
TBATE | A Debacle

What is Sylvia's will was more than just a transfer of knowledge? What if her will changed a part of Arthur? What if the space rift Sylvia formed didn't led to the forest of Elshire but rather somewhere else... somewhere new. Unseen and unknown, unheard of. Will Arthur ever get through? Will he be able to meet his family again? Will he remain the same after the close bonds formed in the new 'Continent?' ****************************************** Yeah I know, it sounds familiar, but I wanted to try writing it, a bit different from Rene. Anyways hope you enjoy it. ****************************************** All the credits go to TurtleMe, the author of "The Beginning after the End" or "TBATE" for short. I do-not own anything, and this is merely a fanfic, something I am making on a whim and due to some lingering regrets. That's all.

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29 Chs

Chapter Nineteen - A Heartfelt Reunion

// Tessia Eralith //

A strong, deluging aroma of a mix of multiple herbs and verdure infiltrated my nose as a shiver ran down my spine.

My throat felt parched. How many days has it been since I've last had something to eat or drink? I've lost count by now. All I remember is the continuous loss and regain of consciousness. Last time I regained my responsiveness was when...

A morbid sense of horror infiltrated my heart as the images of what happened in my last dungeon dive resurfaced in my mind—crashing like a tsunami. The overwhelming guilt and rage seemed to claw at my insides, making me feel sick about myself.

With a sudden jerk to my whole body, I sat up quickly. My heart hammered against its confines. I looked down—my arms covered in fresh bandages. The warm sheet over me was pure white and clean. Beads of sweat rolled down my forehead and on to the sheets below with barely audible plops.

A sudden gasp made my head jerk to my right with a speed that might've snapped my own neck. I saw a woman. Black hair draped down her slender shoulders. Her grey eyes remained fixed at me, her lips quivering as a single tear cascaded down her cheek. However, her reaction wasn't what rendered me immobile but rather... her ears. She had long pointed ears. An elf trademark. She was an elf.

I looked around myself. Overgrown moss covered the corners of the roof while lush green branches of trees intruded through the windows right beside the bed I was laying on—a warm, refreshing wind blowing the cream coloured curtains in a wave-like motion.

"Princess?" Her lips moved once again. Despite the distance between us, I could feel her voice like she had spoken right beside me. I could even feel her breath fanning the insides of my ear. My whole body quivered as I continued to look at her.


I looked around me to see who she was talking to. But then a realisation dawned on me like a sunrise at dawn.

I was a princess! I had an argument with my parents all those years ago. 7 years 2 months and 17 days to be exact. I was kidnapped by humans... no, slave traders. I've seen how they sold their own kind. I've seen how an elf was in the mix of those degenerates who kidnapped and sold little kids—humans and elves alike to nobles who would use them for the most heinous of acts.

But how did this woman know I was a princess? Is she a collaborator with those Wykes? If so... why was she crying?

A splitting headache invaded me as I held my head with both of my hands. In a near instant she arrived right by my side. Before she could touch me, I reached for the mana in my core, ready to counter anything she was about to throw at me.


I couldn't help but be confused. What I thought was an attempt to kill or capture me was nothing else but a gentle embrace. Her arms coiled around my frame like a Hades Serpent. It was soft but firm, full of love—something I rarely encountered but was unyielding. Like she wasn't ready to let go of me... fearing I was an illusion.

But why?

"Princess... you're alive", she said once again. This time her voice... her real voice boomed in my ear. More memories from my childhood invaded my mind. A certain Black haired elf and another mint haired elf who were always by my parent's side. The royal guards.

"Sister Aya?" I asked as I felt my voice break down. My voice was weak and frail, hesitant and distant—fearing she won't be the one I assumed her to be.

She broke the hug and looked at me. Tucking the lock of my hair behind my ear, she smiled and stood up. Straightening her back she looked down at me, "Welcome back, Princess... to the Kingdom of Elenoir—to Zestier."


Nervously treading through the capacious hallways of the castle, I made my way closely behind Sister Aya. The hallways looked deserted. Like they had lost all their life. Like an abandoned alcazar, dark bricks were revealed at multiple places behind worn out concrete, wooden doors that looked like they had been through years of decay—moss grew everywhere. The inside of the castle was covered in a thick layer of dust. Cobwebs looked almost as old as the castle were on every windowsill, even though there were no spiders to be found.

All the rooms and corridors were empty except for the occasional decrepit chair or table placed in a corner. A great hall completed the eastern wing of the castle. Floor-length windows bordered the hall, letting in a lot of light, but they were so old that my vision through glass distorted the outside world.

Following the huge hall that had tattered curtains and worn out carpets, I finally arrived in front of a huge double door. A nexus of engravings made out of pure gold and every kind of stone—ruby, sapphire and emeralds were embedded in it.

