

Boss_Lady_4now · Fantaisie
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19 Chs



 Three days later, Anna was recovered, the moment she opened her eyes, she saw her look alike and only sister.

" Zolly...." She said with excitement in her voice.

" Zoe my sweet little kitty..." Zolly mentioned Anna's old name. She hugged her so tight. Anna was so happy to see zolly again. She received a very painful news about her unborn baby and had been moody throughout.

 " I'm sorry for what happened to u sweetheart. I know u are strong and can hold. Because u are my madam, u trained me to fight do you remember?? 😊.. "

Anna nodded her head and hugged her again.

" I brought u some fruits. sit up and lemme feed u.." 

" I don't feel for food. .. " Anna said. Feeling bitter and sour.

" Help me off my bed. I want to see Ina.

 " I understand u madam. But u need to eat the fruit, u need energy to cuddle ur baby like this.. 😊,now open ur mouth.... ahuh.... " 

 Soon after , they visited Ina. This was the first time Anna had seen her after the accident. She walked to her and her lowly cries woke her up. 

" Mama..." Ina called out weakly and Anna slept her chin in her little palms. 

" How are u my baby..." She said in tears.

 " My leg and arm hurts....." She said looking innocent and pure.

" U will be fine .... I'm here with u so u will be okay ..." Anna said and kissed her.

" I think I have two Mamas.. here... " She said and chuckled after seeing zolly. 

" She's ur aunt, say hi..." Anna said.

" Hi Aunt... Mama, u didn't tell me u were twins... I thought only Frankelle was my aunt.... "

" We are not twins, we are just friends, good ones. " 

 " Like Chloe and I ?... "

" Yes darling..." 

 After some chats between Zolly and Ina . Ina fell asleep 😴 and Zolly took Anna back to her ward. She helped her took her bath laid down on the bed.

" How was your Australia?... Was life bitter like mine??.. " Anna asked. 

 " Hmm life wasn't easy at first but now it's quite simple and easy... Thank you for your supportive advice... I owe you a lot Zoe.... " Zolly said. She feels comfortable calling her Zoe than Anna .

" So what brought u here?.." 

 " Oh Andres informed me that u have been admitted at the hospital...., I stopped everything I was doing and flew to see u .., I didn't even have time to pack my luggage so I brought no clothes.. haha 😂... I will wear urs for sure... " 

" As u wish little princess... " Anna smiled and slept.

 The news about Anna's miscarriage reached Jeff and he exploded. He destroyed all the things around him as anger penetrates him wildly. A clapped was heard approaching him and he turned quickly. Andres has overcome all this men and had come to him.

" Guard ! Guards!..." Jeff called out to his men.

 " They are all sleeping... I gave them a slight punch and that was all..." He mocked. 

" Andres.. u know about the miscarriage right....?" Jeff said angrily.

 Andres sat down and lit a cigarette." Yes of course.. I caused this miscarriage. I spilled some shower gel on the floor hoping for her to step and fall ,... and my plan succeeded.... Hahaha.... " 

 " I thought u loved Anna..? "

 " I loved that girl be4 u fucked her... I loved her be4 u tear us apart with that fucking photos..! " Andres roared like a hungry lion.

 " Oh have you forgotten that u took that naked picture of hers! Have u forgotten that day u tied her up and stripped her naked, u took those pictures after u raped her ! Andres!.. " Jeff stated clearly to him.

 " But I didn't tell u to blackmail her with it..."

" Yes, but remember that I'm also in love with her. I will do anything to make her mine ! "

 " Leave her alone Jeff, now there's no baby ... so no bond.. "

 " What if Anna hears this ? Huh..? She will be damn angry Andres. U shouldn't have killed the baby... " Jeff spoke out of pain. One can say that he is wicked and stingy but he was ready to change for the baby. He was ready excited when he learned that Anna is pregnant. But now , Andres has ruined everything.

 " Did your daughter died ?." Jeff said.

" Ina is perfectly fine .. nothing can happened to her as long as I live.." he smirked dangerously.

" Hahahaha 😂😂😂 oh c'mon, u said this when I told you thatI will touch Anna..., and I did it... " Jeff wanted to piss his brother off and he continued.

 " After giving my first time to Anna when she was only 13 years, I feel I left my soul and joy in her. Anytime I touch her.. I feel like the heavens are so close. She's so soft and warm. Her lips are sweet like berries and I longed for them all day and all night.. "

 " Stop it!!!!! 😠😠!!... " Andres' anger overflowed the calm down cup and he run into Jeff. He knocked him down and punched him left and right mercilessly. Anna is his and no one dares not touch her.

Jeff turned Andres and reversed the game. He returned all his painful and merciless punches.

