
TBATE | A Debacle

What is Sylvia's will was more than just a transfer of knowledge? What if her will changed a part of Arthur? What if the space rift Sylvia formed didn't led to the forest of Elshire but rather somewhere else... somewhere new. Unseen and unknown, unheard of. Will Arthur ever get through? Will he be able to meet his family again? Will he remain the same after the close bonds formed in the new 'Continent?' ****************************************** Yeah I know, it sounds familiar, but I wanted to try writing it, a bit different from Rene. Anyways hope you enjoy it. ****************************************** All the credits go to TurtleMe, the author of "The Beginning after the End" or "TBATE" for short. I do-not own anything, and this is merely a fanfic, something I am making on a whim and due to some lingering regrets. That's all.

Reprobate69_1 · Autres
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty-Four: A Two Sided Betrayal

// 3rd Person POV //

The sun dawned on a new day—crisp and clear.

Sounds of birds chirping echoed everywhere as they left their nests, searching for food to sustain themselves and their children. The brisk, refreshing wind blew, bending the blades of grass in the vegetation.

Pollen scattered everywhere, dandelions flying in the near distance. A lone dandelion detached, blown away by the violent winds as it flew on its own. Another gust of wind changed its course, as it flew towards a window.

Water fell on the tiled floor with audible plops as a figure stood under it. Her one hand rested against the wall as her pearl-white hair was let loose. Her hair seemed like a white waterfall as drops continued to fall from her tips.

The drops of fresh, hot water flowed seamlessly from her neck and between her almost flat peaks as they made their way down to her thighs and along her shin, before meeting her heels and then dissipating. The mist continued to rise up and fill the bath until she could barely see.

Turning the knob off she looked up, the lone dandelion hovering just above her. Raising her hand, she gently got a hold of it and brought it closer to her. Her eyes remained hollow, like an empty void as she stared at it, resting on her pale hand before she crushed it in her grip.

Sliding into her black bathrobe she came out. Water dripped from her hair and multiple strands stuck to her face.

Coming out she saw Cylrit, standing in the corner, his head hanging downwards, looking at his feet. His top button was open, revealing his pale-greyish skin. His crimson eyes carried a look of shame and regret, his hands balled into fists. His nails dug into his skin, making a small, minuscule cut on it.

Seris looked at Cylrit from the corner of her eyes and then turned towards her window, "Go back, Cylrit. I will call you if I want anything from you."

Cylrit's lips parted, wanting to form words but Seris glanced at him once again. Her obsidian eyes scrutinised him, checking every ambiguity in him. He blinked several times and tucked his hands behind his back, "Very well, Scythe Seris. I shall take my leave for now."

Seris nodded and turned her face away from him. Biting the inside of his cheek, Cylrit turned as the hot, metallic taste filled his mouth. Placing his hands on the handle of the door, he opened it and started moving outside.

His steps echoed as he walked stiffly, a hurricane of emotions actively waging destruction in his already unstable mind.

Hearing sudden murmurs, he looked up. His eyes widened as he saw a boy—Grey.

His hands were tucked in his pockets as his lavender eyes seemed to peer into his very soul. Cylrit flinched under his gaze, his feet petrified as he was unable to either move or talk. Grey had a frown on his face as he saw Cylrit's dishevelled state. His jaw clenched as he ignored him and moved past him.


"I am here just to convey a message from Agrona. Nothing else."

"So you really were his pawn."

"What you think of me is up to you. I cannot and will not change your perception of me. I will just say this once... No."

Cylrit paused for a while. Just as Grey was about to leave, Cylrit spoke again, "Don't do anything that you'd regret later."

Grey looked back, his jaw clenched and a vein popped at his temple, "Regret?" He asked, his voice seething with anger. "You should be the last person telling me that. You know that as well."

Grey replied and a wave of guilt washed over Cylrit in a near instant. Not able to talk, Grey scoffed and turned away from him, walking towards Seris' room.

