic person. She now knew that, when he made that bet, he was willing to risk his life to reach that Silver Rank within the time. Shen Xiu now understood why Ye Qi was betting on reaching Silver Rank.

Ye Qi was betting on his life, just to have her as his wife. Something like that would make her confused. Probably another woman would be affected and feel warm. However, that scarred her.

Shen Xiu's heart started to beat faster and faster.

For someone like Ye Qi, who has a yellow soul realm, his chances of getting out unharmed were 0.1%.

"Okay…" Ye Ziyun took few steps back, after seeing the facial expressions on Shen Xiu. They were a mix between the desire for scolding, sadness, and affection.

That facial battle that was shown on Shen Xiu's face, has scarred Ye Ziyun a bit.

"I will leave if there is nothing else."

Ye Ziyun turned and left quickly before Shen Xiu awake from her deep thoughts.

Shen Xiu sat at her office and held her head between her hands before resting it on the table.


Back to the heavenly borders, when Ye Qi met the elder Ye Yan.

Ye Qi was done from having a chat with the elders' ghost. This guy was his biological ancestor, so it was best to show some respect.

The elder Ye Yan and Ye Qi got well with each other. The elder was acting cocky, given how people in the world of TDG worship their ancestors. Ye Qi wasn't the type of people who care about such tradition.

"Anyway, I have noticed that you're talented, and I would like, if you don't mind, to see your cultivation method."

Ye Yan saw that Ye Qi was silver rank despite his young age. He got curious about his cultivation method, as the young master gave a very strange aura that even made Ye Yan's soul feel the potentials from it.

"Sure." Ye Qi nodded.

However, what he gave wasn't his original cultivation method.

It was a cultivation method that he just created from his head.

Ye Yan, while listening, opened his eyes widely.

"Such cultivation method! How can it be created! It requires an understanding that belongs to many legend rank figures." The elder said. "However, it's impossible. No way many legend ranks agree to make a cultivation method together without fighting to the death at some point. Ye Qi, where did you get this from?"

"Library?" Ye Qi answered as if obvious.

"What a lucky bastard." Ye Yan's ghost nodded in awe. Ye Yan was one of the founders of the city. He had brought the books from other empires and eras on his way to Glory City. However, he had never met with this method that was hiding in the sleeve of the books.

"You are right about that." Ye Qi smirked.

"As it seems, I have nothing to teach you here. But I can give you pointers in cultivations. I can help you fix the flaws in your method and guide you better."

Ye Yan talked with a mighty cocky tone. Ye Qi was frowning inside. However, he had just nodded.

After Ye Yan was done from giving Ye Qi pointers, which Ye Qi found useless, Ye Yan drew a satisfied expression.

"Now, Elder, if you allow me, I'd like to benefit from this realm before I leave."

"Sure, young Qi." Ye Yan's ghost flipped and danced around Ye Qi. As a soul sealed in this place, Ye Yan had been here for thousands of years. He won't leave Ye Qi alone, that's for sure.

Ye Qi rolled his eyes and sat down on his chair, before taking a deep breath. With the amulet that manipulates his cultivation speed three times and the realm that was made for cultivation, the only thing Ye Qi has to worry about is not his cultivation speed.

Although he has plenty of time here, there was one problem. Looking with the corner of his eyes, Ye Qi figured it out.

'He won't let me use my hands to reach mental clarity, right?'

No wonder they call entering here as a test. You have to keep cultivating without having a chance to pleasure yourself.

And so, Ye Qi entered a deep cultivation mood, not being aware of how much time is passing.