" I will tell Anna the truth Andres, and I will marry her for sure...! I love her.. u don't know how painful it is for a woman to have miscarriage! I read about all these when I learned that I was going to be a father.... U are heartless!.. I thought u like kids but u are a monster !.... "

 " I like kids but not u and Anna's kids....? "

The guards rushed in and helped Jeff. They quickly tied Andres up and Jeff vented all his anger on him. His dream of becoming a father has been ruined. Andres face bled under the punches. 

 Jeff stopped and ordered for some wine to cool his anger down. He also took some drugs and injections. His handsome face reddened with anger.

 One of his guards run in with a CD in his hand.

" Sir ... I just found this.. it's a footage of ur night with ur sisters in law. Lemme insert it sir... " 

" Insert it.. ,let my brother see how hard I fucked my sister in law. .. " he said with a grin. Andres got mad .

" But sir.. "

" Insert the CD now..." Jeff commanded. 

The guy did as he wished.


Anna walked out of the washroom in her sexy night gown. Jeff lie in bed with towel covering his lower. He stood up abruptly and surrounded her waist with his hands. He tried kissing her but she avoided it and it landed on her cheek.

" Are u shy ?? " Jeff asked

" Y.. yes.." Anna lied . She just doesn't want to sleep with him. She had prepared well for this night.

" Then let's drink some wine 😉.." Jeff insisted.

" Okay .. " Ana said in a romantic manner which sent chills down his spine. He felt butterflies in his stomach and his heart beat accelerated. 

" Sit down.."

Anna sat down on the bed. She pulled the kimono to cover her exposed thighs feeling disgusted wearing such a sexy clothe in front of her brother in law.

 " Here u go..." Jeff handed her a glass of wine. He intentionally wanted her drunk but not knowing strong wine was Anna's friend be4. She lived a thug life before and no wine can melt her down with one bottle. Anna pretended to be drunk .

" Jeff... I feel so hot.." she said and pushed Jeff onto the bed . Anna brought another glass of wine. She lied on top of him and offered him all the wine. Jeff run his big hands on her soft body.

 After some time, Jeff felt sleepy but damn horny. He turned Anna and settled between her legs. He tossed the towel away and pinned her hands above her head. 

 Anna pulled him off her and removed a sex toy from under the bed. Jeff's vision was blurry and couldn't see what she was doing. Anna pressed the toy down his cork and he groaned in pleasure.

" Ah.. Jeff u fucking good.. ahh.. ss.. s.. s... gosh... "

Anna faked moans and moved the toy faster sending him to the skies.

 " Stop the video!! Stop it right now....!😠 " Jeff shouted and and took his gun . He can't believed Anna fooled him.

" Hahahaha 😂😂.. oh I forgot Anna was a bad bitch... So nothing happened between u two. That's great 😊👍. Jeff Anna fooled u😂😂... U wanted to fuck my wife 😂😂... Oh mine.. I have to reward her for that... " Andres was so happy to know the truth. He hated himself for not believing her. What kind of husband was he. The media made him believe it after showing proof and causing him to lose the presidential seat.

 " Damn it ! U showed me this fucking thing for what ! ... U bastard 😤 u deserve this... " Jeff said and shot the guy dead. He shot him until he run out of bullet.

 He was so angry 😡 and wanted to kill Anna for fooling him.

" Don't be so happy Andres. If nothing happened between Ann and I then it implies that u killed ur own child.... " He said and the smile on Andres' faded away. Anna said so many times that the baby was his but anger blocked his ears.

Andres went to a hotel nearby to refresh his mind. He couldn't believe he killed his own unborn baby. He screamed loudly a chill wind blew across his heart freezing it with force . " Nooooo!!!!....😭 I'm sorry Anna ,... I'm so sorry 💔😔..... " He sat down and cried in frustration.

 Anna was discharged a day after and she spent her the in Ina's ward . She wanted to help Ina take a shower and the moment she raised her head off the pillow, she saw lots of hair strands which moved her kidneys. She run her hand through Ina's hair and it uprooted on her hand making her poor tiny daughter's head bald.

" What! 😱.."

Anna was shocked. What is happening to her daughter.

" Zolly call the doctor now!..." 

 The doctor came and checked on Ina.

" Ms Anna ain't u aware of ur daughter's sickness??... " 

 " No. "

" Then I'm sorry to inform u that Ina has leukemia. Blood cancer..... "

Anna moved back in shock. She felt the world tilting and twisting, she felt heavy and opened her mouth to suck some oxygen. 

" Blood cancer..?"

She couldn't believe her ears.


" Im surprised u aren't aware. She had had so many tests... U don't know...?... Mr Boanavides didn't tell u..?. "

 The doctor didn't get any reply and left after saying

 " Ur daughter's hair will be shaved... this afternoon.... "

 " Mama... I don't want to shave my hair. I want it long like sister Hazals . Chloe will mock at me if I shave my hair... 😭". Ina cried. Anna's heart was bleeding at the news and she hated Andres for hiding this from her.

