
TBATE | A Debacle

What is Sylvia's will was more than just a transfer of knowledge? What if her will changed a part of Arthur? What if the space rift Sylvia formed didn't led to the forest of Elshire but rather somewhere else... somewhere new. Unseen and unknown, unheard of. Will Arthur ever get through? Will he be able to meet his family again? Will he remain the same after the close bonds formed in the new 'Continent?' ****************************************** Yeah I know, it sounds familiar, but I wanted to try writing it, a bit different from Rene. Anyways hope you enjoy it. ****************************************** All the credits go to TurtleMe, the author of "The Beginning after the End" or "TBATE" for short. I do-not own anything, and this is merely a fanfic, something I am making on a whim and due to some lingering regrets. That's all.

Reprobate69_1 · Autres
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29 Chs

Chapter Twenty - A Monster

Cacophonous booms of spells colliding followed by heart-curdling screams echoed in the distance followed by a rare round of applause from a few hands— the challenges for a new retainer ended as soon as it started.

The massive infrastructure of the venue for Victaroid was bustling with some common people sitting in bleachers while, behind the common blokes were small cabins with glass-front for the numerous Highbloods in attendance. The cabins had a canopy of deftly carved white marble with a lamp hanging from it.

In a certain mahogany cabin sat Corbett Denoir—the Highlord of Highblood Denoir. Picking up a chalice of phoenix ember he touched the chalice to his lips. The liquid entered his mouth as a strong, burning sensation infiltrated his whole mouth. The insides of his mouth twitched and burned as the liquid travelled through his throat.

"Dear Caera's performance was certainly remarkable", Lenora Denoir spoke as she took a seat right beside Corbett. Corbett smacked his lips, savouring the sharp, tangy taste in his mouth.

"That much is expected. She is trained by a Scythe", Corbett replied, taking another sip. His eyes shut tightly, the corner of his eyes creasing up. "And by Grey as well."

"Are you sure we can trust this... Grey individual? We only met him once. All we know about him is that he was Scythe Seris' apprentice and then suddenly one day he became a highblood,'' Lenora argued as she turned in her seat, keeping an eye at the proceedings of Victaroid with a side-long glance.

"I do not have a definitive proof nor a daedalian, perplexing logic behind my decision of shaking hands with the boy. Vritra's Horns, I swear he's just a boy by age. Regardless, my decision is not coherent. This time it's just my basic intuition." Corbet replied as he interlinked his fingers and rested his chin against it.

Lenora sighed and turned towards the glass-screen from where they could easily spectate the battles in the vast barren battlefield. "Being over-reliant on this foreboding clairvoyance might bite us later. Sometimes, it's better to nip the evil in the bud. Once it's too late to back off from him, it would bring doom to the centuries of drudgery by Highblood Denoir."

Corbett's brows knitted together forming a frown on his peaceful face, "I do not need education on how to not let the blood spilt, tears and sweat shed for this blood to ruin. Over the years, Highblood Denoir has just increased its wealth and influence to the point no one dares to act pugnacious in my presence." He spoke, his voice echoing like a low-pitched growl.

A subtle sigh escaped Lenora's mouth once again, "Ever since our marriage... or even before that, I have always stood by your side. If you are so insistent on trusting the boy with the future of our blood, I shall honour that." She spoke and turned away from Corbett, her face unreadable from Corbett's point of view.

It was a gamble. An all in gamble. Corbett Denoir could either get it all or lose it all. The sheer anxiety and restlessness made a bead of sweat roll down his cheeks. He was aware of the fact that Grey wanted to challenge someone at Victaroid.

In the far corner a balcony towered over everyone. Inside it, at the backest corner, on a throne decorated with rubies sat the bulky figure of Kiros—The Sovereign of Vechor. To either side of him stood five scythes. Scythe Cadell of Central Dominion, Dragoth of Vechor, Melzri of Eltril, Viesse of Truacia and Seris of Sehz-Clar.

