
Chapter 5

As I got home , I park my car got out and went inside and opening the door my co-name and Jax jumped on me. I fell on my butt and Jax started laughing at me while miles barked and wagged his tail happily. I ruffled miles hair and he licked my face.

" when was the last time you brushed your teeth ", I said and covered my nose up. Jax giggled and i also ruffled his own hair, and kissed his forehead.

"Okay Daddy needs to get up ", i said as i helped him to stand up.

"come on, help pull me up, " i said and i stretched out my hand towards him. He held my hand and pulled while Miles was pulling me up by biting into my suit sleeves and pulling. Just then, Martha came out from the kitchen, she looked over and she saw me on the floor.

"oh my goodness gracious what happened here ", she asked. I stood up from the floor and dusted myself and laughed .

"where is Jessa ?, I hope you aren't the one that was chasing them all around the house when you know it's not good for your health ."

" I don't know where she is she took an excuse to go do something since 2:00 but I haven't seen her yet . Hey don't worry about me have you forgotten that I was the person that used to care of Jax, It was no problem at all "

" Seriously I don't know what that girl does around here anymore . " I looked at the two of them

I hope you weren't disturbing Martha and ... , i touched the brown substance that was smeared across Jax's cheek and shirt and looked back at her, "is this.....? "

Martha laughed and said , "No, it's Nutella, when i was out in the back, he dipped his hand into it and started licking it off "

" I think there is still time let's go get you a bath before you go to grandma house ", I said.

"Come on Jax, let's go, " Martha said to Jax.

"Don't worry about that, i will do it, you go rest, i know that you must be exhausted" i said to her.

"yeah okay... ", she said yawning and massaged the back of her neck . "if you say so ". She turned and walked towards the stairs , i turned towards Jax and said, "come on buddy. "

We went upstairs and I ran the bath for them, Jax and Miles climbed in and took their bath. After spending more than 20 minutes in the bubble bath popping the Bubbles he came out and I dressed him up,

" And there you go, we're done. Now go downstairs and behave so that daddy can get ready and then we can go, okay? "

"okay, " he said shaking his head and left the room.

I went into the bathroom and freshened up quickly and change into a Jean trousers and knitted sweater top. I took my phone my wallet and my car key and went downstairs, and we left for my mum's house. On arriving there Mom opened the door and hugged Jax tightly.

" Oh I missed you so much ", Mom said. Dad came over in his wheelchair and hugged Jax too,

" how are you bug , " he asked inspecting him and suddenly Jax jumped onto his lap. "oomph easy there little guy, you're so big now ".

"And swong too", Jax said puffing out his muscles and everyone laughed.

" since you're done hugging your grandchild, where is my own hug ", i asked. I hugged Mom and shook dad , just then Sheldon came barreling out of the living room and hugged me.

" Eww dude Bros don't hug, we shake ", I said trying to get out of his grasp.

" I missed you too ", he said and i smiled and patted his back.

" Uncle Shelly ", Jax said jumping down from dad's lap and ran towards Sheldon.

" hey bug, woah you're so big now, I can't even carry you up ", he joked and made faces to show that he can't carry him up.

"You guys should come ,let's go to the living room", mom said. Everyone went into the living room and mum excused herself to go finish preparing the dinner.

" so how's Santa Monica like? " I asked Sheldon who was playing with Jax .

"It's nice, It's okay ", he replied looking at me.

" so you like ....live alone or what ?"

" no I actually live with someone , a mom , i mean a single mum ", he said.

" She must be a pain in the ass ", I said smiling.

" no she's the sweetest thing alive , I hope you do meet her one day you'll be surprised ", he said. Dad and I stared at him like as if he has grown two heads because Sheldon is a knucklehead he can never appreciate someone but he talked about her like as if she hung the moon.

" I even have her picture in my phone , wanna see ? " he asked pulling out his phone.

"sure", mum and dad said . Just when he was about to show us the picture of the girl the doorbell rang and I stood up to go answer it. As I open the door I came face-to-face with Damien and Karen my sister who was smiling at each other , when my sister noticed that it was me she hugged me immediately.

"Hey tiny ", i said and ruffled her hair , she swatted my hands away. I turned towards Damien and greeted him too. By the time we came in mom and dad were cooing at the pictures that Sheldon is showing them in his phone, mom stopped when she noticed us.

"hey honey, hello Damien ", mom said to them, she hugged Karen and Damien.

" let's all go to the dining room , the food is ready ", mom said.

We all went there and sat down and ate the food, after eating we all went back to the sitting room , when suddenly Sheldon said,

" I don't mean to be rude but why did you call for the meeting? "

Mom slapped the back of his head and he looked at her sheepishly , Damien who was holding Karen's hand looked at her and she nodded , he took a deep breath and turned towards us and said,

" The reason why I called for this meeting is because i want to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage . Even though I have already proposed to her and she said yes , we decided to ask for your blessing before we go on with whole thing ", he said the whole thing in one breath.

Mom squealed and went over to Karen to see her ring while dad smiled , " of course you always have my blessing ".

"Thank you sir ", Damien said.

We all congratulated him and Karen on their engagement, mom and Karen are already talking about the wedding ,

"The stress of a wedding is too much , so I would suggest that if you know any wedding planner you should call them. "

" oh I know a wedding planner and I'm sure she will be excited to do it , remember my roommate she's a wedding planner so she'll be perfect for the job ."

" but I thought you said she just joined the company, won't her design be , you know ", i asked.

" Yeah but I've seen her design and it's amazing ".

" Okay you can call her but I'll go look for another person in case ", i said.

Karen smiled at me and went back to talking while Sheldon tease Damien.