
Tasked to be a Demon Lord

A man in his thirties, worked as a spy for a secret government, set up to stop future or ongoing wars. His plane that contains valuable informations of an invasion of terrorists that were believed to dress up as soldiers from another country. On the way to his set destination, his plane got shot down by one of the fighter jets that was tasked with escorting him to his destination, safely. All of the flight crew including him, died in the plane crash. When he thought he was either going to heaven or hell, he was instead given a choice to RESTART or QUIT, by picking the obvious choice, he got reincarnated. Now in another world, he managed to pick a strong race, but was despised by many. He thought he could rest in this new world and have a simple job as an adventurer who accepts Rank F and E jobs that pay well, but this wouldn't last long, like any other nice things, it just wouldn't last long. DISCLAIMER: I don't own some of the things in my story, there are some of my own characters here and there, I also don't own the novel cover and I got that in Pinterest that was pinned by Kira( I think ) in their demon king folder, I tried finding the owner but it was proving to be difficult, so if you're the owner and have a problem with it, I'll take it down and find another sucker for their work, but if you don't have a problem with it, then thank you. p.s: He'll received the demon lord task in the near future so wait.

iverson_getigan · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
25 Chs

Chapter 10: 1 VS 8

All eyes were on Ryo and he was sweating bullets, the cloaked figure walked out of the tree's and into the light of the sun, Ryo used an appraisal on him to see how strong he is.


Name: Braire

Race: Human

Sex: Male

Age: 29

Class: Rogue

lvl: 38

Exp: 2,890/3,800

Sp: 0

Hp: 2,800/2,800

Mp: 1,900/1,900

Str: 480

Vit: 280

Agi: 380

Dex: 190 

Int: 190

[ Skills ]

{ Dual wield sword-skill( passive ) lvl: 3 }

{ Dou slash lvl: 3

Cost: 30 Mp 

Damage: 60 each slash } 

{ Pick-pocket lvl: 10( max )

Coast: 20 Mp }

{ Sneak lvl: 10( max )

Cost: 1Mp per seconds( last about 10 minutes ) } 


" Yoh, Braire, who's this kid? " Bakker, the one with the large sword, asked. 

" Idiot! Don't just say my name casually in front of this kid. " Said Braire with agitation at his comrade. 

" Calm down Braire, this kid won't be spared since he already saw too much. " Said Alma, the mage of the group. 

While they were arguing, Ryo was thinking of a plan to escape since he's not that strong yet and fighting them now will be difficult, but the system had another idea. 

{ Ding! } 

' Huh?! Don't tell me that- '

[ Task: Defeat/kill all of the bandits in front of you before the time runs out. Failure will lead to death, completing the task late will deduct your rewards. Upon completing this task, you will be given 20,000 Exp, 20,000 Kp, and a random item. 

Time: 1:00:00] 

' God dang it!! I just want to run away and fight another day. ' Ryo whined. 

[ Master! Trying to run away, how cowardly, and you say that you're a man. ] 

' Just because I'm a man doesn't mean I'll just rash head first, what kind of idiot would do that. Plus, I don't have that large of an ego. ' Ryo said, a bit agitated. 

[ Yes, but you can take care of them, but you might lose a limb but hey you'll just grow another one. ] 

' What!? ' 

After both groups finished arguing with each other, they returned to the important matter, Braire, the rogue of the group, stepped in front and slowly drew his two swords that were strapped on his hips. 

" Don't worry guys, I'll take care of him and I wanted to further test out the newly learned skills. " Braire said with a smug tone which irritated Ryo. 

" Hah, don't underestimate him Braire. " Warned Bakker with a laugh. 

Braire only clicked his tongue, Ryo also unsheathed his Breeze dagger and in his defense position, he'll test just how strong and what kind of fighting style his opponent's using, he just hopes that he won't get cut down.   

Both of them lunged at each other, Braire raised both his sword and then swung it down, Ryo blocked it using his dagger, Braire was surprised that it was blocked by Ryo and Ryo struggled. Braire and Ryo exchange slash after slash, Braire swing his Left sword sidewards and Ryo blocked and shifted it to his side Braire then thrusted the other sword, Ryo jumped backwards to dodge, now that he gained some distance he stretch his hand that was holding the dagger to his back, swinging the dagger releasing ten breeze waves at Braire. 

Everyone was surprised seeing this but Braire quickly snapped out of it and started to dodge or parry some breeze waves. Braire was scratched up and run towards Ryo to not let him use that skill again, they locked blades again, Braire forcefully pushed Ryo to give some space to use Dou slash, Ryo used rapid slash to counter some of the slash but Braire having two swords put Ryo at a disadvantage so he got a couple of cuts all over his body. 

