
TBATE | A Debacle

What is Sylvia's will was more than just a transfer of knowledge? What if her will changed a part of Arthur? What if the space rift Sylvia formed didn't led to the forest of Elshire but rather somewhere else... somewhere new. Unseen and unknown, unheard of. Will Arthur ever get through? Will he be able to meet his family again? Will he remain the same after the close bonds formed in the new 'Continent?' ****************************************** Yeah I know, it sounds familiar, but I wanted to try writing it, a bit different from Rene. Anyways hope you enjoy it. ****************************************** All the credits go to TurtleMe, the author of "The Beginning after the End" or "TBATE" for short. I do-not own anything, and this is merely a fanfic, something I am making on a whim and due to some lingering regrets. That's all.

Reprobate69_1 · Autres
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29 Chs

Chapter Eleven - Catching up.

~3478 words

/// Caera Denoir ///

Rummaging through my closet, my fingers trailed through the countless dresses that hung in a well-maintained order.

My gaze landed on a particular dress as I felt my mood brighten.

Taking out the dress from the upper shelf of the wooden closet, I closed its double doors. Placing the dress in front of me I looked at myself. A small smile crept up my face as I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

"Perfect!" I whispered under my breath, hopping subtly on my toes as I treaded from one corner of the room to the another, where my bed was. Placing the dress softly on the mattress of my bed, I started to undress.

Using my thumb of left hand and index and thumb of right, I started to unbutton the button on my blazer. Once the navy-blue blazer was out of the way, I quickly removed my shirt by repeating the same process of unbuttoning. Extending my arms backward, I let the white shirt slip through my skin, uninterrupted. With a swift pull, I got out of the formal pants of the academy.

A chill ran down my spine.

Casting my gaze over to the window, I saw the curtains undulating seamlessly, as cold wind rushed inside. Rubbing my bare arms and dressed in only my undergarments, I made my way towards the windows. Pushing the plain cream-colored curtains to the side, I shut the windows and bolted it.

Winters were approaching already. And standing bare in the room was becoming almost impossible without the heating artifacts.

With the towel still coiled around wet hair, I removed it. Jerking my head sideways, I got rid of water droplets that splashed here and there.

My mind trailed off to the times when Grey and I trained under Scythe Seris. Every time, after training when we would get a bath in turns, he would get agitated because of this habit. My fingers ran through my hair, leveling out the knots in them. Once again, I remembered Grey. He has always been such a good friend of mine. Always helping me. Despite him being grumpy and mad at me for most of my mistakes, he never abandoned me.

I wonder sometimes.

Do I really see him as just a friend?

It was a question I had often asked myself. Did I like him? Not as a friend but as something else? It was unclear and an ambiguous thing for me.


Whatever my feelings were, I would never ruin my friendship with him because of him. Maybe it was the way he was always there for me; I am too scared to lose him now. Even if I like him... and confess my feelings to him... will I get accepted? Or will I be rejected? The risk was too high.


It's better to not think about it. I don't want to lose him. So, whatever my feelings are, I will sort them out with time. Yes... with time everything will become clear.

Shaking the conflicting, overbearing thoughts out of my mind, I focused on my dress.

It was a red dress that started just above my embonpoint. Coming downward it was made of a fine material. Rubbing the dress against my cheek, I felt its soft texture.

I looked up to see the time. It was already 10:15. Without wasting any more time, I slipped into my dress and wore it.

However, there seemed to be an issue. The dress I bought was a few months ago. And during that time, I seemed to have grown... again.

A frustrated grumble escaped my mouth as I cursed at my luck and ever-growing body. Deciding to not dwell on it, I made my way towards the closet again. My hand reached for a black coat that I had recently bought.

Twirling the coat and slipping my arms inside it, I wore it. It covered the bare minimum of my shoulders and extended downwards. Its sleeves reached just above my wrists. Although it didn't cover much of the frontal region, I ignored it. Not like that dense brick notices things like these.

Standing in front of the mirror, I opened the drawer beside it and took out my matte-black gloves. Since it was cold, I would need it. After the gloves, I picked up a neck band, similar in color to my coat. It had a navy-blue flower made of pure silk attached to it.

I looked at the time again.


