
TBATE | Descent of a God

Jude Bayer was a warrior who fought against the Overlords of Hell until his last breath. But his story did not end there. He was reborn as Jude Leywin, the twin brother of the legendary mage, Arthur Leywin. Now armed with his past memories and experiences, Jude Leywin has become an overpowered protagonist in this new life. Follow his journey as he navigates this world and strives to become the strongest being alive, while also dealing with the repercussions of his past life's actions.

WhiteDeath16 · Livres et littérature
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59 Chs



The events that transpired left me dumbfounded. Adam was utterly overwhelmed by my brother's prowess. A thought lingered in the recesses of my mind—could it be that he, too, had been reincarnated? The timing of his progress aligning with mine, his ability to comprehend and follow my meditative practices, and his simultaneous formation of a mana core, all hinted at something extraordinary. Perhaps he was a prodigy of the sword, unmatched even in my previous life. I yearned to witness his skills, and today, I had the privilege to do so.

Despite my doubts about his potential reincarnation, the slim possibility persisted that his incredible swordsmanship stemmed solely from his natural talent. I marveled at the finesse with which he wielded his blade, swift and deadly like a raging gale. The others seemed to recognize the uniqueness of his skills, refraining from pestering him for instruction.

However, it seemed that I would not escape their curiosity. Surprisingly, it was the typically quiet Jasmine who approached me with a question. Her voice carried a hint of intrigue as she inquired, "That was quite a... unique technique. How did you manage to execute it?"

With a faint smile, I replied, "It's actually a rather simple technique. While feinting towards Mr. Krensh's right side, I strategically positioned my right foot as the final step before the feint. Instantly, I focused my mana into that foot, propelling myself backward. Simultaneously, my left leg swung around at an angle, directed towards my desired destination. This time, I channeled a surge of mana into my left foot, ensuring a more forceful projection than when I employed mana on my right, preventing myself from moving backward instead of forward."

As I looked around, I noticed Adam, Helen, and even Dad gravitating towards the clearing, eager to test out the technique I had just described. When I turned back to face Jasmine, she had already rushed ahead, joining the others in their exploratory endeavors. And so, with a renewed sense of excitement, our journey continued, filled with anticipation and the promise of further discoveries.


The inquisitiveness of Dad and the other three augmenters regarding Arthur's feint step was palpable. While they refrained from directly asking about my sword technique after my feigned explanation of it being a product of my innate talent, I sensed their underlying curiosity.

Days passed, and we finally arrived at the foot of the majestic Grand Mountains. During our journey, it was Helen who approached Arthur first, seeking further clarification on his technique. His explanation was articulate and thorough, fueling my growing suspicion that he, too, had been reincarnated.

In truth, I had limited knowledge of the capabilities and intellect of genius children. In my previous life, both Cordelia and I discovered our extraordinary talents only when we were on the cusp of adulthood. Arthur's prodigious power seemed like an anomaly to me, leaving me yearning for more information. Could there be other exceptionally gifted children whose strength rivaled his own?

To continue strengthening myself, I knew that relying on the martial arts from my previous life would be paramount. While the white core, the pinnacle of magic in this world, held considerable power, I believed that surpassing it would require delving into the depths of my past training. A mere white core mage would struggle against a seasoned swordmaster, so my reliance on mana alone would not suffice as the foundation of my strength.

Jasmine, eager to excel, became the first to master the feint step. By the time we reached the Grand Mountains, the other three had also embraced this basic technique, beaming with pride at their accomplishment.

Dad approached me one day, urging, "Jude, if you wish to learn the feint step, you should ask your brother for guidance." I simply shrugged my shoulders, rising from my spot and flawlessly executing the maneuver. The astonishment on their faces at witnessing my execution was priceless. Cheonmujiche truly held remarkable power.


It was no surprise that my brother effortlessly executed the feint step. Despite its simplicity, his innate talent and mastery seemed to render practice unnecessary. At this point, I wondered why I still found myself astonished by his abilities.

Our ascent up the mountain proved uneventful, allowing me ample time to delve into my studies on mana manipulation. Immersed in the pages of my book, I searched for further distinctions between mana and ki. While the two shared similarities, I began to uncover subtle nuances. One intriguing aspect was how certain augmenters' mana usage exhibited elemental properties, although such cases were rare. As I read on, I realized that for beginners who dabbled in this realm, the manifestation of elemental properties in their mana was not as pronounced as what one would observe in the casting of spells by conjurers. Rather, it presented as distinct qualities within the mana itself.