Seris stood along the balustrade. A veil of anxiety loomed over her as her fingertip tapped against the smooth surface of the handrail. She bit the corner of her lower lip, her brows knitted in frustration. Moments ago, retainer of Vechor, Uto was challenged which ended in a few moments—the challenger impaled on countless spikes, his body fragmented to individual portions.

But that wasn't what worried her. Retainers were the least of her worries. What worried her was that the last of retainers—Cylrit passed without being challenged. Her paranoia fanned with every trickling second. Cylrit watched Seris' troubled expression from beneath. A scowl formed on his face followed by a wave of pain in his chest. It pained him to see the scythe he served for decades like this.

Spinning on his heel, he turned and started walking. "Going to see your beloved scythe, eh Cylrit?" Uto's voice rang in his ears from behind. With a sudden jerk to his head he stood in front of him, "Do not trespass your limits, Uto. I can bear it if it's me but I would never entertain an egregious comment about Scythe Seris."

A maniacal laughter ensued Cylrit's threat as Uto started to walk away, "Just saying. I would've been the same." Saying that Uto walked away and vanished in the shadows. Cylrit's mind raced back to the current predicament. He looked up once again. Seris' eyes were fixed on Cylrit. With a quick nod and bow, Cylrit bolted from there. A mana augmented sprint took him to his destination in the blink of an eye. He saw Grey, stretching his arms. He arrived in front of him and choked him against the wall;

"Why did you do this?" He demanded, his voice echoing in the empty space where he left Grey. Grey looked down, his eyes devoid of life. Cylrit flinched for a fraction of a second. There was no life in his eyes. No emotions—save for one. An overwhelming thirst for murder. Grey gripped his wrist and jerked it off, "Tell Seris I have a plan. It will be more beneficial moving forward." He said and started walking away.

"What are you planning, Grey?" Cyrit asked, confused at the sudden change in the boy he had seen grow up right in front of his eyes.

"Something better... for... all of us. Me, Seris... you", he said and looked at Cylrit. For the first time since his arrival, in the midst of a burning tornado of rage in his eyes, Cylrit saw a glimmer of understanding and pain in his eyes. He was broken on the inside. Like a shattered glass.

Broken but deadly sharp.

Grey nodded in his direction. Cylrit's lips moved but before he could form a comprehensible word, amethyst lightning coiled around Grey and his whole form vanished leaving behind nothing—not even his mana signature.

Back in the amphitheatre Seris continued to look down, standing separate from the other Scythes. "Is the absence of your retainer making you sad, Seris?" Melzri spoke from behind her. Without turning, Seris sighed, "What do you want, Melzri?"

"I am merel-"

She was interrupted as the sky rumbled violently. However it wasn't what interrupted her. It was the true essence of the rumble. It wasn't a natural phenomenon. They could feel the titanic build up of mana condensing in the air. The clouds rumbled once again and the whole Colosseum was dyed in a shade of amethyst.

The blinding light made even the Scythes turn their eyes away or close it. Kiros got up from his throne, his eyes dead-set at the eye of the storm. The light receded and an ear-splitting, tumultuous roar of thunder ensued. People in the crowds covered their ears as their bodies trembled.

A deep rooted instinct woke inside them—Fear.

An intent gathered from the genocide of a nation—hundreds of thousands slayed by his sword. They could feel it. Their throats getting parched and strength leaving their body as a figure descended from the eye of the ashen-grey clouds.

A boy. The boy looked no older than 15 years. His medium-length white hair was let loose. Lavender eyes shone brightly under the undulating curtain of pure white which fluttered violently in the stormy winds. His animalistic, blood-thirst eyes washed over the crowd and then at the balcony where all scythes stood.