// Seris Vritra POV ///

Sitting on my couch, I raised my feet and placed them over the glass table in front of it. I picked the goblet from the table and took a sip from it. My throat burned followed by a satisfying after taste, that seemed to burn my worries.

Placing my head on the back of the couch, my mind raced to the recent events. Just reliving the moments again made me scoff. Made me question my own sanity. What was I doing? What was I thinking while doing it? And now that all that has been done... should I regret it? Contemplate over it? Or just waive it off with a simple "my life, my choice."

But my choice wasn't restricted to just me. Its area of effect was vast. It would affect Cylrit... and Grey too.

Just as I was lost in thoughts, the door to my room burst open. Without a second thought, without even seeing the person, I was already on my feet.

I knew the mana signature after all.

Grey walked inside, his pure white hair combed back and his dull, lifeless lavender eyes carried an air of indifference in them.

My senses heightened, making my hair stand on its ends. Mana coiled around him— bending and curling. His hair rose up from his shoulders and floated, without the presence of any wind.

A sword made of pure mana conjured in my hand. Pointing the tip towards him, I raised my chin while ignoring the panic-stricken hammering of my heart, "Stay. There."

His thin eyebrows raised a fraction of an inch before the mana that churned around his stiff form vanished, "And what if I don't?"

He asked while taking a step forward.

My grip over the translucent hilt tightened as the sharp, cutting tip raised just in front of his chest, a bit right to his heart, "I'll have to take measures," I replied, once again trying to stabilise my bodily functions. My blood pounded in my ears like a series of explosions in the near distance.

"Oh?" giving a wry chuckle he took a step forward.

"Stay back, Grey," I said, sharpening the tip with mana.


His blunt reply was like a scorching, piercing arrow as his slit-eyed gaze seemed to peer into my very soul.

The sword's tip made contact with his chest, as his steps halted. He looked down at the sword and then at me, the corner of his lips curling in a mocking smile, "What's stopping you?"

His voice came out cracked...mixed in the natural raspy edge, it almost seemed disappointed and heartbroken. Like he expected me to harm him.

But... shouldn't I be the one being disappointed by him? For being used and toyed like this? For bypassing my defences and acting for Agrona, leaving my years of hard work in ruins.

He took another step forward, the tip of the sword slightly stabbing his skin. The pure mana that circulated around the outer corners of the sword like blood inside our body, scorched his clothes away, making a wide hole.

The tip of the sword sizzled against his skin as it scalded, branding it.



Taking another step, I felt the wet squelch as my sword pierced his chest, the tear of his muscles involuntarily reaching my ears.

"Please, stop."


His jaw tightened even more, emphasising the sharp, chiselled jawline outlined by his clenched teeth.

It dug deeper, drawing out blood as it stained the white robes in a deeper shade of crimson. Even from a distance, I could feel the warm fountain of blood gushing out from the skin.

"I said..." I paused, the words getting caught in my throat as I saw the baleful lavender gaze look at me and then across me, in a distant direction, only his eyes could see and follow. His features scrunched in pain and even more in a feeling I couldn't quite make of, but knew exactly that it was meant solely for me, "let go." But it came out only as a submissive whimper.

I tried to recede my grip over the hilt, not wanting to hurt him any more than I already had. However, his one hand gripped me by my wrist, not allowing me to let go of it. I tried to dispel the blade made of pure mana, but I could feel the grasp over my own spell getting overridden by him.

It wasn't a mana influence... something more than that.

The sword jutted out of his back as the upper part of the hilt and my fingers touched his skin, feeling the warm texture of his skin because of the amount of blood flowing out from where the sword had stabbed him.

His body touched mine and for a second all of my moments and time with Grey flashed in my mind.

Remembering that and looking at him like this... he felt so distant... so different.

I had lost him already.

His hand travelled before I could react, his fingers curling around my neck. His touch was cold and hard—- like granite. My breath hitched and any words that were about to form vanished.

