
TBATE | A Debacle

What is Sylvia's will was more than just a transfer of knowledge? What if her will changed a part of Arthur? What if the space rift Sylvia formed didn't led to the forest of Elshire but rather somewhere else... somewhere new. Unseen and unknown, unheard of. Will Arthur ever get through? Will he be able to meet his family again? Will he remain the same after the close bonds formed in the new 'Continent?' ****************************************** Yeah I know, it sounds familiar, but I wanted to try writing it, a bit different from Rene. Anyways hope you enjoy it. ****************************************** All the credits go to TurtleMe, the author of "The Beginning after the End" or "TBATE" for short. I do-not own anything, and this is merely a fanfic, something I am making on a whim and due to some lingering regrets. That's all.

Reprobate69_1 · Autres
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29 Chs

Chapter Five

<< A Wee Time Skip >>

A plethora of spells clad in a purple mist rained down on Cylrit. Bolts of crimson lightning and freezing white flames stuck to Cylrit's out-of-breath form, leaving him charred and frozen.

His left half was paralyzed, his hand dangling due to the active paralysis. His other hand stuck to his sword, unable to loosen his grip as his fingers were frozen in a glacial, arctic ice.

"Come out and fight, Grey", Cylrit spoke in a low growl. Crimson eyes darted from one corner of the room to another. The spell nulling phenomenon was already in effect on his sword as he waited patiently for the next attack to come.

Ground splintered beneath his feet revealing a barrage of spikes that hurtled towards him like missiles. Mana flared around him as he pushed the ground beneath him, crumbling it and the earthen spikes before they could even be launched completely at him.

Grey's form appeared for a split second. Clad in a golden and purple aura he swung his sword made of pure mana at him. Cylrit brought his sword up to defend himself. The bones in his arm rattled on impact, his sword stance wavering as his feet dug deeper into the ground. A frown formed on his face as he saw a crazed smirk over Grey's face.

His tongue clicked in annoyance. Twisting his feet he launched a barrage of sword strikes engulfed in soul fire as he spun like a vicious hurricane. Grey smirked at him, a shimmer of golden engravings that extended down from underneath his eyes, manifesting.

The world became devoid of colours- bland and static. Using the mana he already had augmented around his fist he stood to his side, in his blind spot. Letting out a deep breath he released his wavering control over time and colours started returning back to the world. Vibrant and charismatic.

His fist plunged into Cylrit's guts. His whole body jerked backward and went tumbling into a wall, making a large crater inside the wall. The whole room shook, the stony texture getting disrupted as dust filled the whole room. A gust of wind cleared the whole place.

The view became clear, a tangible tension in the air. Grey's sword pointed at Cylrit's pharynx, the tip subtly touching the neck as a thin stream of blood oozed out of it. Their eyes matched, staring at each other with the looks of a predator, none thinking of backing down.

Grey's eyes glowed in a deep shade of lavender, his bloodlust mixed in with the purple sheen that surrounded his mana core formed a purple dome around them. His knees dug deeper and deeper, breathing ragged, pupils dilating while his heart went into an erratic frenzy.

Both of his hands raised up. As soon as he did it, the pressure dissipated. Grey's eyes returned back to golden.

Cylrit looked up, a narrow smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He burst into laughter soon after,

"You've grown, Grey. A lot. I think you're ready now." Cyrit said, standing up meekly using his great sword as a support.

"Thanks for the compliment... finally, I can leave this damned place. How  long has it been anyways?" Grey asked Cylrit casually, a purple mist healing the minor injuries he sustained.

"4 years to be exact. On that note, ''Happy Birthday", Cylrit said in a genuine tone, his sword disappearing in his dimension ring. "Since you don't remember your own birthday, the day Scythe Seris brought you here is your birthday now."

"Thanks, Cylrit."

"Thanks for beating your ass for 4 years straight?" He said with a smirk. Grey rolled his eyes, unamused as he let out a slight grumble.

"You still lost tho", Grey shot back at him.

"I was being easy on you, kiddo. I am going all out next time." Cylrit spoke with a sneer.

"Yeah, yeah, holding back my ass".

Steps echoed as a figure walked nimbly from the narrow compact stairs. Scythe Seris arrived, her hair held back instead of the usual 'let loose' style. She wore a black dress instead of a robe, which was unusual in its own way.

