

Just like every other romance story, Vina a beautiful poor girl meet with the rich demi god in an unpleasant encounter only to find out that he is her new boss...after series of drama while working together they fell deeply in love with each other. Along the way in their romance Vina discovered the mystery behind her father's death and their family poverty......with the truth out in the open what are the possibilities of bloodshed and strains in the romance of Vina and Reese. Stay tuned as we unveil the mystery behind. "TANGLED HEARTS" ~Queen~Sunshine

Queen_Sunshine · Fantaisie
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1 Chs

1: Meeting a jerk

The noise of heavy downpour of rain woke vina up from her sleep, she stood up from her bed and stood by the window inhaling the cold breeze which blew directly at her face, after sometime she closed her window and walked out of the small room heading towards the other room by the side of the small house. she walked in to find her mother sleeping peacefully, she walked towards the window and closed it then tucked her mother well into the blanket and she left the room closing the doors gently inorder not to wake her sleeping mother, she walked back into her room and lay down on her bed drifting off to sleep immediately forgetting the worries of the day ahead.

Davina Brooks a beautiful 20years old girl who just finished college and is looking for a job, she lives with her mother in a small apartment in the outskirts of New york after her father's death. The Family of two worked hard to provide for their everyday need and to send Davina to college in good hope dat she would get a decent job after graduation, Vina studied very hard to change her mother's life and stop their family suffering.

In the early hours of the morning vina could be seen cooking in the kitchen and dancing to the music playing from her phone. she finished with her house chores and called her mother out for breakfast. Reyna her mom came out already prepared for work, good morning mum vina greeted her mom while kissing both her cheeks"how was ur night dear" her mum asked her"it was fine she replied"what are your plans for today said Reyna" I plan to go to the city to send out my resume to different companies I just hope one of them employ me. her mom nodded her hair and smile forcefully just remember to be careful always okay her mum told her" ok mum bye"she kissed her mum and dashed out of the house. Her mum sighed with a worried look on her face before saying I hope she stay safe, she then walked out of the house.

In the city of New york a flashy car was passing through the main road and two men could be seen sitting inside one driving while the other one was going through some files, a frown appeared on his face as he saw something, he then asked the driver, why has the shipment of the purchased goods not yet arrived" the driver who was also his personal assistant answered him saying "the cargo had a few problems and is getting fixed it will be arriving in three days time boss, Reese nooded his head and continued reading the files in his hands. After few minutes the car suddenly stopped with a screeching sound Erin the driver immediately came out and rushed towards a lady who was murmuring incoherent words, Vina stood up an said, hey u reckless and drunk guy how dare run into me no u just ruined my dress and resume how am I going to find a job in this state I am in right now.....she was still quarrelling with Erin who kept on apologizing to her when the back door of the car opened and a demi God came out she became speechless at the sight of him,she was still drooling when she heard "are you done staring at me" even his voice sounded so angelic that she didn't want him to stop. Reese looked at her and shaked his hear before saying" I know you did this on purpose you stalking disgusting slut" he threw money on her an was about walking away when Vina spoke, Vina snapped out of her daydream and anger clouded her face, she had wanted to let it go because he was handsome but with what he just said and did she lost her mind, she slapped him and said you ugly ducking I will never like you not to talk of stalking or having any dirty thoughts about you cause you look like my poo u rich flocks think you can do whatever you want just because you have money well am happy with the way I am cause I am happy and have a peaceful mind not like you rich people who go through dirty means to get money I hope I never see you again if not I will beat the living daylight out of you, she said and walked away Reese was shocked for being slapped for the first time and for the what the lady told him he angrily enter the car and left.