

The sunrise and its rays glittered through Mia's window into her face, her body moved and she opened her eyes and immediately closed them back trying to adjust her eyes to the light. She immediately checked the time, it was 8:40 am and she was to resume at 9:00 am. She hurriedly entered the bathroom and took her bath. She didn't even have the time to decide on what she should wear nor did she even dry her hair and just like that she swung the door of her room open and ran out of the house. She didn't even notice her friends who were sitting down there. When she got to work, it was already 9:30, she cursed the stupid traffic jam, she wasn't looking happy at all and she uttered to herself"if I keep being irresponsible, I'm going to lose my job before it could even begin".

She entered her department and saw everyone glaring internally at their computer screen. She couldn't help but asked the man who introduced himself as William since he was the one closest to her at that moment "what's going on" then he answered her shortly before putting his full attention back on his computer screen. Mia who still couldn't process what she was told just sat on her chair pretending to be busy just like everyone else. When everyone was done with their work, they started discussing even though Mia was the only female she didn't feel like it because the men were comfortable talking to her.

" Are you my mentor?" asked Mia and looked at Lincoln

"no, no, no, I'm not so there's no need for you to be scared of me," Lincoln said and asked her to configure the office communicator. Then he added himself to her communicator chat list and said

"Ping me if you need anything" and continued scanning her from top to bottom. She was indeed a very pretty girl and in his head, he has already started dreaming of dating her. He wanted to know if she was single and available but since it was her second day, he didn't want to scare her out. After he was done and went back to his seat, William chuckled and said in a hush-hush tone"Jeez get a grip on your self Lincoln, you are just seconds away from drooling"Lincoln took her stack of printouts and hit William with it.

Mia started checking her emails she got an invite from Ann for an introduction with her mentor post-lunch but there was no detail on who her mentor was. Then she read the emails related to basic work ethics, HR policies, and benefits. She was eager to start working but it looks like she was going to wait till 4 pm when the meeting is going to start. Just then a worker came in and gave her a big document. She wondered why it was not sent through her email. Mia opened it and saw it was from her CEO he ordered her to create a game design so he could see what she can contribute to his company. As soon as Mia was done reading it, she was now focused on creating her game design with the aid of Lincoln in some areas that were a bit hard for her. When she was done with her work she headed toward her CEO's office. Immediately she got to the door, she felt a little confident. Then she went inside with courage knowing she did a perfect job.

She greeted him and gave him her work. He took it and looked at it internally as if he was trying to find fault in her design and look back at her. Only his looks alone, the confidence she has been working on came crashing down.

"Your work is..." he couldn't finish his sentence when she interrupted him.

"I know the work is horrible but I tried my best but since you are not impressed I will try harder the next time," she said with pleading eyes. He just stared at her emotionlessly and finally opened his mouth.

"You tried" was all he said before focusing his attention back on his laptop and she just silently took her design and went back to her department. After she left he smiled in his head due to her childishness.

After the meeting with that cold CEO of hers, she went back to her department. When she got to her department, her teammates were going somewhere as if going for a team event or something like that. She felt left out and was about to sigh out of frustration when Lincoln invited her. She smiled and agree to join them and they all went to the cafeteria for lunch.

She took the time to know them all, then after lunch, they headed back to their department and chatted with them. When she checked her time it was already 4:05.She yelled because she forgot about her mentor post-lunch meeting and ran out of the department. She immediately called Ann and she was directed. When she got there, she thought she was going to get scolded for coming late but she couldn't even find anyone. She sighed in relief and sat down.

After a few minutes of waiting, she saw Mr rude walking up to where she was situated, and just like that her head spun. Why should this man be my mentor, wasn't he the big boss? Now she knew why she didn't see any details about her mentor and just like that the meeting ended.

Please Tanglers, drop some comments to help me know if I tried in this chapter.

~Tracy^ _^

Aluya_Tracy_1771creators' thoughts