
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantaisie
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25 Chs

Chapter 24: Will You Go On A Date With Me, Master Ryo?

Three months had passed and a lot had happened. Ryo and Aiko moved out of the inn that they were staying at after they've finally collected enough money from the missions and the things that they sell on the trade hall that was attached to the Guild hall, to buy a house.

Lorelei and Larissa were saddened about this because they have bonded quite will to the point that they thought of them as a part of the family, but Ryo reassured them that they'll come and visit from time to time to eat at Lorelei's restaurant, the inn they were staying at, was actually a restaurant that had lots of booze.

Their house that they bought was a two story house, with five bedrooms, two bathrooms, one on each floor, and a kitchen, and much to Ryo's relief, Aiko accept the idea of having one room for themselves, but she was hesitant about it but Ryo already told her why a man and a woman don't sleep with each other unless they're a couple, and Ryo finally had the privacy to fuck Arya while no one will see that he was having a wet dream problem.

Both Aiko and Ryo have finished around 90 missions now and they were at the rank of warrior 1 within record time, since most of the missions were like charity work but you'll get paid, so they were called the F and E hoarders because of that. They could have finish in just two months but the guild leader and higher ups, sometimes ban them from getting any missions, one of the higher ups named Blaire, he's responsible for receiving missions and registering them for the appropriate rank, reassured them that this kind of ban will be either one to three days because they have been hoarding all of the E and F missions that there was almost no more for the newcomers, even with the ban they still managed to hoard a lot of Rank E and F missions when they returned and that lead to them being banned for a week.

Now, Ryo, Charlie, and Finley were in the living room playing poker and they had a bet that whoever won three times would get five silver coins from the losers. Finley didn't expect the outcome of their game because he expected that Charlie will win this game, again, because Charlie was the only one that would win most of the time in their team and Cleo was second, but now, Ryo and Charlie was neck a neck and this round was the decider of the winner, Ryo and Charlie had two wins already and Finley had only one. Ryo and Finley drop their cards on the table in a fan shape, Ryo had four of a kind, nines and an Ace, Finley had a full house with three fours and two six, Charlie had a smirk and drop his card on the table in a fan shape, he had a Royal Flush!

" Damn! " Ryo exclaimed but they laughed it out and gave Charlie the five silver coins.

" Man, I didn't expect that you'll match Charlie, Ryo. " Finley said and Ryo chuckled.

" Haha, yeah, I didn't know that I was that good at this game. "

" Mhm, where is Fay by the way? " Charlie asked, earning him a teasing face from Finley and Ryo, Charlie looked at them with a raised eyebrow.

" Huh? Is there something wrong? "

" Oh~ nothing, is it just that, you have been getting close with Fay lately, is there something going on between you two? Hmm? " Finley asked while wiggling his eyebrows and Ryo acted surprised. Charlie blushed and started to look around the room to get an idea to get out of this situation but nothing came to mind.

" N-no. " Charlie denied it and Finley struck it.

" Oh shut the fuck up, your stuttering like a girl in love, so do you have a crush on Fay. " Finley asked, making Charlie's blush deepen, he then breathed a sigh, welp, there is no more hiding his secret from his friends.

" No, I don't have a crush on Fay beca- "

" Bull shit! You do have a crush on her. "

" Because, we're already dating. "

"" PFFFFT?!?!?! "" Both Ryo and Finley were dumbstruck after the surprise announcement from Charlie about his secret relationship with Fay, they didn't realize that the girls, Aiko, Larissa, and a blushing Fay were listening to their conversation, Larissa then looked at Fay with a shocked and a little bit betrayed look.

" Bestie?! Why didn't you tell me about this? But I thought we were single buddies, now that you've got Charlie, I'm now the only one that's single, huhuhuhu. " Larissa first grabbed Fay by the shoulder and shook her before hugging her while crying fake tears, now she's just overreacting. Fay couldn't answer her questions because Finley suddenly shouted.

" WOOHOO! my ship finally sailed, hahahahahahahaha! "

" Wait, you're a shipper? " Ryo asked.

" Why of course, it's fun to ship people, but when I ship them there's a 92% of that ship succeeding. " Finley confidently said with pride.

" Ehh~ " Ryo sighed and Aiko walked in the living room with a tray of cups and a pitcher of juice with ice and bread on the side.