"SHIT!" I cursed out loud, quickly grabbing my brush as I started doing my hair. There wasn't much time left so I had to do something simple. Brushing my hair to the left, I made a sharp, accurate hairline, brushing the majority of hair to the left. I left a lock of braided hair just around my horns that were camouflaged by the relic.

Picking the rest of the hair, I brought them together and tied them in a red ribbon, just letting them stay at my right shoulder.

After quickly looking at myself in the mirror, I rushed outside. Quickly flipping the buttons of the light artifacts, I turned them off and started running the wide hallways of the academy. Rushed footsteps produced a slight echo, muffled by the distant rumble of thundering clouds.

(A/n this is what she looks like. Props to the one who made it. Couldn't find who it belong to)

"Hope the rain doesn't interrupt", I muttered as I continued my rushed pursuit towards the academy gate. Just as I was near the gate I saw Grey, standing with his back against the metallic gate, his arms crossed.

His white hair was tied back in a pony, while locks of the pure white fell perfectly on the either side of his face. His eyes looked at me and his brow raised a fraction of an inch, eyes widening for a split second. He was wearing a white attire, a contrast to mine, which was mostly black. It was a plain shirt and coat, with golden chains lining it. The chained watch, a trademark of the wealthiest people in Alacrya, was visible in his pocket.

"I can see you dressed... pretty well", he remarked looking at me and the same teasing smirk that I never got tired of crept up his face.

"I can see you stopped dressing as a farmer too, Grey", I shot back at him. The corner of his eyes creased as he smiled, his otherworldly lavender eyes looking right in my eyes. "I was meeting my only friend for the first time in a year", he replied as I felt a subtle warmth emanating from my heart.


I saw upwards as he came closer to me. His steps were confident, purposeful. Carrying a certain degree of authority and power. As I took a step forward, I stumbled, realizing my dress was sliding down my shoulders. I panicked, not realizing what was going on.

A firm grip held me, tightening his grip around me.

"Your dress... it's not properly zipped." He spoke, still placing his hand behind my back. I mentally screamed at myself for being so clumsy, forgetting to zip up the dress since I was already late.

Before I could say anything, his hand slipped underneath my coat. It was warm in touch. Tender, almost delicate. With a swift motion he pulled it up and his hand receded backwards.

"There. All done", he said.

I felt an indistinct warmth radiating from my face as I saw him get away from me, "Does he feel nothing?" I asked myself, mentally.

"Let's go", he said, extending his hand towards me. I slipped my hand into his. His fingers curled, gripping my hand in a firm yet delicate hold.


"Woah", I exclaimed as we made our way between the bustling market. Multiple stands selling a variety of things were parked in front of the bigger markets.

Both of us were wearing robes above our clothes. I was quite mad at him, since I worked so hard to dress up. But he said I will have my chance to show off my dress.

Looking around, I saw families enjoying themselves. Little kids pulled their parents towards multiple carts, enjoying food and other luxuries together with a beaming, genuine smile over their faces.

I wonder sometimes...

If I didn't have Vritra Blood inside me, would my life be the same as these kids? Would I be able to enjoy my life with my real parents too? Worrying about nothing. Just having genuine affection. Not the selfish love that I have been getting from the Denoirs. My fist clenched, balling into a fist.

I hated it. I Hated myself. A hate towards the blood running through my own veins. Not realizing I had been staring at the random families for too long, I felt a hand wrap around me from the side. I saw Grey, subtly rubbing my shoulders, "It's ok. Everything will be fine", he said in a hushed whisper. My head stooped down, looking at my own stationary feet.

As if he had guessed everything, he called my name.

"Caera", he said, a sudden shift in his voice, sounding more cheerful than usual. The mild crispiness in his voice made it sound even funnier to hear but soothing at the same time. "Let's go there", he said and motioned for me towards a jewelry shop.

I tried to resist but he had already grabbed my hand, pulling me behind him. Reaching for the glass door of the magnanimous shop, he opened it. The inside of the shop was as regal as I aspired it to be. Shiny white tiles covered the floor like a carpet while multiple glass domed objects guarded the most valuable pieces of them.

"How may I help you?" A neatly dressed man spoke. His black hair was combed to the right, a few strands falling over his face. I was about to say something when his crimson eyes shifted from me to Grey. They widened for a split second before returning to normal. Giving a stern nod to Grey, he left us, not uttering another word.

