
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 8: You're the system?!

A day had passed and Ryo was sitting in front of a tree holding his off electric dagger and throwing it on the trunk of the tree, the tip of the dagger pierced the trunk and got stuck. 

He reaches his hand to grab the handle then yanks it out. He has been doing these ever since he woke up and the system didn't greet him 'good morning master, what will you do today.' It looks like the system was still angry at Ryo. 

" Geeze, women can surely hold a grudge, and they will not tell you why they're mad at you because they want you to figure it out by yourself, and they will take this to their grave if they have to. " 

And just like that, he felt the system sulked more. He did feel bad about the sudden outburst at the system, because of his profession as a spy, he just couldn't help it if he was either given wrong information or an outdated one he would snap at that person for delivering this kind of information. 

Call him harsh and all, but he was giving them tough love here, because if you deliver a wrong kind of information and giving it to the client/president could lead to a certain chaos or casualties.

He was like the Gordon Ramsay of spies, like god damn! Ryo sighed because he still had this kind of habit. He sat up and swallowed his saliva and cleared his throat before speaking. 

" Hey system, I know that you are listening and I'm sorry for the sudden outburst I showed yesterday, I know that I didn't appreciate your information even though it can help me in the near future, it just that my habit suddenly acted, l shouldn't be blaming my habit, but I'm really really sorry and I will appreciate your information more." All the things that Ryo said came from his heart. 

Silence fell in the forest, you could hear the birds chirping and the river flowing. After a minute of silence, a familiar beep sound was heard by Ryo, this was a cignal when the system was about to speak, but he didn't expect that the system was still mad after that apology. 

[ Hmp! That is still not enough master. ] 

" Huh?! Not enough? How? " Ryo asked, bewildered because the apology didn't work. He already used this kind of apology to a scorned woman and it works every time. 

[ It's still not enough. ] 

" Geeze, you scorned women. " Ryo whispered to himself but the system still heard this. 

[ See! You still mock me. ] The system whined, in a quavering voice? Was the system about to cry? This made Ryo act rushly because he was about to make the system cry. 

" Okay, okay I'm sorry about that, how should I show it to you that I'm really sorry. " Ryo asked the system and it seems that it was thinking for a bit. 

[ Hmm, there is a way for you to show it to me. ] 

" Really, then I'll do it. " Ryo said with confidence. 

[ Okay, but first, you need to sleep master. ] 

" Huh? But why? " 

[ Just do it master or I'll just shut up for eternity. ] The system says in a dramatic way, the eternity silence would just last for a week but he will do it anyway. 

" Okay, I'll do it, let me eat first and get comfortable. *Sigh* I just woke up. '' Ryo ate the cooked deer meat, he then put out the fire, after that he got comfortable to sleep. 

He closed his eyes and waited for a couple of minutes and the feeling of his consciousness getting pulled in, this was not like any other sleep that he had, this was different, he wanted to open his eyes but he remembered what the system told him so he waited.  

Ryo felt all around him silence, there were no birds chirping, no river flowing, and no wind rustling the leaves. It was just pure silence, then the sound of an agitated girl speaking to Ryo. 

" You can open your eyes now, master. " said a girl. 

Ryo opened his eyes and started to look around ignoring the girl in front of him, all he could see was just darkness. 

" Where am I? What is this place? " 

" We're in your mind, master. " 

" Huh?! " Ryo was surprised by the girl's voice, he looked in front of him and saw a beautiful girl. 

This girl looks like a sixteen years old. She had white hair reaching her back, beautiful azure blue eyes, pink skinny shorts, a white long sleeved shirt with blue stripes on her chest. 

And she was currently standing in front of him, her arms in a crossed position on her chest, and she was also pouting while looking to her side, all in all she looked like a stoic tsundere. 

" Ummm, who are you? " 

" Wha-, Master! It's me, the system. " The system yelled at Ryo for not recognizing her. 

" Huh?! You're the system? What? How?! Why do you look like this?! " Ryo was bewildered by the appearance of the system.  

" Geeze master, what's with all of these questions, I can't answer all of them. " The system was getting annoyed by all of this question, plus, she didn't just summon Ryo to just keep blasting her with questions. 

 Ryo calmed himself down to think properly and make sense of all of this mess. While Ryo was regaining his composure, he remembered why he was summoned here. 

" Umm, why am I summoned here again? " 

" Have you already forgotten it master, are you sure that your head is okay or you bumped it. "

" My head is okay and I know that I was summoned here to show you that I'm really sorry, but my question is, why do I have to be here. " Ryo asked while losing a bit of his patience. 

" Hmp! So you do remember, I thought you bumped your head and lost some memory when I was not watching you. Why you're summoned here, is that I just wanted to do something. " The system said the last part a bit meekly. 

" Huh? " Ryo asked.

" Just sit there in a criss-cross position. " The system commanded Ryo and he followed it. 

" Omp, okay now what? " The system walked towards Ryo and sat down in the middle of his lap, both her legs resting on Ryo's left lap. 

Ryo was surprised that the system acted like this, she was still pouting and seemed to be waiting for something. Something in Ryo's mind clicked, and figured out what the system was waiting for,nis that she wanted to be pampered. 

'  oh ho ho, you sneaky girl, fine I'll spoil you for today. ' Ryo thought to himself. 