Both of them stopped and Ryo was breathing hard, putting all of his speed to at least lessen the damage he received tired him out, seeing this Braire positioned his sword to the left side and lunge at Ryo then swung it full force, Ryo couldn't prepare and only manage to block it but didn't have a firm footing so he got launch at a tree and grunted when he stopped by it.

" Kid, not gonna lie, you surprised me that you manage to match me, but you lack experience in a fight. " Braire said while slowly walking towards Ryo ready to end him, but he stopped when Ryo suddenly started to laugh. 

" Hahaha, sorry, sorry, it's just quite funny that you thought you already won. " Ryo said slowly standing up and dusted away some dirt and light twisting his shoulders and popping his shoulder bones. 

" Now that I know how you fight, I'll get serious now. " Ryo said while staring Braire dead in the eye, Braire's neck hair stood up, he noticed that Ryo's demeanor changed, but he pushed this thought at the back of his mind. 

Ryo unsheathed his second dagger, the Electric dagger, holding both daggers in a reverse grip and activating both channeled skill. 

Everyone was surprised again, the kid in front of them was full of surprises. Braire looked at the daggers with an impressed expression and greed. 

 " You know kid, I might just spare you if you surrender your fancy daggers and valuables with you and we don't speak of this meeting. " Braire said with a greedy smile but frowned when Ryo didn't answer and only got ready to lunge himself. 

" I tried to be nice, but will, it's your funeral. I won't take you lightly anymore. " Braire also got in his own fighting position with a serious face. 

Meanwhile with the other group. 

" Is he deaf or something? didn't I just say that we won't spare that kid. " Ask the slightly irritated Alma. 

" He's just messing with that kid, what a shame that kid is going to die today, he has so much potential. " Alma could only nod but something in him told him that kid is not ordinary.

Braire took his stance for his final clash, he couldn't believe that he wouldn't take this kid lightly, but that was the right choice, because when he was in position Ryo suddenly disappeared in a blur of speed leaving little streak of electricity. 

When Ryo appeared he was already in front of Braire ready to strike with his Breeze dagger, Braire hastily brought up his daggers to block it in time but still got a scratch drawing blood on his cheek from the Breeze edge. 

Ryo disappeared again and re-appeared to Braire side to stab him with the Electric dagger, Braire swatted the dagger away with his sword but it still slightly electrocuted him. 

Ryo was dashing from every side making it hard to dodge or block for Braire, but Ryo now's that he needed to end this battle now to have enough Mana for the others. 

Braire raised his swords ready to use Dou slash, when Ryo appeared in front of him he released his attack with all his might but it got match by Ryo slashing both his daggers, after Braire skill finished they locked blade trying to overpower the other, that's when Braire saw Ryo's eyes having a was having a red pupils and black vertical line in them. 

" Your a de-ahck! " Braire didn't finish his sentence because an elongated electro blade pierced him, when Braire was surprised Ryo used that opportunity to forcefully snap the sword that was hit by the Breeze edge and then positioned it to Braire's heart and elongated it. 

Ryo didn't practice this so the electro blade exploded sending Braire's corpse away from him and landing on the ground with a thud, and Ryo knelt on one knee to the ground holding his left hand while it lightly spasm. 

" Damn! This is much worse than the first time. " Ryo complained, but he couldn't stay there. A shadow covered his body or someone was blocking the sun. When he looked up he saw the warrior in the air with his sword raised over his head. 

Apparently when they saw the dead body of their comrade, anger ignited in them but no one was much more angry than Bakker so he leapt in the air and was ready to use sword drop on Ryo. 

Ryo grabbed his electric dagger and backflip away from where he was standing, when the sword connected to the ground an explosion occurred and a spider web crack appeared on the ground, Bakker stood tall with anger evident in his face. 

" You damn brat! Pulling those kinds of tricks and killing my comrade! " Bakker shouted only to get snickered by Ryo. 

" You're angry that I killed him, I should be the one that's angry, I was just passing by and your asshole comrade sneaked up on me. " Bakker was now in rage and blindingly attacked Ryo. 

Ryo reactivated his channeled skill and started to dodge and attack, but Bakker was fast enough to block it and his armor was hard to pierce. 

Bakker twisted his body and used sword slash, Ryo blocked this with both his daggers but the force still pushed him back. 

Bakker charged at Ryo to not give him a breather and raised his sword to use sword drop again, Ryo jumped in the air to dodge but he was met by a fireball heading straight at him, he crossed his arm and raised both his feet to shield the attack. 

The fireball hit Ryo and it exploded, Ryo landed with a thud and tried to slowly sit up, he gritted his teeth when he felt the burns on his arms and legs but it was fading away quickly.

" Heh, nice shot Alma! " 

" Just finish this kid already, the boss might get angry if he doesn't receive the delivery in time. "  

" Yeah, yeah, on it. " Bakker, now clearly seeing Ryo's eyes, he clicked his tongue. 