"Something special today? Or are you too excited to meet me?" Grey teased as he walked closer to her.

"You're still far from impressing me, dragon boy. Now go and change. Your reek is making me nauseous", Seris said in a playful tone as she looked at Cylrit. Soul fire stuck to him, healing all of his injuries at a slow pace.

"So you finally managed to beat Cylrit."

"As you can clearly see." Grey mocked as he made his way to the stairs.

"Ah now that I remember,  Grey!" Seris called back making him stop in his tracks.

"What now?" He asked in an annoyed tone.

"Get ready and wear something... suitable. I want you to meet someone", She explained, omitting any necessary details.

"And who might that be?" Grey asked, his curiosity building up.

"Another disciple of mine." She explained, walking away from Cylrit as she caught up to him.

"I am hurt, Seris. Was I not enough for you?" He asked in a dramatic tone, placing his hand over his heart.

She looked down at him, a coy smile creeping up her face, "As of now no. If you want to be enough... put some height and muscles on first", she spat at him followed by a hearty laughter. Cylrit stifles his laughter from behind.

"Oh, so Dragoth is your type", Grey spat back at her with a witty comeback.

Her hand extended as she gripped him by his ear and pulled it up, "Your tongue is as sharp as ever, I see. But it'll be better if you keep that under control... got me?"

"Loud and clear, Ma'am" Grey said, wincing in pain. She released her grip over him, letting him go.

"Now go and get a bath and dress appropriately."

"I understand... geez, you don't have to criticise my dressing so much", Grey groused as he leapt off to his room.


/// Grey ///

Leaping off the carriage I turned my head towards our destination. Seris walked close to me as she motioned me in a certain direction. The whole place was covered in vines and bushes forming a canopy over the whole place.

After a while of walking we reached in front of two huge metallic gates. It was made of thin curved metal lines that were connected with each other in a byzantine nexus.

I walked closer to it.

Running my finger on the intricate lining I traced each metallic line with my index finger. The lines joined together, forming words. Somehow they made sense.

Like a lighthouse I could feel Sylvia's essence guide me. Like how a parent grabs a baby's hand and teaches them to write and draw- she did the same. Despite not being here, she was teaching me.

A word escaped my mouth, "Aether."

"Hmmm, what?" Seris asked walking closer as she pushed a hidden switch in the stone pillar that was on either side of the metallic gate, holding it in place.

"Do you know what these runes on the gate mean?" I asked before we could enter.

"What runes? There are no runes here. Now hurry up, we don't have all day." She said and started walking inside.

I glanced at the gate one more time...

Can't she see it?

The pavement that led to our destination was laid between a track of well kept vibrant and mesmerising flowers. Their aroma entered my nostrils as I felt a rejuvenating effect on my soul.

The pavement soon led to a huge mansion. It was set in stone and bricks. It had a certain aristocratic appeal that was maybe inspired by its large scale and ivy-wrapped first floor that was visible because of the open door that led inside. The brick-laid front porch was another great addition that fitted right in.

"Okayyy... Why are we here again? Because this place looks deserted to me", I said, my eyes scanning every direction.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" A blood curdling scream entered my ears, carried by the silent wind. My hair stood at its end as I heard it. My heart pounded rapidly as I looked in the direction of the voice.

My eyes widened as I saw the blood ensawthed face as the figure gripped its head, clenching at it. It fell to the ground, curling into a ball, its feet flopping like a dying fish out of water.

"NOOOOOOOOOO" She screamed once again as I saw more and more blood cover her hands that gripped her head.

I looked over to Seris who was petrified but a look over her face that explained something... that she had expected this.

I shouldn't have cared. I never cared about anyone. However, I wanted to redeem myself. Be it a guilty conscience because of my past deeds or a self reflection, I wanted to help her.

A power that laid dormant in me awakened. A power I was so close to obtaining. My perception of the world changed- turning into black and white. Although it was like my [Static Void] time was still moving here. However, I saw it. The mana. I could see every mote of mana and... Aether?

Pushing the thoughts to the back of my mind I decided to do what's necessary for now. A silent whisper escaped my mouth as I felt the burning sensation of something being carved into my flesh. A stream of knowledge invaded my mind as I muttered,



(A/n I will take a break so you can suffer thinking about who the girl is. Guess it's obv but nm that. Will be back in... dunno how long. See ya all later.)