Using his left arm, he pulled her closer to his chest, then with his hand he started to pat and rub the system's head and she reacted to this by closing her eyes and lifting her head a bit to feel more of his Pat's and rubs. 

Thanks to a large stat on Dexterity the head pat/rubs he gave to the system was pleasurable. The system snuggled on the nook of his neck and asked something that surprised Ryo. 

" Master, can you give me a name? " 

" Hmmm, why? " 

" Because your calling me system is kinda annoying and so unoriginal. Can you give me my own name, master? " The system asked while giving Ryo a pleading look. Ryo could only sigh and follow her request and she's right, just calling her system is unoriginal and a system is supposed to be emotionless, but she's showing a lot of human emotions this past week. Ryo holds his chin in a thinking position till he can find a good name. 

" Hmmm, how about Arya? Is that okay? I'm not really good at giving names. " Ryo said while scratching his cheek with his index finger. 

" Hehehe, I loved it master, from now on call me Arya. " The system now named Arya was very happy to hear her new name, after naming Arya she suddenly glowed a bit before Ryo suddenly felt drained. 

" Woah, why did I feel drained just now? " 

" Ohh, hehe, sorry master I didn't tell you that when you name someone it will take some of your life essence or life Mana. Don't worry though because it won't take a lot of it, just enough for the name you gave and how strong that someone is. I'll warn you if you're low in life Mana so you won't die and I won't get transferred to another master. " The thing that Arya said surprised Ryo because it means that there are others just like him, well not the same race, but they will not be a humanoid but another race.  

" Arya, you said that if I die you'll get transferred to another master, are there others just like me? " Ryo asked to confirm it. 

" Well, yes there are others like you but they have different personalities and characteristics, so that's why I don't usually show myself. " 

" So you're telling me that there are some people that got reincarnated before me and are getting stronger by the minute. Tell me are there any of them that are evil or corrupted. " 

" Yes and yes. " Arya answered nonchalantly like there were no problems. 

" Ohh God, this is a mess, if I bumped into one of them that is evil I'll either get killed or get forced to join them. " Ryo said, imagining the outcomes of both possibilities. 

" You don't have to worry about that master, some of them that are very powerful are very far from you, so you won't see them anytime soon. But the weak ones are close but I believe that master can beat them, plus, you have excellent power growth and you can surpass those who got reincarnated before you. " 

" Yeah, you're right, I'm very strong and can get stronger in just a short time. But if they are just like me, does that mean that they also have their own system? "  

" Yes they do have one, buuut those systems have computer generated speeches and they can only help and give you something like Exp's if you complete certain tasks. " 

" Wait, didn't I have a system like that before? " Ryo was remembering the past when the system was only giving him instructions and then leaving. 

" Well yeah, I wasn't the one watching you before, I only switched with it on the fifth day of your arrival. " 

" Ohh, why did you choose me in the first place anyway? "  

" I have two reasons actually, first is that you seem different from the others and you're not that young and not that old, you know how dark can a world get and only wish to have at least a peaceful next life, unlike the others that wanted greatness and also wanted to get their name on the history book. The second reason is that you've been favored by father the most. "

Ryo made an O sound after Arya's explanation, he wanted to ask who her father was but Arya looked already annoyed by all of his questions and looked at Ryo expecting another question from him. Ryo chuckled and patted Arya's head to calm her down. 

Another session of Ryo pampering Arya happened, Arya seemed to enjoy Ryo's pampering and wanted to stay like this forever but Ryo wanted to ask one more question. 

" Hey Arya, I've been wondering, why do you like to be pampered anyway? " Ryo asked and regretted it, because Arya suddenly frowned and her face made a sad look like she was abandoned. 

" Ah?! Hey you don't have to answer if you don't want to. " Ryo said as he was trying to comfort Arya.  

" No, it's just that I wanted to be pampered because I missed this feeling, and I miss my father. " Ryo was surprised by the mention of her missing her father, he could only listen to her to know what happened to him. 

" This happened far back when me and my sisters were still in touch with each other because of our father, we were a random and wacky family but I don't want to change them for anything. One day our father called us in an urgent meeting to discuss something, when we arrived there we were shocked to see our father sitting on his chair glowing and little specks of dust leaving his body and making little holes, father was slowly disappearing right before our eyes and we couldn't do anything, he apparently called us there to see us for one last time and say his last goodbyes to us before disappearing completely. After this event our family relationship shattered and we lost touch, I don't even know if they're still here or not. " Arya then started to cry and Ryo pulled Arya to his chest while rubbing her head. 


I hope that you like this chapter, this was actually a test run and also the next chapter will also be a test run if I can write a love scene, so what you think please leave an advise on how to write some love scenes, but if you did like it please add this to your library and thank you for reading, see you in the next chapter. 


Me: *just about to make new chapter*

Blue_Robin: *knocks before entering* umm, hey dude I have a question. 

Me: huh? Yeah what is it? 

Blue_Robin: *shows phone* why does this say 'hand, grab, handle', dude it's wrong grammar and there are a lot of it. 

Me: What?! *Reads it* the fuck?! But the spell checker said to change the spelling. 

Blue_Robin: bro, the spell checker corrects your spelling not your grammar. 

Me: *inhales* fuuuuuuuucccckkk!!!!! 

Yeah I found that out the hard way. I also noticed that each chapter I publish the words I put in it increase, so it might reach 3,000 words if you want.