" Tch, that's why he lost, you're not just a kid but also a demon. Alma, don't cast another spell at him, he's a demon! " Alma was surprised to hear this but nodded, demons actually have spell resistance specially to fire, even though the kid is just a humanoid he still needs to be careful and save his Mana. 

" Sure! I'll assist if I can! " 

Bakker didn't waste any more time and used sword drop, Ryo brought up the daggers to block the attack, his arms backled at the weight and force, he channeled large amounts of Mana in his dagger and used electric current, electricity travel through the sword and started to electrocute Bakker but he didn't stop putting strength. 

" Just give up kid and your death will be painless, this last effort will be in vain. " 

" Heh, just what made you think that. " Ryo started to overload the dagger and it exploded again sending large amounts of electricity, this was enough to make Bakker back up. 

Ryo just managed to leapt out in time when Earth spikes appeared, Ryo looked at the mage that was surrounded with their other comrades with annoyance. 

" You're damn annoying! " Ryo threw his electric coated dagger at the mage, Alma summoned an Earth wall but it still got pierced since it was an elemental disadvantage. 

Alma shamelessly pulled someone in front of him to receive the attack but he underestimated the electric current so he got electrocuted when electricity traveled from the dead body and stunned him. 

" Aughck! " 

Bakker with a half burned face and also blooded, looks to his back, that was a big mistake because when he turned around to look at Alma, Ryo got behind him and said the lasting Bakker heard. 

" You shouldn't look away from your opponent. " Ryo swings his breeze imbued dagger, even though if you have a large vitality stat, if you get hit in a vital spot or got no armor you'll still get killed in one shot.  

Bakker's head rolled off from his body and into the ground, the others that saw this lost all of their morale and started to escape. 

Ryo didn't let them and released a bunch of breeze waves slicing them apart, Ryo walked towards the last remaining person, Alma. 

" Ple-please, be merciful, spare me, I can be of use. " Alma was slowly backing away from him, Ryo knelt down to get the electric dagger that was stuck on the chest of a dead body. 

" Sorry, but I can't think of anything that needs your help, but I'll be merciful and give you a painless death. " Ryo said devoid of any emotions, Alma casted both Earth spikes and fire arrows as a last ditch effort. 

Ryo disappeared in a streak of electricity and appeared at the back of Alma and his head fell. 

[ Congratulations master, you manage to complete the task before the time runs out, you have been given 20,000 Exp, 20,000 Kp, a complete rogue armor set( rare ), and 8 gold( sorry I forgot to put this. ). ] 

[ You have leveled up. ] 

[ You have leveled up. ] 

[ You have leveled up. ]

. . . 


I hope that you liked this chapter, if you did please leave a star or put it in your library please and thank you. 


Me: *twerking cuz Blue_robin will give his review*. 

Blue_robin: *knocks before entering* hey- woah! What the fuck are you doing?! 

Me: *embarrassed* uhhhh, wait why are you here, didn't you say that you'll re-read then review. 

Blue_robin: yeah but I have a problem, or more precise I have some friends here that have a problem. 

Me: *confused* What's the problem? 

Blue_robin: okay guys come in. 

*People coming in, two were recognizable by me but, someone with a green face with a C in it was not* 

Me: reader 1? Reader 1? And who the fuck are you?! 

Daoist_culture: I'm Daoist_culture, the dude that reviewed your story first. 

Me: Really, thanks bro. 

Daoist_culture: no probs.

Me: But why are you guys here, and what is the problem? 

Reader 1: our problem here is that you click baited us. 

Me: click baite? 

Reader 2: don't worry bro, I know why you're mad we'll handle this, right Daoist. 

Daoist_culture: yes we will. 

Daoist_cultur and reader 2: *pins me on wall with menacing glares* WHERE IS THE LEMON YOU PROMISED?! 

Blue_robin, reader 1, and me: huh?! 

Reader 1: That's not why I'm mad! 

Reader 2: Is it not? 

Reader 1: yes! I'm complaining here because the title of the story is 'Tasked to be a demon lord' yet we didn't see that task! 

Me: oh, that's why, but I think it was already obvious what that task is, but it will show. And the lemon I promise, it's coming but I'm still doing research *giggled pervertedly* 

Daoist_culture and reader 2: *giggled pervertedly along with me*

Daoist_culture: Okay, I think we rushed you, so take your time but make it great, deal? 

Me: deal

*Both shakes hands and reader 2 puts hands on top, now they look like their faces are shaded like JoJo.* 

Reader 1: I can't believe this, can you? 

Blue_robin: yeaah, I was also waiting for that lemon. 

Reader 1: WHAT?!


Just testing if emojis can show up( 😏😎💅 )
