

Walter Raymond the CEO of Rays Global and the world chronic heart breaker. Clara Perry a girl with a heartbreaking past , trying to meet ends needs who does everything just to survive living with her stepmother and a step sister who thinks the world revolves around her When this two people from opposite worlds meet. with a rollercoaster of emotions and they trying to fight it.what will happen?will they be able to overcome and conquer this emotions?? Let's find out together......

zonzee_mereche · Urbain
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2 Chs

Raging hormones

Walter's POV:

The constant ringing of the alarm jolted him from his deep sleep..."it's been a while I slept this long " ....Walter thought

Staring right at the window, he noticed it was already very bright with the usually birds singing their song making it their duty to make everyday exciting for the people. He smiled at his thoughts as he walked towards the window, opening it further to inhale the cool morning breeze with his eyes closed which always made him feel relaxed.

Suddenly, flashes of the previous night came to his mind causing a deep frown on his face and also spoiling his relaxed mood. The old man wouldn't give him a break,it certainly wasn't a crime to be a bachelor at age twenty-eight.

Walter knew that most men even at age forty weren't thinking about marriage and weren't bothered about it either, moreover, marriage wasn't for everyone and it also wasn't a criteria to success. Some choose to remain single while others marry but he chooses to mingle with the single pringles which obviously wasn't a crime...he thought

He just didn't understand why his father wasn't willing to understand him always nagging him about marriage.

Marriage was a big no for him, although he wasn't going to tell his father that,not after the stunt he pulled last night. The nightmares he experienced in the hands of bella wasn't something he was ready to experience ever again ,but he was a man of needs and raging hormones which he had to satisfy on a daily basis that's why the entertainment bloggers referred to him as the world chronic heart breaker and the kasanova not that he cared, the ladies he had been with weren't complaining either so far he satisfied them financially...it was some sort of give and take,he gave them money while they sexually satisfy him in return no strings attached as he wasn't ready for any drama .

Surprisingly, Jas has been the only one able to surpass the time frame of one month or perhaps he just let her. She was just different from the other girls he had been with,those golddiggers or maybe he was just intrigued by her intelligence and strong willpower to succeed.

Jas, as she liked to be called was the one and only beloved child of Dan Pedro who was the CEO of Dans Industries, Although it was a new and upcoming company they had surpassed the expectations of the public in the last few months all thanks to their daughter Jasmine Pedro who recently took over her father's business.

There was this vibe around her that attracted him to her, She was someone that always knows what she wants and always goes for it damning the consequences and it always amazes him, She always sticks by her principles and whatever she thinks is right.

He knew she's the exact opposite of bella who relied on him for everything,not willing to do anything on her own and almost sucked him dry if he had not seen through her cunningness... Walter felt the strong wind on his body making him shiver slightly and he gulped swiftly as if there was a huge lump in his throat but inwardly he knew it was the effect of the memory with bella, it still haunted him terribly.

Angry and frustrated,he unbottoned his pygamas roughly and murmured some unclear words before storming into the bathroom to have his morning rituals, he really needed to wash down whatever negative thoughts and feelings which was making him depressed and he wasn't in the mood to introduce Jas to his father, this also added to his frustration.

Within a few minutes he was done with his morning rituals ready to face his daily demons,he knew he needed to take care of so many things today starting from the mess created by his father last night, mere thinking of it gave him headache and a frown to his face it the familiar ring tone jolted him back to reality and an unconscious smile could be seen on his face making him look breathtakingly handsome.

Picking up the call, he placed his phone on loudspeaker and the soft voice he heard melted him immediately.

"Big brother good morning" ..an excited voice said.

" Good morning my princess.How are you doing today?"...said Walter.

" I am fine big bro.. guess what?" ....she shrieked.

'my eardrum would have been damaged if I had placed the phone on my ear'... Walter thought.

"a penny for your thoughts"...she said making him smile as she was the one that truly knew him in and out.

"Trust me my thoughts was worth more than a penny" ..he replied

"Anyways just tell me what is making you so excited this morning,you know I'm not good with guesses"..he dotingly replied

Emerald smiled when she heard her brothers' doting voice.

"Arthur proposed to me this morning...he asked me to marry him and I accepted..gosh I'm so happy.. this is really a dream come through...she rambled on not noticing the murderous vibes her brother was emitting from the other end. The only thing ringing in Walter's head was the statement 'arthur proposed to me'. His face turned red with his fist clenching and veins threatening to pop out of his face as the statement kept ringing in his head not hearing any other thing is sister was saying as the memory of last night flashed in his head once again.

'how dare he propose to her after all he did last night ' Walter thought.. the next statement from emerald instantly made him conscious making him realize that he had spoken his thoughts aloud.

"What do you mean by how dare he propose to her? What did he do?"... emerald angrily exclaimed!!!.

"You can't marry him emerald"...he calmly said,even though he was boiling

"Why can't I marry him? How dare you tell me who I should marry and who not to marry? Do you take me as you puppet telling me what I should and shouldn't do? Weren't you the one asking me when we are getting married? what's the problem now"....she emotionally yelled.

Walter was in a state of frustration and confusion not knowing how to answer the questions or which to answer first....he seriously didn't plan for this type of talks this morning who would have thought that the crazy guy would be a step ahead of him...but this only made him feel challenged and he loved challenges.' may the best man win'..he thought

Before he could reply to his sister's question he heard the beeping of the call which meant that she had ended the call.He sighed distressingly while thinking of what to do now that his plans would have to change, before he could conclude his thoughts he received a notification on his phone and the message he saw made him stagger back making him have a slight chill and the next thing he yelled.... so loudly!!!!!!!!!

Give me more motivation.

zonzee_merechecreators' thoughts