"What was that?" I asked, confused at the sudden shift in behavior.

"Hmm, nothing special. Leave that. Why don't you choose something for yourself?" He replied, shrugging the question. I wanted to ask him more about it but decided against it. If he doesn't want to, I won't ask. He must have his reasons for hiding it.

I separated from him for a while looking here and there for something. I wasn't fond of ornaments and extravagant jewelry. So, I decided just to take a walk around and leave this place as soon as I can, so I could enjoy our hangout.

After a few minutes of walking here and there, I walked closer to Grey who had two boxes in his hand. He turned on his heel as he stopped talking to the black-haired man from before,

"Done dilly-dallying?" He asked, a wide sneer over his face.

"I wasn't", I retorted back. I looked at the tall man whose eyes were shifting between me and Grey in a rapid succession.

"Will that be all, Sir Grey?" He asked respectfully.

"Yeah. Thanks for the help, Jason", Grey replied to the man whose name I now recognized as 'Jason'.

"It will compliment well with the lady's hair", Jason said as Grey laughed. Without saying any more words Grey motioned for me to follow closely behind him. One of the boxes disappeared in his dimensional ring while the other stayed.

"What's that?" I asked, curious.

"This..." he paused, as he pulled the ribbon and removed it. I stood on my toes, trying to take a peek inside it. Now that I see... How did he get so tall?

He handed me the box and held something between his fingers. After examining it thoroughly he turned his head towards me, "Here this is for you." He said, handing me a ring so blue that it seemed black and had an obsidian rune engraved on it.

"Is this a proposal?" I teased.

He looked down at me and smirked, "If you think of it that way then yes", he shot back as I let out a loud snort.

"What? Do you doubt my words?" He asked, faking a tear.

"Yes, I do. Putting that aside, what is this thing? It's impossible you gave me an ordinary ring that serves no purpose", I said, getting straight to the point.

"Hmm", he hummed once again, cocking his head sideways, "This is a ring I made especially for you. Since you're an airhead and a rebellious child and are most likely to get into trouble." He said and I felt a heavy blow at my ego.

"You're the one to talk", I spat back at him, remembering all the troubles he got me into because of his experiments including self-harm. "But anyways, how will this help me?"

"It can send a distress signal every time you're in danger. Just direct the minutest trickle of your mana signature towards the rune and I'll know immediately", He explained.

Although it was hard to believe, it was Grey after all.

Leaving the busy market, we continued walking. There was a brief silence among us. Not the suffocating one, but rather a very comforting one. It was like this was what I always needed. No words. No actions. Just a silent walk among the woods, under a full moon with refreshing cold wind brushing against our faces.

"Umm", Grey spoke, hesitating.

"What is it?" I asked, stopping in my tracks.

"I was about to ask you to come with me to a party arranged for many well-known named bloods", he stopped and scratched the back of his head sheepishly, "Well, I don't think it's a good idea to take you with me, is it?"

I stood there, flabbergasted. This is what's bothering him? The urge to facepalm bubbled up and took every fiber of my being not to do it.

"Why isn't it a good idea to take me with you? Of course, I'd love to go", I replied.

"Isn't it below your royal stature to attend a party of us country bums, Miss Denoir?" He spoke in an awfully formal manner.

"You should be honored", I replied, "and besides, I am hungry", I said with a deadpan expression at him. He actually forgot to get me dinner.

He looked at me for a second and then suddenly realized, "Ohh. I forgot you need food too. Skill issue, Caera", he said laughing heartily.

"Yeah, unluckily, I am not an almost complete asura", I shot back at him in my defense.

"Well let's go. Hold on tight", he said.

Wait, hold on? Hold on to what?

Before I could fully process everything, I felt his hand wrap around my waist.

"Godstep" his voice was a whisper, as his warm breath touched my neck.

The space around us warped and the next thing I saw was a huge mansion, guarded by guards dressed in fancy clothes.

"What was that? Where am I? What did you do?" I bombarded Grey with questions.

"Calm down, will you?" He said and removed his robe. Looking towards me he raised a brow, "I'll tell you later... promise." He said, as I removed my own robe too.