" Okay everyone, you must be thirsty and hungry, so here's a cold juice and freshly baked bread for everybody. Oh, and congratulations to your relationship Fay. " Fay nodded with a blush. Everyone took a cup and poured juice on it and also took one bread each.

Everyone was enjoying their snacks while chatting and they also didn't forget to tease the newly revealed couple but Charlie would sometimes defend her so that led to them teasing him more. Half an hour passed and everyone was done with their snack and Aiko took the used cup and an empty pitcher to the sink to clean it. But there were some questions that Finley wanted to ask Charlie and Fay.

" Soo, when did you guys start dating anyway? "

" Ohh, umm, about three months ago. " Fay answered.

" three months ago? "

" Yes, it was the time when we met Ryo and Aiko. Charlie was being jealous when Ryo showed up. " It was Charlie's turn to blush from embarrassment.

" Oh ho ho. I didn't know Charlie was a clingy type. " Finley teased, making Fay giggled and Charlie more embarrassed.

" N-no, I'm not clingy, I was just jealous that's all because I had a massive crush on her, plus, Ryo was really cool back there. " Ryo scratched his cheek after realizing that he was the one that caused them to become a couple. Charlie becomes embarrassed but Fay holds his hand making him bring his attention to her bright and beautiful smile, both of them locked eyes and forgetting the world around them and giving each other a quick kiss.

" Oh~ how sweet, but get a room for you two, there's someone who's still single here, and I hope that you won't hurt her, right Charlie? Or I'll cut the thing that makes you a man. " Larissa threateningly said and Charlie furiously nodded at her threat. The day continued on like this until the sun was about to set, Larissa and Finley had to go back to their home while Charlie and Fay decided to go on a date.

Ryo was still on the couch but he was reading a book now, Aiko was also reading a book that Ryo gave her, it wasn't an ordinary book but it was a spell book that Ryo looted from the carriage.

" Umm, Master Ryo? "

" Hmm? "

" Where are Charlie and Fay going? "

" Hm, I don't know, since they are on a date, maybe at a romantic restaurant that sells like one of those jumbo size ice cream or spaghetti for two people to enjoy, I don't really know since I haven't gone on a date before, I think. " Ryo said while pulling the amnesia act card from his sleeve.

" Ah~ I see. Hey, Master Ryo, would you like to go on a date with me? " Aiko said while blushing, when Aiko asked this, Ryo almost fell off of the couch from surprise, Aiko had just asked him to go on a date with her. Aiko had been acting strange when they're alone and this started when they moved here.

' ah, shit, did I hear that correctly? ' Ryo thought and Arya answered( I almost forgot her, sorry. )

[ Mhm, you did master, so, go on a date with her master! ]

' But, she's just a kid and I thought of her as a little sister, not a potential lover! '

[ Well, it is bound to happen eventually, you did save her from the bandits and if you haven't, maybe she won't be the same as now. ] Arya said, and Ryo tightened his hands into a fist after remembering those bandits. He has been hearing about those groups and it's making him angry somehow. His anger felt personal, very personal, and his anger started to boil when the adventurer that was sent on a search and rescue mission, returned with injured men and a bad news, the daughter of that woman died and possibly been raped, and he thought of that woman as Aiko if he didn't venture of that day. Even though Ryo was angry, Arya continued her explanation.

[ You also cared for her, fed her, and taught her what to do and what not to do. Plus, she's a child, mentally, and idolizes you to the point that she's starting to have feelings for you. ]

' huh? Oh right, we're still on the topic of Aiko's date with me. ' Arya chuckled and asked.

[ So, are you going on a date with her? You better answer fast because Aiko had been nervously staring at you since you have been in a daze after she asked you the question. ] After Arya said that, Ryo looked at Aiko and she was nervous and also anxiously waiting for his answer. Well, it's just a harmless date, might as well enjoy his current life and relax until their ban is lifted.

" Hmm, sure, why not. " After Ryo said that, Aiko jumped happily.

" Yippee! I'm going on a date with my master! Can we go right now?! " Ryo found her childish act cute, he chuckled before nodding, Aiko hurriedly went to the bathroom to freshen up. Ryo lightly laughed and went to the other bathroom to prepare.

After both of them were done, they went to their separate rooms and find something to wear, Ryo was calm and collected while picking his clothes for the date, but Aiko on the other hand was getting nervous and started throwing out clothes after clothes, trying to find the perfect cloth to wear for the date, but she also kept in mind to not wear something that's very flashy.