He took in the sight of confused Viessa, frowning Melzri, smirking Dragoth, stoic Cadell and terrified Seris. But all of this mattered nothing. His goal was set the moment he arrived here—the moment he first laid his eyes on him. The moment he first felt Sylvia's will tremble in unfiltered anguish, wrath and fear. The downpour of his own emotions and Sylvia's made his heart skip a beat.

"And who might this... be?" Kiros spoke from behind.

Before any scythe could respond, Grey's raspy voice echoed like a sonic boom in the whole colosseum, "Scythe Cadell! I challenge you to a duel," Grey roared. The silence of the crowd made his voice further reverberate.

Corbett choked on the grape he had just put in his mouth. Lenora stood up frantically, the chair beside her falling. "In the name of Holy Vritra. I told you not to trust a mere boy. We are doomed", she spoke as she gripped her head in her palms.

"Silence, woman." Corbett reprimanded, as he stood and walked over to the front glass. Placing his hand on the glass he muttered, "Do not let me down, Grey. I've placed my everything on you."

The reaction of Scythes compared to the Denoirs was much more tame save for Seris'. Seris could feel the colour in her face leave with every passing second. "We shall not entertain any offers from children. Not even Vritra born, much less an ordinary lesser. Begone", Cadell spoke with hands tucked behind his back.

Seris looked down, evaluating her options. She didn't want Grey to fight any scythe. She wasn't aware of Grey's current strength. One wrong move could result in Grey's death.

"Go, Cadell. The kid is interesting," Kiros spoke from behind, a wide sneer on his face. His face rested on his fists as he continued to look at Grey. Cadell turned towards Kiros, hesitatingly but surely. Once, he was facing him, Cadell bowed, "I am afraid I would not be able to do that. The High Sovereign had advised me not to partake in any fight."

Kiros was about to speak when a colossal built up of mana shook the foundations of the colosseum. Kiros stood up and walked towards the balustrade of the balcony, pushing the scythes to the side in process. Looking up at the sky, he muttered, "The High Sovereign... he's here."

(A/n Alright that's it)



















































(A/n Just kidding)
























(A/n Or am I?)

















A white crevice ran through the sky and then split open. Through the ripple in the sky emerged a young man. His skin was pale and had black hair. His scarlet eyes looked everywhere and then landed on Grey. In the blink of an eye he appeared in front of Grey, "We finally meet, King Grey", he said with a smile.

Grey's emotionless mask faltered as he looked at him. "Do not worry. I mean no harm. Rather, I am here to help you reunite with your family... from both lives." Agrona said as he tilted his head and smiled once again. His antler-like horns swayed as the bell in them jingled.

Looking back, Agrona looked at Cadell, "Why don't you entertain our guest with a fight?" Agrona said.

All scythes and Kiros were now bowing in front of Agrona. Not only them but every member in the crowd as well. Cadell rose up and flew downwards. "It won't end with just a fight," Grey said. Agrona looked down at Grey, "We will see about that."

Saying that Agrona flew up to where Kiros' throne was. Without waiting for him to rise, he sat on his throne. Kiros moved to a side and stood right beside him like a terrified child.

"And now the final battle of this evening. Scythe Cadell Vritra of Central Dominion is being challenged by the Highlord of the new Highblood, Grey", the announcer announced. However, instead of cheering, the crowd remained silent. Their eyes were wide open... to an extent it felt like they would pop out from their sockets anytime soon. Cadell stood in-front of Grey.

"Before we fight, do you remember it?" Grey spoke as Cadell cocked his head to the right. "Sylvia."

As soon as the word left Grey's mouth Cadell's eyes widened, his stoic facade crumbling. "So you were the lesser in the cave with Lady Sylvi-"

A monstrous intent visibly materialised. People in the front rows lost consciousness instantly. Even Cadell felt it. The incomprehensible hatred oozing out from Grey's entire being. Like a blanket of odium had been placed on him, all of Cadell's senses heightened. Mana coated his whole body as he got ready for whatever was yet to come.

