
Taming The Villainesses

I got sucked into a novel full of villainesses, and taming them is the only way to survive! (+18,obsession,strong bloodline) (yandere!!!) This novel is a real work. The reason I'm publishing this as a fanfic is because I want people to read it for free. As for Patreon, I'm sorry but I have to pay my rent. I would be very happy if you became the boss :D To read the next chapters immediately. patreon.com/Daoist02

Daoistmtl02 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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74 Chs

(EP-18) How A Sheep Lives #3

To read up to 300 chapters. patreon.com/Daoist02

018 – How A Sheep Lives In A Lion's Den #3

"The illustrious Angmar Queen Aira, daughter of my cousin Isolde. Welcome! I didn't expect you to arrive without a reliable contact or escort.

"There's no need for such things when coming to your residence, Lord Reinhardt."

"I see. Then, forgive my attire as I wasn't informed of your visit. Please, come in."

The Family Head Reinhardt held a magnificent dinner for Aira, who came unannounced.

The servants in the mansion moved to and fro, carrying and moving dishes. Soon enough, the long table was filled with scrumptious foods.

I was hungry so this was great!

"Master, for today's main menu, we will have charcoal-grilled grain-fed Orb Pig meat."

"Okay, you can go."

Reinhardt waved at the butler explaining the menu. Only then did they leave with a somewhat relieved expression.


Reinhardt said a few more words to Aira, who was sitting opposite him.

"-I would have prepared a grander banquet if you had just sent me a notice beforehand."

This might sound good on the surface, but after translating it to the language of nobles, the meaning actually became, 'Why are you suddenly bothering me when you haven't been invited?'

Aira skillfully took the wine from the attendant and spoke in a languid voice.

"Thank you for the hospitality, distant Uncle. As rumored, this is a wonderful residence. Though, I think it would have been prettier if there were a little more flowers in the garden."

"No problem, we'll plant more in honor of Her Majesty. By the way, what's the purpose of your sudden arrival?"

Reinhardt did not even bother to hide his agitation…

Gosh. Who else in this world could speak like this to Queen Aira, other than this man?

As I watched, my mouth kept turning dry. Thus, I had to chug down glasses after glasses of water. The same went for the servants who were standing next to us.

Meanwhile, Aira sliced through the meat on her plate and slightly opened her mouth.

"I believe you must have heard the story from Theo regarding my succession."

"Oh, so that's it."

"That child is Richard, Lord Reinhardt's little treasure?"


Aira turned to look at the child sitting next to Reinhardt.

Richard, who was listening to the conversation with great interest, got up and bowed his head.

"Esteemed Queen, my name is Richard Von Lioness."

"You are clever. Quite unlike Elga."

Elga, who was eating at Reinhardt's right hand side, slammed the table with her fist.

"What do you mean? What, I'm not smart eh? Did you visit just to gossip about the host!?"

Elga was furious for some reason.

Looking closely, steam seemed to be coming off her head…

But her father, Reinhardt, simply said, "Be quiet." Aira also just chose to ignore Elga's words.

"Little Richard, how old are you?"

"Esteemed Queen, I am five years old this year."

"I see."

"Also, may I ask a question?"

Sareureureu— In an instant, time seemed to freeze for everyone sitting at the table.

They were probably worried that Richard, a child, might ask the Queen an inappropriate question.

The maids who were watching even hid their faces behind their hands.

━God, please protect the little Lord…

━What kind of question will he ask the Queen?

However, unlike them, I was casually drinking grape juice at a leisurely pace. I already knew that Aira was tolerant of children.

"Of course."

With Aira's permission, Richard, who'd got everyone's attention, asked.

"By any chance, does Your Majesty sing like other Princesses?"

"… Sing?"

Aira asked back as if it was a strange question. However, Reinhardt, who was drinking wine, gave an answer instead.

"Richard. The Queen doesn't sing. Only Princesses sing. Now sit down and start eating."

That appeared to be the case.

Hearing that answer, Richard sat down, somewhat disappointed.

"She's very beautiful, I thought it would be cool if she also sings…"

"Richard, when I was a Princess, I did sing with my sisters. Whenever we did so, the birds and deers would come and listen."

Aira looked into the empty space, seemingly immersed in her memories. However, an Aira that actually sang? I couldn't even imagine…

"But Queens cannot sing. Thus, no Queen sings."

"Is there really no one?"

The boy's pure question rumbled through my head.

A singing Queen.

I could think of one.

She was a Magician who just spewed ice from her hands. She was also similar to Aira who lost her parents in an accident and became Queen at a young age.

If this was Disney, would Aira turn out to be like her?


Dalgak, dalgak-

The sudden dinner continued without any other incidents.

"I'm not smart…?"

Elga grumbled along the way, but it wasn't enough to cause trouble since it was a regular occurrence. However, a problem soon arose.

After the meal, once tea and cakes were placed on the clean empty table, Aira said.

"You should go to work at the court tomorrow. There will be a lot of issues to deal with in order to have Richard as my successor."

She just revealed all the plans that were purposely kept secret, shocking Elga and everyone else who was listening.

"What? Aira, why are you taking my younger brother as your successor?"

Elga began to growl. Meanwhile, Richard, who was quietly listening, asked.

"I will be the Queen's successor…? Does that mean I can become a Queen like Aira-nim someday!?"

… What?

I felt the need to correct the little boy's assumption.

"Richard, you cannot become a Queen. Queens are for women."