" Zolly... bath her for me..." Anna said and left to the mansion.

 She bought opium and different flavors of shisha. She got herself a dildo 👀 on her way home. She didn't want to cry but she felt so painful. This was the way she used to get rid of her pains be4 she married. Now she is single and doesn't have any chest to shed tears on , a warm hands to embrace her anymore. She just had to go back to her old self 🤧. Everything she had fought for is shattering away and she can't do anything about it.

 Hazal followed her to her room.

" Hazal I'm not in the mood to talk.... Leave me alone..."


" I want to see what is in there mum. What's in the bag u are holding...?.. "

 " None of ur fucking business An Lee !!.. "

 " An Lee.?.. who's An Lee mum?..! " Hazal shouted at her mum. She has a very bad temper.


" Not ready to talk about this.."

 " No mum , tell me now or u aren't going anywhere...!. "

 " Get the fuck out of my face. Don't get me angry Hazal... I'm facing alot don't lemme pour my anger on u.... U know how it goes.... " 

 Hazal knew her mum and back out. Anna went to their matrimonial room and lit a cigarette as her starter.

She pulled off her trousers and shoes, unbottomed her shirt and was left in her pant and bra. She stood be4 the mirror looking at her curvy body and pure skin. After giving birth to 3, she still looked beautiful at her 31 age. 

When her eye landed on Ina's infant picture she threw the cigarette away and went on her shisha, the whole room turned smoky and she played her favorite music so loud on the theater. Smoking makes her feel good. She wanted to release the pain in her heart 💔😢. She lied down and brushed the dildo against her soft body. Inserted it in between her thighs. The pleasure was so consuming. It's been a long time since she had sex. She had missed it so badly. With the shisha still on, she inserted the dildo in her ***** ,she was damn tight and sweet. 

". Ina has leukemia.." 

She remembered what the doctor said and sped up the machine in her. " Ow.. ah!.." she moaned loudly holding the sheets for dear life.

" Her hair will be shaved in the afternoon.." the doctor's words kept wandering in her head and killing her soul. She cried and reached her orgasm. She pulled the toy out of her as sweat popped on every inch of her body. The room was smoky and her vision was blurry. Because of the loud music, she didn't hear the door opening and closing. Andres started coughing and waving the smoke off his way. He stopped the music and opened the windows to make the smoke escape. He took the shisha away and Anna frowned in anger. She had finished two bottles of wine already and was slightly drunk so was Andres.

Anna didn't want to fight with him after all it's his room. She covered her nude and inserted the dildo in her again this time low and slow as she sip on her wine . Her hair was messy and body sweaty. " Hmmm... s.. ss... my goodness..." She moaned lowly. This turned Andres on and he took off the cover to reveal her amazing naked body under the sheets. He quickly undress and joined her in bed. Anna place the machine on high as she was close to her second orgasm. " Ah.. ahh.." her moans were loud and tempting. Andres stretch his body to kiss her. He was surprised she kissed him back.

He removed the toy and caress her inner thighs. He had missed herso much. He's been fighting his lust back anytime he sees her. Anna wasn't drunk, she watched as he played with her body, caressing every inch and sucking her breasts. 

She waited for him to get hard enough. She stopped him when he attempted to eat her *****. He settled in between her legs and got ready to fuck.

" Get off, not interested.." 

" Wait darling.. u can't do that.."

" Don't dare push in Andres..., I don't want to do it... "

" C'mon Anna, I'm hard and want u now please Anna, please please... " 

" Get off me ...! We aren't couples anymore, I have nothing doing with u...! "

" Anna , I Know that 🥺🥺 please, I will marry u just after this ... Please don't deny me , or I will suffer blue balls... "

" That's ur problem not mine, go and fuck any bitch u want not me ...! "

Andres couldn't obey her and tried to force himself on her. He pushed deep inside her with one hump and she screamed in pain.

" Andres u are raping me..." Anna was helpless after taking in too much drugs and alcohol. She couldn't push Andres off her. He was super strong at the moment. He rammed inside her like a mad bull pleasuring her to the edge. Anna couldn't hold the pleasure and bit his shoulder hard but he didn't stop. They are used to having a rough sex. When Andres was about to orgasm, Anna tricked him with the attempt of giving him the best position and slide off underneath him.

" Fuck...!" Andres cursed under his breath. He was so close and she denied him. Such a painful thing. He begged her on his knees, his hands holding her leg. 

" Please just lemme cum and I will do as u say, I beg you please Anna, u know how painful this is... Please Anna... don't do this... "

" Never! " Anna shouted and locked herself in the bathroom. Andres broke in and she run to Hazal's room in her robe.

 Andres lied on the bed cursing her in his head.