For instance, an augmenter with an inherent affinity for fire would possess mana that displayed an explosive quality when harnessed. Water-aligned mana exhibited a smooth and flexible nature, while earth-aligned mana exuded firmness and rigidity. Lastly, wind-aligned mana possessed the quality of a sharp blade, evident in its swift and cutting attributes.

Reflecting on my brother's swordsmanship, I deduced that he must have been utilizing wind-aligned mana in his strikes. It explained the visible swirling of wind around his blade, enhancing his techniques with an ethereal power.

Fascinated by this revelation, I continued my studies, eager to unravel more secrets and further deepen my understanding of the intricacies between mana and elemental forces.

As I immersed myself in my reading, I was abruptly jolted by Helen's alarmed voice piercing the air. "Bandits! Prepare to engage!" Her urgent warning echoed through the surroundings, followed by the distinct sound of approaching footsteps from both our right and rear.

"Submit, O' wind, and heed my will. I summon you to gather and provide us protection. Wind Barrier!" In an instant, a gust of wind enveloped our group, coalescing into a swirling vortex that encased us within a formidable shield. The wind transformed, bending and shaping itself into a sturdy sphere of protection.

Angela stood steadfast, her wand extended, pouring her concentration into maintaining the barrier's integrity. Arrows rained down upon us relentlessly, only to be deflected and redirected by the resilient force of the barrier. Meanwhile, my mother pulled Jude and me closer, using her own body as a shield, her determination evident in her eyes as she sought to safeguard us from any potential danger that might breach the defenses.

Fortunately, the combined efforts and the strength of the wind barrier proved impenetrable, withstanding the onslaught of the bandits' attacks. Feeling a surge of relief, I cautiously poked my head outside the barrier, Jude joining me, as we surveyed the dire situation that had unfolded before us. It became apparent that we were entirely surrounded, facing a formidable force that sought to challenge our survival.


A tense atmosphere hung in the air as our group found ourselves encircled by a daunting force of approximately forty bandits. It was an unfavorable situation, with our path forward and retreat effectively blocked off by their menacing presence. To add to the threat, archers positioned on a nearby cliff took aim at us, their bows primed to unleash a deadly barrage.

While Jasmine, Durden, and my father appeared unscathed, Helen wore a pallid expression, her complexion drained of color, undoubtedly due to the arrow lodged in her right calf. Amidst the bandits, a bald man adorned with numerous disfiguring scars and possessing a hulking build that resembled a bear brandished a colossal battle-axe. With a malicious grin, he addressed us, his voice laced with cruelty. "Well, well, look at what we've stumbled upon. A fine catch, boys. Spare the girls and the kids, but make sure they don't come out unscathed. Damaged goods fetch a lower price," he sneered, his smirk revealing a mouth nearly devoid of teeth.

I focused on maintaining a calm facade, not allowing myself to be overwhelmed by fear or panic. Assessing the situation, I discerned the presence of approximately ten augmenters among the bandits, most of whom had reached the formidable red core stage, with a few even attaining the orange core level. The remaining thirty individuals, though lacking mana, displayed a noticeable level of physical prowess, making them formidable opponents in their own right.

I observed with awe as my father seamlessly reverted back to his seasoned adventurer days, his expression filled with the wisdom borne of countless experiences. Like a leader of old, he swiftly adorned his gauntlets and bellowed, "Safeguard Formation!"

Without missing a beat, Adam positioned himself behind us, his spear poised to face the rear, while Jasmine and Helen positioned themselves on our left, their weapons unsheathed and ready to face the oncoming threat. Dad and Durden stood strong, their gazes fixed upon the mountainside, serving as our shield against the archers perched above. Angela remained steadfast, her focus unwavering as she maintained the protective wind barrier, preparing another spell.

"O' benevolent Earth, gather and shield my allies, ensuring their safety!" my mother chanted, her voice infused with determination. In response, the ground trembled beneath us as a towering earthen wall, reaching a height of four meters, materialized before Durden, curving protectively in front of him.

Seizing the moment, my father lunged forward, raising his gauntlets in a formidable guard against the incoming barrage of arrows, his movements reminiscent of a seasoned warrior in his prime.

Just as the anticipation reached its peak, Angela completed her incantation, unleashing a tempest of razor-sharp wind blades that sliced through the air, aimed strategically at both the front and back of our adversaries. It was the perfect cue for Adam and Jasmine to spring into action, skillfully navigating through the whirlwind of blades to position themselves in front of our startled foes, who instinctively covered their vital areas against the onslaught. Helen, on the other hand, remained steadfast, her arrow nocked and bow drawn, imbuing the tip with mana that shimmered in a faint blue radiance.