"Sir Gospel, why can't a man be a Queen? I also want to become a wonderful Queen like Aira-nim!"


This was a very philosophical question.

Why couldn't a man be a Queen?

It was a problem that couldn't be solved even in the 21st century, when there were more active discussions about gender roles than necessary.

Thus, I was hesitant and couldn't give an answer.

Richard then let out a small sigh as if he was broad-minded enough to understand my dilemma…

"Then what about a Princess? I think it would be nice if a Princess could sing to their heart's content… In fact, I want to be a Princess more than a Queen! Can I do that?"

No, what was with his Princess obsession?

There was already the tomboy Elga, and now Richard turned out to be obsessed with Princesses.

At this point, there had to be something wrong with the Lioness's home education.

Aira then said.

"Richard-gun, I'll try to make special arrangements for you to become a Princess."



As I swallowed a sigh, Reinhardt said while stroking his face.

"He certainly has a lot of issues to deal with…"

To that, Aira sipped her tea and lightly responded.

"He is different, he will do well."

It was an answer that didn't seem to have much meaning. But, surprisingly, it made a lot of people think.

* * *

"Hey, Aira, what is the meaning of this? Why is my father in the Chancellor's seat? And my brother Richard is your successor? Why are there so many things I didn't know?"

After dinner.

Elga asked Aira, who was looking at the garden.

Perhaps only Elga could ask Aira in such a manner. And yet, Aira remained calm.

"Now that you know, isn't that fine?"

"That's not what I'm saying! Why am I in the dark like this!?"

Elga then turned to me. Her blue eyes felt like they were on fire.

"Hey, Theo, did you know?"


It was my idea, of course I knew.

But I didn't explain it because I didn't need to tell Elga. In fact, if she had known about this, who knew how things would've turned out?

Elga didn't stop and got even angrier.

"At this rate, my little Brother will actually become a Princess! What is this strange blowing fad!?"

Now that, I swore I was not a part of it. Though I could understand why you were angry.

"So, Aira, is it true that you are going to the academy?"


This time, Aira did not even answer.

Aira going to the academy…

It hadn't been decided yet.

"Aira, isn't the Academy in the Holy Kingdom of Gracia? Do you know how strict and harsh the rules are? Staying there, you can't simply act however you want!"

"Elga, I've never done something like that."

"Don't lie. Anyway, think about it carefully. Even if it's just for a year, you'll probably have to live a monotonous and boring life like those church fanatics."


Aira's brows twitched. Driven by that momentum, Elga continued to speak in excitement.

"Ya, over there, they say you have to get up at 6 in the morning and immediately start praying. You also have to set a timetable and listen to daily lectures as scheduled."


"You even have to walk every day and do a roll call before going to sleep. How are you going to lead such a life? How boring would your time in the dormitory be?"


A frown gradually appeared on Aira's face.

This meant that the nasty stories Elga had been telling was giving Aira a negative view of the Academy.

"Hey, when you go there, the Princes, Princesses, nobles and dukes of neighboring countries will surely squeal and squirm at you. Are you sure you can stand all that?"

"Perhaps… Kasim, could that guy be there too?"

"Ah, Kasim-. Aira, if you say you're going to the Academy, he'll definitely come. Imagine being in the same class as that guy, listening to him for an entire year~."


Aira's expression darkened noticeably.

At the same time, it felt like a cool chill was passing through my back. It was the feeling of cold blood dripping down my body.

Elga, you evil bitch!

You were about to destroy my plans!

In order to avoid the eventual execution ending in a dark hero novel, there was nothing more effective than changing the very genre of said story.

The "Academy Life" was the best thing I could come up with.

Someone might ask why I chose it. Well, the reason was very subjective.

Most "Academy Life" stories in the media, at least from what I remembered, had a happy ending.

In addition, there was actually an Academy on this land that specialized in fostering the church's Champions and Paladins.

The name of the Academy was 'Ark'.

When the wall collapsed and the dark forces came, Ark was the only place not destroyed. In fact, it even got used as a defensive base.

For the safety of Aira and myself, there was no better place than there. It must have been named 'Ark' because it was a defensive base in the first place, right?

So, the two of us had to go there no matter what.

"Aira, imagine going to the same class with Kasim every day, staying in the same group and doing the same task~. That greasy bastard would try to woo you all the time~."

"Kasim…. that's a bit…."

Damn it!

Now, I was convinced that things would be better if I dealt with Elga, who was holding Aira back.

But, as always, that would have to come after Aira's early bedtime.

"I'm sleepy. Where is the bedroom?"

"Your Majesty, this Theo Gospel will guide you."

I then led Aira to the safest and most luxurious room. After laying down on the bed, she began to fall asleep.

"See you tomorrow, Theo…"

"Good night, my Lady."

Perhaps tired from today's sudden visit, Aira immediately dozed off as soon as she laid on the pillow.

Saegeun, saegeun-

One might wonder if it was dangerous and careless to do so in a foreign place, but it was actually okay for a high-ranking Magician like Aira who always covered her body with magic.

After all, a sleeping Magician was more dangerous than a hungry lion…

Anyway, the problem wasn't Aira, it was this gal.

"Hey, Theo. I have a lot to talk with you about today. You better not think of sleeping before that~."

When I came out, Elga started cracking her knuckles. It was fine, since I also had some business with her.

Tonight, I was going to grab Elga's leash.

By any means necessary.

For the sake of my survival!

To read up to 300 chapters. patreon.com/Daoist02