"How dare... how dare you take her name? Huh? HOW DARE YOU!?" The ground beneath Grey crumbled followed by amethyst lightning. Reappearing in front of Cadell a purple blur formed an arc. Without the time to react, Cadell's arm went flying in the air. His eyes wide open as he saw Grey's crazed look.

A huge wall of soulfire appeared between them. Grey took several steps back while Cadell retreated a yard away. Soulfire clung to the stub where his arm used to be, regenerating it. Grey's teeth gritted audible as he looked at Cadell in rage and disgust, "Tell me. Do you remember her last moments", Grey spoke once again. The sword in his hand glowed even furiously.

The pure white sword with purple flecks glowed and produced a humming sound as more and more aether infused in it. Tearing the fabric of space, the sword made way for itself in the current existence. The sheen of purple around Grey's core flickered.

"Everything. I remember everything," Cadell replied. His face didn't carry a smirk or happiness at his task. Rather it was a downtrodden look. Melancholy flashed on his face for an iota of a second but faded away. A great sword appeared in his hand. Soulfire clung to it like a parasite, "Let's end this folly." Cadell declared.

"Whatever the reason for your actions was, you will die... here and now," Grey's voice was a growl like an agitated beast. His lavender eyes met Cedell's crimson. A single thought crossed both minds— Kill and Survive. The short encounter had clarified an iota of their strength.

Grey knew about Cadell's strength. Cadell had experienced Grey's swordsmanship and speed in the brief moment and instantly evaluated it as the fastest he had ever encountered. The impeccable, precise and the detrimental accuracy of his slashes and stabs made Cadell's hair stand on their edge.

Once again the ground tore open as both dashed against each other. Soul fire condensed in a huge ball in Cadell's hand while Ice and Lightning condensed in Grey's. The spells fired from their palms and collided. Eating away at each other, an ear splitting explosion shook the whole stadium. The pillars that supported it faltered as the crowd went into a frenzy. A mushroom shaped cloud of dust rose up. And from the inside of the smoke and rubble, raucous clamours of swords gnashing together echoed. Sparks flew everywhere. Grey's sword made of aether and pure mana coruscated inside the barely-visible smoke followed by sickly grey flickers.

Two figures flew from the rubble towards the sky. The previous fight was not a sky battle. A blow for a blow, a wound for a wound. Thick red and green blood rained down as none of the two cared for it. Soulfire continued to heal Cadell's wounds whereas aetherial sparks continued to heal Grey's wounds albeit a bit faster.

Their swords clashed once again as they looked at each other, "I will make you pay... for taking her away", Grey spoke as he punched Cadell's gut. The punch landed square but Cadell replied with a knee to his arm, snapping it in half. The purple sparks shifted from his cuts to arm in a near-instant. A similar crunch akin to breaking ringed once again as it returned to its prime condition.

"You'll pay," Grey's sword was about to collide when he withdrew it and attacked from an opposite direction. The sword went whistling towards Cadell's face. Like a hot knife through butter, his sword severed his eye. The eyes leapt out of its socket and went crashing down towards the demolished battlefield.

"For her pain," Grey said once again, as he swung his sword. With his vision halved, Cadell retreated to defensive while Grey's barrage of attacks became faster and faster with every passing second. Hundreds of blows exchanged in a matter of a few seconds as the horrisonant clamour of swords made people put hands on their ears.

"For her fear," Cadell held Grey from his neck. His hand ignited in soulfire as it started to find its way inside Grey, corroding from inside. A sheen of purple formed around his neck as it started to fight against the corruption. Grey coughed up blood as Cadell punched him in his solar plexus. His whole body caved in from the impact of the blow. Grey's flight faltered. In the brief moment Grey wasn't looking, Cadell's eye was back as his sword came down in a downward arc. With no way to get out of it, Grey blocked it with hand. He bit the inside of his cheek as a metallic taste filled his mouth. His hand fell down as he got on his knee. Just as when all seemed lost an image flashed in his mind. Sylvia's eyes—devoid of life and moist—her last moments as she entrusted her will, her life, her body... her child to him.


