

When Mia was away from her Mr rude, she still couldn't stop thinking about what happened and what she said, that a smile was now visible on her beautiful angelic face after a very long suspenseful day. She got home tired but was shocked when she didn't meet her friends at home. Because of the traffic jam, she couldn't get home early so she expected to see her friends at the home but she put the thought aside trying to convince herself that they might be busy or enjoying themselves because she knows how extravagant Evelyn is.

She went to the bathroom and got in the bathtub to relieve her aching muscles, she knew the amount of self-control she used to not fall asleep in the taxi. As soon as her arching muscles came in contact with the warm water it was relaxed and she felt relieved. After a very long time in the bathroom, she came out using a towel to wrap her upper body down and went to the side of her room to dry her hair. When drying her hair, she heard the voices of her friends she was worried about even when she told herself they were grown-ups. She got dressed and went to meet them in the sitting room.

"what are you guys late" she didn't mean to approach them like that or sound like a worry-wart mother who was so scared of not seeing her children at home when they were supposed to be and quickly regretted what she said since she knows they were no longer kids and can take care of themselves. She was only older than them by some few years except Ava. Ava was the youngest though she acted more mature than her age in comparison to Evelyn. Seeing the guilt in her eyes, Ava explained to her trying to soothe her also but Evelyn being Evelyn exaggerated it. Ava left them there still discussing, with Evelyn as the main character who exaggerated what happened which made the listener which is Mia like the story more. She could only sigh before heading to the kitchen to prepare what they were going to eat for dinner then Evelyn and Mia came to aid with the stress.

They were more like sisters than friends and they looked alike but Mia was the tallest among them. Her height made her stunning even more. After dinner, they packed the dishes back to the kitchen and washed them before heading to their various room and preparing themselves for the next day.


Mr rude on the other hand was still thinking about that mystery but just drifted the thoughts away and continued the work he was busy with on his laptop. He planned on reaching the very peak of his gaming business, so he had a lot to do to accomplish that than just thinking about that complicated girl who wasn't even scared of him when others flinched at the sight of him alone. The night went bad for him because all he needed at that time was some peace but it would be disrupted by that little brother of his. He wouldn't mind if it was just the golden hair man but this amber hair brother was just so annoying and it was like the man never learned his lessons after being punished a lot of times by him. Still dealing with his thought, the amber hair man walked up to him and as expected started talking about what he went through nonstop. Then Mr rude nonchalantly said"oh wow, I'm surprised" only his response was enough to break down his excited mood, and walked away. Mr rude didn't even mind disappointing the guy, it was like nothing ever happened and his attention was back on his laptop that he even lost track of time.

Hey, my dearest tanglers, The love has just started blossoming but I need you to be patient. Please tanglers don't forget to leave a comment.

Tracy ^-_^

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