Ryo finished first and go down stairs to wait for Aiko, he also took this chance to plan where he was going to take her, he was wearing a black sweatshirt underneath that tightly clung to his body, blue short sleeve polo shirt with two white line slash on it, gray pants and a black shoes with a slight yellow pattern to the sides.

" Master Ryo, I'm ready. " Aiko said while walking down the stairs.

" Oh, then let's go. You look beautiful, Aiko. " Ryo said, making Aiko blush, she was wearing a blue one piece dress that reached her knees, a blue hair pin that had a flower design on it was attached, and also blue low heeled shoes.

Ryo reached his hand and Aiko intertwined hers with a blush, they then got out of the house and as a gentleman, he opened the door and let Aiko get out first.

Their date was a simple one since they didn't plan ahead, but it was enough for the both of them, while they were going around town holding hands, some people recognized them because they either received mission from them or socialize with them and of course they teased Ryo and Aiko, Ryo just lightly laugh at Aiko's flushed red face, Ryo felt the urge to tease her more to get a cute reaction from her, so he went for a bold move to kiss her cheek, Aiko's head was smoking after that and started stuttering.

" M-m-m-master?! "

" Hahaha, sorry I couldn't help it, your reaction is just very cute. " Aiko pouted but still blushed at his compliment.

" Oh, are you hungry, Aiko? "

" Huh? Mmmmh, yeah, a bit, all that walking made me hungry. "

" Okay then, let's go eat at that restaurant over there. It had an outside table with a great view of the fountain. " Ryo pointed at an open restaurant and Aiko nodded, they went their and took a set, a waitress approach them and asked what they would want to order, both of them ordered carbonara with three meatballs and juice for Aiko and a glass of wine for Ryo, the waitress write there orders on the pad and she slightly bow before leaving to give their orders.

" While we wait for our orders to be given to us, how about telling me why you want to go on a date with me? "

" Oh, um, ah, *sigh* I guess there's no turning back. "

" Hmm? "

" Master Ryo, you have been taking care of me and cared deeply for my well-being. I thought I was not going to live when I was captured by those bandits, but, hehe, here I am, happily laughing and smiling, and that's all thanks to you. What I'm trying to say is, Ryo, I like you, no, more like I love you master Ryo! And I would like to be in a relationship with you. Aiko said while tightly gripping her skirt, Ryo was slightly caught off guard by her calling his name without the honorific, but he just smiled.

" Aiko, are you sure that you want to be with me? "

" Yes! I'm very sure of it, even if you have a lot of women besides you, I'll still love you, but please love me too. " Aiko blushed after she said that, Ryo was now shocked and started coughing after choking on his own saliva, he grabbed the glass of water and drink it, a waiter noticed him coughing badly so he gave him a glass of water, after Ryo calmed down,

" Mmmh, Aiko, who told you that? "

" Huh? Mmmh, it was Larissa who told me that. "

" A I see. " he then released a sigh and said his answer about her feelings towards him.

" Aiko, I'm sorry but- " Ryo only said those words and Aiko's tears started to swell up and threatened to fall.

" We've only known each other for 3 months and I have thought of you as a little sister, but I think your feelings were a cause of rescue romance was it? We're a person who falls in love with their savior, I read it in a book. "

" But- " Aiko was about to retort but Ryo placed his index finger on her lips with a soft smile.

" I know what you're about to say but it still won't change my mind. But, can you tell me, when exactly is your birthday? " Aiko became sad when she heard that it wouldn't change his mind, but became curious about his question.

" Umm, October 9 is my birthday, why are you asking that master? " Aiko said and sniffled a bit and wiped her tears.

" Hmm, so it's next month huh. How about this, in the remaining days until your birthday, think whether you really love me or not. If your feelings are genuine, you can have me on your birthday for the rest of your life. " Aiko was ecstatic after realizing that she still had a chance but became doubtful of her feelings and scared that maybe Ryo was right but Ryo reassured her that he'll wait. After their talk the waitress came out and gave them their orders, they happily ate it and Ryo paid for the date, Aiko wanted to pay because she was the one that asked him to go on a date with her but Ryo just only said that 'its a gentleman's job to pay for their first date.' After that, they slowly returned home. They just wanted to enjoy this relaxing moment because before their ban will be lifted and go back to a busy life.


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