His face inched closer, the raspberry breath fanning the stray strands of hair on my face. I closed my eyes, not wanting to see what was coming.

" * ** ********** "

A shiver ran down my spine. The firm grip, acting as a constraint to any communication, vanished as I opened my eyes only for them to close again.

The tendrils of amethyst lightning coiled around the empty space, where Grey was standing a while ago.

A piece of paper dropped on the ground. With my brain still occupied with multiple things, I bent down and picked it up.

"Scythe Ordainment."


// Tessia Eralith //

The slight rustle of my robes echoed like a reiterating whisper, as I got rid of my upper body clothing, bare enough to reveal my skin.

The slight tingle rising from my spine intensified, as I felt the burning sensation of my core being slightly clasped in a scorching grip. My core ached as the sudden thought of what happened all those years ago repeated itself in my mind like a never ending, grisly nightmare.

The mere thought or even the slightest recollection of that memory—willing or unwillingly, would result in severe bouts of pain. With the branded mark on my spine acting as a source, my core felt like it was exploding followed by the overflow of erratic mana in my mana veins.

"Just as I thought," Grandma Rinia's voice reached my ears, seething through clenched teeth as I felt her warm, soft touch subtly patting my head.

"I-I can't talk about it...," I stuttered, my words tumbling and collapsing like books falling from shelves in a library.

"Talk less, child. I am aware of the changes going on and the root cause of all of it. Although...," She paused, taking in a deep breath as her eyes peered into mine. I could feel the tangible hesitation oozing out of her. Turning uncomfortably, I placed a hand on her hand, "Grandma... Please, don't hesitate."

Forcing a smile that highlighted her wrinkles even more, she looked at me.

With a stiff breath, I turned once again, revealing my bare back to her.

"Hold this in your mouth," She said, handing me a piece of eight-folded silk cloth while she placed her other hand on the throbbing, flaming brand on my back.

"What do you... mph—"

My speech was cut mid-sentence as the scalding sensation of Rinia's palm pressed against my back.

Instinctively, I clenched the cloth between my teeth as they dug into it.

The pain was insufferable. Whatever, she was doing, was working, as I could feel the ironclad authority over my tongue and thoughts recede ever so slightly.


Following the agonising, stabbing pain I felt a portion of my flesh scorch. The pristine white tiles and cream-coloured curtains dyed in a lighter shade of amethyst.

Painstakingly, I looked back. Her features were scrunched in concentration. The frown on her face was living proof of the amount of concentration and pain from whatever she was doing.

My core tingled, a weird sensation spreading throughout my whole body.

My beast will... it was acting up.

Until now my beast will was never under my control. Like a foreign interference always hampering my complete control over it. However, whatever Elder Rinia was doing was affecting the will as well.

I could feel my comprehension and dominance increase over it.

With one final push against my spine, I felt my vision turn misty, followed by another weird tingle in my core.

"There. All done." Grandma Rinia said. I looked back and I saw her wiping blood from her nose.

"Grandma... are you ok?" I asked.

However, she raised her hand, gesturing she was okay.

I felt bad for her but at the same time, my resentment for the Wykes made me ecstatic at the prospect of them getting finally what they deserved.

But then... What about Bairon? Do I reveal everything and put Bairon in jeopardy? Or do I...?

"Tessia? Oh my... Tessia, are you ok?" My mom appeared suddenly as she cupped my cheeks in her palms.

"What were you doing with her?" Grandpa asked.

She looked at me and winked, "All of us need to keep a few secrets. Right? Tessia?"

The heavy, pressing weight on my heart vanished as she said that. It was necessary that I revealed the Wykes. However, making sure Bairon would be unharmed was prudent.

"Yes!" I replied with a bright smile. She smiled back as my parents looked at me and her suspiciously while grandpa just shrugged his shoulders.

I'll meet him... soon enough.


A/n Kon' nichiwa........Sayonara.