The mansion was between a vast barren expanse with patches of grass, here and there. A smooth, bricked path led to the entrance of the mansion. Following closely behind Grey, we made our way towards the main entrance. A butler opened the door for us as the sight inside of the mansion came into view.

The whole place was bustling with people. Women and men chattering, drinks being served everywhere. A choir was playing a few instruments, the melodic hum setting a perfect mood for the slow dance that continued- unperturbed by its surrounding activities.

I saw Grey take a cup of red wine from a tray that a waiter carried around and stood beside me.

"Hey! You aren't allowed to drink that." I said in a whisper, trying to take the glass away.

"Come on, who's going to punish me here?" He said and took a huge sip from it, emptying half of its contents in one go. "Ahh~" He exclaimed in pleasure, licking his lower lip. "Don't worry I'll get you apple juice", he teased as I smacked his arm.

"I am hungry. I am going over there", I told him and started to walk away while some named blood swarmed around him, once they noticed his presence.

Standing in front of the huge table of food, I felt my stomach rumble. Without wasting another moment, I started to dig in. The food was delicious, rivaling even those served in upper echelons.

"I must say, I wasn't expecting Lady Caera to be present here", A voice chimed in, bringing me out of my stupor. I looked back and saw a familiar young man coming towards me.

I cursed my luck mentally. If to meet a Highblood here was not enough, he had to be someone who wanted to court me. He walked closer and stood just a step away from me, "Hello Lady Caera of Highblood Denoir. It's a source of great pleasure for me to meet you here. I am not sure if you remember me, but I am Travis of Highblood Rivermoore." He introduced himself and then smirked at me.

If it was up to me, I would've punched him in the face and told him to piss off, but I was here with Grey. Furthermore, if my blood knew I was sneaking outside academy, the little freedom I have will have snatched away.

"Nice to meet you too", I replied with the bare minimum of curtsy, and then turned around, shifting my focus on food.

"Is your blood aware you are present in a party of these low-lives?" He said, spite evident in his tone.

"I am sure that is none of your concern, Lord Travis". His jaw clenched at my statement, "and please refrain from using words like 'low lives' for them. One of them is my friend. And I do not like it when people make fun of my friends", I said in a threatening tone.

He quickly regained his composure, and let out a slight cough, "I apologise for any offense I might've caused for Lady Caera, knowingly or un-knowingly", he said and paused, "but I have something to ask of you", he said.

"Sure", I replied, wiping my fingers with a handkerchief and finally looking at him. He was a tall man, with blonde hair and black eyes. He came closer and whispered something in my ear.


I felt my senses fade away...

It was like I was robbed of everything... sense of smell, touch, vision, hearing. Everything seemed to fade away into oblivion.

...... u should've done as you were told to

You will have to do as I ......

I could hear...

It was muffled but I could hear it.

Distant rumbling of thunder followed by the white flash of lightning. Plops of water caused by hurried, frantic steps. Heavy downpour of rain.

The mixed sounds made my head spin. I felt a wave of nausea wash over me. But like something was gripping my throat, holding it in.

My eyes felt heavy as I pried them open. Wet blonde hair fell over the same man's face, his black eyes showing no traces of sanity. "Didn't I said you should marry me? Huh? Tell me, why do you reject me? For that piece of trash? Tell me!" His voice was a low growl, and the sound was knives being stabbed inside my ear. It was hard to bear.

It was cold...

The limpness in my body had made me unable to make the minutest of action...

I felt helpless as I felt his breath against my skin.... on my neck.

Someone... please...

Grey... please...

My ring finger burned suddenly.

The clouds rumbled once again. Among the white flash of lightning the whole dark place was washed in a lighter shade of amethyst.

And among the light I saw something. Or rather someone.

Lively alluring lavender eyes replaced by voids containing nothing but an animalistic thirst for blood. A smile formed on my face as I let the mind numbing phenomenon of the drug pull me deeper into the embrace of sleep.


(Sometimes I wonder why I am so twisted. 💀💀 I was supposed to write a date between two 13 and 15 year olds, and one of em had conflicted feelings. Ended up with kidnapping and attempted abuse. Damn I need therapy. Anyways, hope you like the chapter.

Or not 💀

Sayonara )