
TBATE: The Twin Dragons

This is the Story of Archon Leywins, someone with a tragic story behind him and wish to create beautiful story in his second life, Read it and see him grow together with Arthur and conquer the vast land together. "This is my Family, With him here, I'm sure I can take on the whole world" Said Arthur. "Hah, to thinks I'm defeated by the likes of you, Art I... Leave the rest to you..." I said while closing my eyes, "Rest well, You always got my back so I will have yours" Said Art then proceed to face the horde of enemies. ~Disclaimer: All the original TBATE works are not mine, I do not own them all of it owned by the original Creator of it. ~There will be no Harem and MC will grow WITH Arthur, Not below him or above him, that's the reason the title said Twins. ~If you still want to proceed and read it the enjoys and Don't forget to leave some review on the way.

KarassuTengu · Anime et bandes dessinées
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22 Chs

1. Afterlife

I died a simple yet cruel death, I died protecting the kingdom I think is a peaceful kingdom, I died protecting a king that I think were my friend, I died knowing that the very kingdom I thought respect me, the very king I respect like my brother.

I died being captured by a assassins who torture me for a whole weeks before killing me, before he killed me he said something that get my reaction for the first time in the past week.

"Oh, I forgot to tells you this because of the employer don't want to be revealed the one who hired me to torture you and also kill you is the very own king you love so much btw" He said with a wicked smile on his face.

my face tensed up and have the look of horror in my eyes, I don't want to believe him at that time but after he kills me and tells me that while showing some papers with my Friend writings all hope fall.

I screamed so loud that the room tremble, I let my bloodlust run wild, The room trembled on my sheer presence on that day I promise to the Heavens and Hell.

"I ARCHON PENDRAGON SWEAR ON MY NAME THAT IF THERE ARE SECOND LIFE, I WILL NEVER BOW DOWN TO ANYONE" I screamed on top of my lungs before collapsing and died due to blood loss.

short while after I died, here I am in the dark void with nothing in it, I think that this is my punishment after all of those blood I have shed in the past 23 years of life serving my so called 'friend'.

~Third POV~

Meanwhile, A couple ny the name Alice Leywins and also Reynolds Leywins are both on edge, Alice was tense because she is giving birth to a twins.

Reynolds in the other hand become so tense when thinking the pain his Wife are going through he even wished he can switch place or even take her pain for him to feel.

after a short while a brown haired baby with the same dark brownish eyes as Alice come out, 5 minute after a reddish hair boy with a deep blue eyes come to the world.

"What should we name them?" Asked Alice as she hold down the brown haired older brother and the red hair Little brother, Reynolds were thinking while looking at both of his childs.

"How about Archon for the older one, and Arthur of the youngest one" which Alice agree and go to sleep because she is exhausted which make Reynolds panicked thinking his wife are dead.

The nanny then smack his head saying the she is just asleep due to exhaustion and tell him to not disturb their sleep.

~Back to First POV~

Its been a year since I gone through that process called birth, I never knew that we supposed to have the memories of our past life in the second world.

I also found many thing interesting in this world, It seems this world is the same as my original world with swords and magic being present here.

back in the days I was a great Lightning and wind sword magic, I was great at both of them cause it is what helped me the most in my fight so I trained with them more than anything.

I also found out that my Little brother who is called Arthur or Art for short is a unique boy who has been acting quite wise and rational just like an adult would be.

I also see him make his way through the library to learn something from books, I also found out that he has been gathering mana from the surrounding area to his body,

'Don't he know that if he awaken mana core here the whole place will blow up' I thought while crawling towards him and knock him on his forehead.

"Not now big bro I need to do some thing you would not understand so please stay away okay" He said to me still thinking I am some 1 year old child with no control of his body.

"You stupid boy, Do you know that what wilm happen if you create your core now Idiot, The whole house will blow up" I said annoyed at his act of scolding me of being a brat.

he looked at me in surprise because I never acted anything like now, all the time Arthur has done something I will stays silent to observe him and everytime he do some achievement I will do it one month later.

I just don't want to get attention this early while showing that I am a genius, or something, well I am but considering my Little brother has been always taking the first place, all the attention are going toward him.

"How? since when?" He asked still surprised at my outburst, "Art forget what I said, its just my impulse sorry for bursting out like that on you" I asked in forgiveness not wanting my brother to hate me and become my enemies.

"Its fine honestly, But I was a bit surprised at knowing my Big brother who I thought just some smart brat becoming this guy in front of me" Art said while smiling.

"Haah, Whatever but I just hoped that you will accumulate your Mana Core slowly and don't rush thing, Also if you feel that you are going to awaken your core, go outside you dofus" I said while poking his forehead with two of my fingers and then getting back to the crib.

~Hey Author Here, there will be some time skips here and there to the point where Art met slyivia after that the last time skip probably the one where Arthur train for 3 Years of training with Virions~