It didn't take a genius to recognize the efficacy of this formation in protecting valuable assets or individuals. With the conjurers providing two layers of defense and an adept archer poised to snipe any adversaries who dared breach the assault led by Adam, Jasmine, and Dad, it was a classic yet meticulously crafted arrangement.

"Watch out, Helen! A warrior is coming your way!" Adam's voice pierced through the chaos as he deftly evaded a swing of a mace, retaliating with a swift and precise strike to the unfortunate bandit's jugular. Wide-eyed and trembling, the bandit dropped his weapon, desperately attempting to stem the flow of blood that gushed from his grievous wound.

Meanwhile, a weathered middle-aged man brandishing a machete launched himself at Angela, intent on disrupting her spellcasting. Though the wind blade spell may have seemed unassuming, it proved to be a painful distraction, keeping us on an even footing despite our numerical disadvantage.

Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against us, the bandits boasted greater numbers and an alarming concentration of mages. As the most powerful mage within our group, it became imperative for me to lend my assistance to my father.

With a determined resolve, I gently extricated myself from my mother's protective grasp, offering her a reassuring but feeble smile. "I'll be alright, mother," I assured her, though the worry etched on her face lingered.

Arthur, always quick to have my back, made a move to follow me, but I swiftly halted his advance with a firm yet pleading tone. "Stay here and safeguard Mom. We cannot afford to let them breach our defenses," I implored, emphasizing the gravity of the situation.

Understanding the significance of our roles, he reluctantly nodded, his eyes reflecting a mixture of concern and unwavering determination.


A tremor of unease coursed through me as Jude's voice pierced the chaotic air. It carried the weight of an order, disguised as a request. Although his intention was clear, his words had an authoritative edge that made me flinch involuntarily.

Swallowing my pride, I stiffly nodded, suppressing my own apprehensions, and snapped back into a state of heightened alertness. I watched as Jude swiftly advanced towards the mage who had targeted Angela, his every movement brimming with confidence. The opposing swords clashed momentarily, but it was evident that Jude held the upper hand. With a swift and decisive strike, he rendered the mage's weapon useless, hesitating briefly before rendering him unconscious. Despite his impressive display of skill, the lingering innocence in his actions reminded me that he was, indeed, still a child.

Unbeknownst to me, Jude ascended the hill with wind mana enveloping his feet, closing in on the archers who had become his primary focus. Observing his progress, I couldn't help but question why he would exert such effort against mere archers in close combat. The answer, it seemed, materialized sooner than expected. Jude's flurry of strikes was swiftly neutralized, resulting in his hurtling descent down the cliff. Fortunately, his augmented physique mitigated the damage from the fall.

Witnessing the imminent threat to Jude's life, I propelled myself into action. Swiftly evading and slicing through the ranks of ordinary warriors, I fought my way to his side. Meanwhile, our father and the remaining members of the Twin Horns intensified their attacks, their purpose seemingly to divert the attention of the relentless bandits.

Racing towards my mother with Jude securely on my back, I placed him gently beside her, watching as she urgently began the process of healing him. Our father's alarmed shout jolted my attention. "Alice, don't!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with concern and apprehension.

Confusion clouded my mind momentarily, but clarity swiftly followed as the bandit leader's chilling declaration reverberated through the chaos. "It seems there's a healer among them. Time to get serious!"

The bandits unleashed a furious onslaught, their ferocity amplified as if spurred by the newfound knowledge of our healing capabilities. Dad and the Twin Horns valiantly fought back, yet the bandits showed no regard for their own lives, relentlessly surging forward.

Abruptly, Jude coughed, the strain of his injuries evident, and managed to utter, "Arthur, tell Dad and the others to flee. There's a yellow core augmenter up there."

My mother's face turned ashen, a stark contrast to the usual determination that adorned her features. Urgently, she called out, "Everyone, retreat! There's a yellow core augmenter!"

But it was too late.

A haunting silence descended upon the battlefield, shattering the tumultuous clamor that had filled the air just moments before. Curiosity compelled me to peer outside, only to be met with a devastating sight. The members of the Twin Horns lay strewn upon the ground, barely clinging to life. Father stood as the sole remaining figure, his labored breaths evidence of his immense struggle. Opposite him stood a formidable man, his stance resolute, his hands gripping a fine silver katana bearing a single deep chip along its blade.

"God, why must such a monstrosity exist among us?" Father gasped, his words trailing off as consciousness slipped away.