
Stand resolute

I woke up and prepared myself to go to the academy, Once again, The uniform doesn't look good in my opinion, But to be there I should wear it, So I did. I went to school ,the usual routine. Once school ended I went to the club. There was Issei and Akeno, Akeno behind Issei, Who is sitting on the couch. Behind me, Rias entered. "Why are you still here. I thought you were done for today." She said looking at Akeno who turned around

"Yes, But we got a report from the arch Duke." Akeno replied

"The arch Duke?"

"There is a stray devil that is causing trouble." Akeno said looking seriously

Rias called her peerage and us all with a portal. I am not officially in their family, And I don't want it, But I could still use their teleport.

On out way there Kiba explained Issei what the stray devils are. I listened, "Oh the poor strays, Too many mistakes." I murmured under my nose

"The stray devil is luring victims in this abandoned building, So it can eat them." Rias said

We entered the building, I took the lead as I knew I have greater defenses than all of them

while I lead them deeper Rias explained, How evil pieces work, By mentioning the game chess

From the corner a figure appeared, It was a naked woman, Below her in the shadows was her monstrosity of a body "Oh, what is this sweet and delicious smell?" it talked to iitself "You wretch, who have betrayed and escaped from your master, For that you deserve to be in thousand hells, In the name of the great." Rias said but got interrupted

"Sorry to interrupt you Rias, But I have lessons to teach those who don't know them. So let me teach her, The value of free will." I said

"No, I need them to fight it to show Issei, What their roles are." Rias said

"This is her only chance to learn it, From one who value it." I replied. Rias made a sign to Akeno to show what she has.

Akeno channeled lightning magic, As she shoots it I quickly, Push the stray into a wall. If that hit her, it would have been lethal. So I summoned a unbreakable barrier, So strong that mpnothing can pierce through it.

The barrier surrounded the stray as it was laying beneath some concrete that falled from the impact

The others were trying to reach us, And tried to break it, but couldn't

"Now, That we are here. Let me teach you the value your free will had, Before you gave it away, And then took a broken one. It twisted you into the creature you are now, I won't cause you pain, But may this words be with you in your next life, 'My free will is Priceless' It is sad you have made so many mistakes, But I Will help you not do them again." I said as I put my right hand on the center of the body, creating a bright light, That made her body fade away, While not causing pain.

"Good luck, In your next life." I said with pitiful eyes

She broke a tear and said "Thank you..." She was fully gone now, Faded into light

Then I removed the barrier. "What were you thinking?" Rias asked

"The right thing. If you valued free will you would have understood my actions" I answered

Everyone became silent once the truth has been revealed.

"I will let you process what I told you." I said as I left, I wasn't in the mood for a long walk so I simply increased my speed, so I can just appear there. Once home, I thought for a bit. "Maybe I was a bit too harsh with her." my mind said to me "She was simply trying to help Issei understand, But it was the strays only chance to learn to value free will in this life. Helping Iseei, could be done another time."

A few days, Have passed, I haven't went to the club building so I don't bother Rias thinking of the words I have told her. Many would see it differently, And would take it as an insult, Not a reason to accept and change.

[At the club building in 3rd person]

"Kiba, Could you Find and call Taric here?" Rias asked

"Of course I will." Kiba answered Slightly bowing

"Thank you Kiba." Rias said as Kiba left the room, And then the building

[1st person In the class room]

The school was over and I was about to leave the class room, But someone blocked my way. It was Kiba

"Hey Taric, Can you come to the club?" Kiba asked

"Ok, Sure." I replied

We went to the club, Akeno greeted me as usual, but Rias just sat there. Also there was a white haired woman in a maid blue dress.

"Ok now that we are here..." Rias said before a circle of fire appeared in the room

I the flames created by the teleportation circle Stood a man. "And Riser has arrived to the human realm, I have came all this way to see you, my beloved Rias." He said

"Ok, Who is this douche?" Issei asked

"This Gentleman is lord Riser Phenex. He is a pure blood devil of noble birth. Third head line of the House of Phenex." The maid explained

"And what?" Issei asked

"He is also the fiance to the next head of the house of Gremory." She explained

I went to Rias and whispered "So, Are you arranged to marry him?"

"Yes" She wispered back

"I will help you stand your free will. Stand resolute." I wispered.

While we were talking the maid has explained something to Issei

Riser sat on the couch and Akeno went to brew tea, Rias sat beside him.

Riser didn't have my respect, So I didn't show any, I can sense his soul. So unworthy

Akeno came with the tea "Lovely, The tea made by my Rias's queen is most delicious." Riser said with that cocky expression of his

"Thank you for the compliment sir." Akeno replied as she bowed slightly

Riser put the cup of tea on the table and touched Rias's thigh

"And She called you a Gentleman, What a mistake." I said

"Know your place you pathetic worm." Riser answered

"Ooh, Your arrogance is impressive." I said

"Hey Rias is this adorable little group your peerage?" Riser said, He was silent for a bit before saying that. It looks like, That I shut his mouth, And the only way for him to escape is to change the topic

"Yes it is." Rias replied

He smiled cocky and another teleportation circle appeared, From it fifteen figures emerged"I have Fifteen figures, Which means I have a full set."

Issei looked at them and then at Riser and started crying

"Why is your servant looking at me and crying?" Riser asked

"He has a dream of having a harem." Rias replied

Riser gave a sign to one of his peerage members to come to him, Out of the crowd stepped out a purple Haired woman

Riser started kissing her. I simply lookedat them disgusted, At that time he grabbed her breast and insulted Issei.

"Once again, I can't call you a man, Maybe hit the gym, Or learn how to be able to respect and care for a woman. If you are going to married someone, Then learn how to be good to them." I said "Also Issei, Don't let him get under your skin. I can see that you are angry"

"Rias. Would you tell, Your little servant, To stop commenting me, Because if he continues, I will incinerate all of you." Riser asked looking angrily at me.

"Then do it." I said to everyone's surprise

"What?" Riser asked confused

"You heard me right. Then, do it." I said with a serious tone

"Is he serious?" Riser asked Rias

"I don't know." She said nervously

"There is no need for incineration, Rias if you wish, You can try to prevent the Marriage, via A rating game." The maid said out of nowhere

"I agree, for the Rating game." Rias said.

"That's it then. We will meet again, In the Rating game" Riser said as he went to his peerage. The circle lit on fire and he laughed as he vanished

[A little bit after]

"Why did I agreed to this, He can regenerate immediately after he gets damaged." Rias said nervously

"Don't worry, I am here" I said

"Yes you are, But how can we damage him, If he will continue regenerating." Rias asked

"The right strategy? It is crystal clear." I replied

[A little bit later]

"Duo to your lack of experience in the Rating game, You have ten days to prepare." The maid said

"I did gladly take it, Thank you." Rias replied