"Right this way, princess", Aya spoke, her face beaming with excitement. However, I couldn't help but feel nervousness and an uncertain easiness bubbling at the pit of my entire being.

What if they don't recognise me? What if they don't properly remember me? What if they refuse to accept me as their princess knowing what I had gone through? Would they cast me away as well if I am of no use to them? Will I be used as a bargain chip by them to gain a political advantage?

Questions upon questions piled up in my mind, shrouding, veiling everything around me. All I could hear was the rapid beating of my heart and all I could feel was my paranoia being fanned more and more by the thoughts that crashed against my mind like a surging, ravaging tsunami. My senses dulled as my thoughts kept getting darker and darker. Like trapped in a living dream, I stood petrified—akin to a stone statue, devoid of life and the ability to feel.

"Tessia? Tessia... my baby, is that you?"

My crazed introspection came to a screeching halt as I heard a tired, disgruntled voice choked in tears of despondency. I recognised the voice. It had lost the mellow, honey-tinted edge but I knew who it was as soon as she muttered my name. Who else could say my name with such love and affection?

No one.

Because, no one could ever love me as this person.

My mother. Looking up from my feet, I saw my mother... taking one pained, careful step at a time in my direction. She had changed. As my fate had been cruel to me, time had been cruel to my mother. Her lively teal eyes had lost its colour, replaced by a darker shade, huge bags underneath her eyes. Streaks of white contaminated the once silky, silver stream.

I bit my lower lip as my hands balled into fists. The castle that was now nothing more than a glorified ruin, my parents who look like their soul had left their body ages ago. It was all because of me. Because I was naive and ran away. Because I didn't think of the ramifications my action would bring to not only myself but my whole family. Yes! I was the sole perpetrator of introducing so much gloom inside my family's life.

I looked up once again, trying my best to swallow the bitter taste of guilt as I tried to look in her eyes. Finally my eyes met her and I felt my heart leap outside my chest. My heart ached as I saw my mother recognize me. I could see the recognition in her eyes. A look of acceptance. She hadn't forgotten me.

The feelings that I locked away in a casket years ago and buried in the graveyard of my entire being, resurfaced. Like the dead back to life—I felt a subtle sting in my eyes. It didn't stop there as pain akin to being stabbed by hot needles infiltrated my eyes. I wanted to talk, scream... that yes... Yes, I was their daughter. But, I couldn't. All I mustered was a nod so feeble that even I was barely able to perceive it. She came close to me, her face neutral.Her eyes looked like emeralds floating in a sea of red. Despite the dishevelled state, I couldn't help but be mesmerised by her.

She suddenly gripped me by the scruff of my shirt and pulled me towards her. Placing my head on her shoulder and clashing her cheek against cheek, she tightened her one arm around my waist and the other around head, "Don't leave me again, my child. Never, do that again", she spoke through choked sobs as an unrestrained sob tore through my throat. Despite being a mid-silver core mage, I felt weak. My feet felt wobbly. My entire being felt like a cracked flower vase—so brittle and fragile—ready to break even at a delicate touch.

"I am sorry, mom. I am so sorry. Please... please, forgive me" I cried like a little baby, as the strain of all those years of locking my emotions and bearing the brunt of torture flashed in my mind and then started erasing with every gentle rub my mother gave me at my back.

"Shhhh, don't cry my dear daughter. Mama's here. No one will harm you again", she whispered in my ear, as she cupped my cheeks in her palms. Her touch was cold... yet comforting. How long ago did I last feel this much comfortable? Maybe once... when Bairon helped me. I wanted to think of a way to contact him... to talk to him, however, at this moment all I wanted to do was remain in this nest. This tiny dwelling carved out of the most sincere love in this world. My mother.

Heavy, rushed echoes of people running, sprinting in our direction echoed through the empty, worn out hallways. Peeling away from my mother, I stood in front of her, thinking some intruders had barged in. The remaining strength in my body left as soon as I saw the two figures.


"Little one?"

"Dad... grandpa", I muttered but stood at my place. I couldn't move towards them. I feared the same thing that I did with mom. A soft hand pushed my back forward as she whispered, "Go on. Meet your family."

I stumbled, going off balance. My feet had no strength in them. However, a pair of hands wrapped around me followed by a distinct whoosh of wind. I looked up as I saw grandpa Virion looking at me. His face had more wrinkles than before, his eyes and expression sharper than before. His eyes had a predatory look... like a deranged blood-thirsty mana beast. However, his face relaxed as more wrinkles formed on it. He pulled me in a firm embrace followed by another embrace as dad hugged both me and grandpa. Mom stood in a corner, putting a hand over my mouth as she continued crying.

A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as I hugged them back.

I am finally home.