"This is the end... for you that is," Cadell spoke as he swung his sword one last time at his neck.


Flashbacks from his time with Sylvia invaded his mind. The attack... he was under attack. Not him but his family. The auburn haired woman... he couldn't remember her face or name but he could remember it... bandits... him pushing his mother away.

The sword tore past the air as it made its way towards his unguarded neck.


All of this... this resentment with no outlet, exploded inside him. He didn't want to die—not unless he had killed the one who killed Sylvia. He couldn't rest easily otherwise. The meaning of his life was nothing. All he did was for this moment.

'Show no mercy. Feelings make you weak. That's who we are. Embrace me. You will stand at the top, again. You can bury me but you can't escape me. I am you after all', the ghost of a man with a crown on his head and a sword in his hand spoke. His eyes carried mockery... mocking him at being weak.

'You're right. I really need you,' He said to himself.

Just as the sword was about to make contact a repulsive force exuded from Grey. Agrona's face lit up as he saw the dead look in his eyes. He stood up from sheer excitement, "Yes. This is what I wanted to see. King Grey... he's finally here," he spoke as Seris' eyes widened. She looked down at the boy who she had trusted with her smile. One whom she had raised. The one with whom she had confided in her secrets. The one she thought could be trusted with all her secrets... She knew so little of him.

Cadell's body went crashing back as he quickly got on his feet. Pure white wings encompassed Grey. They weren't real. An ethereal manifestation. Golden runed formed on his body and the rune on his spine lit up too. He felt Sylvia's presence envelope him, "You've done good, child," her voice echoed in his mind.

His heel touched the ground and the space distorted. Like the space between Grey and Cadell never existed, he appeared behind him. Just as Cadell was looking back Grey slapped him with the back of his hand. One of the horns of Cadell got chipped away. Cadell looked up as he saw Grey. His form, his presence... everything had changed—for the worst.

Trying to retreat in order to heal himself, Cadell tried to take a step back but Grey pointed his hand in the form of a claw towards him. The space between his claw and Cadell's neck vanished as he found himself being choked by Grey.

An aether sword formed in Grey's hand as he plunged it inside his sternum. The sword went through the core as Cadell's broadened. The aether in Grey's sword detached and started destroying his body from inside. Cadell's bloodied hands frolicked all over Grey's white overcoat. However, he continued to look down at him.

Audible crunches echoed followed by crimson tears from Cadell's eyes as his body continued to deteriorate from inside. His body convulsed tissues and tendons tore, bones broke in a perpetual state of repetition.

The whole arena went silent as they saw the mightiest scythe grovel in a boy's feet. After a few moments his body movements died out.

"This was for taking Sylvia's life," Grey spoke with a distraught, berserk sneer.

Scarlet tears flowed out of Cadell's eyes as his lips quivered, "M-my da-daughter... b-be-bella."

His voice died out as his life left his body. Grey stood there, flabbergasted. His body trembled as he looked at the girl standing against the barrier. Her golden locks were dishevelled as she continued to look at Cadell.


Grey looked down at his hands, drenched in Cadell's blood.

A splitting headache invaded him as Sylvia's third phase flickered out of life. His body went limp. However, just as his body was about to fall down Agrona's hand slid beneath his head. With a huge smirk he looked at him, "Indeed. Bringing you here was certainly a good decision," Agrona whispered to himself, holding Grey in the middle of the devastated field.


(A/n I am a mid-writer so cut me some slack and don't tell me it was not worth the wait... alright? I am tired... it's fucking 3 am. I need sleep and ya all need to VOTE ON THIS CHAPTER. Jk, Its upto you. Pretty long chapter this time around.

See ya all next time, Sayonara)