
Chapter 148 Lost the right to be a mom

The nurse nodded and couldn't help saying, "You're really lucky. Several people in the car were seriously injured. But you're completely fine. Have a good rest. I'm going off to work now."

After the nurse left, Adeline looked at the report with mixed feelings.

She was pregnant, and she had also planned to accept Edmund again. It was supposed to be a happy matter, but somehow, she felt a little nervous.

After taking a deep breath, she got out of bed and changed out of her hospital gown.

She should get some fresh air outside.

The corridor of the hospital was quiet. She took a few steps forward and suddenly remembered that she could already be discharged from the hospital. Since Edmund was busy, she could just go home and wait for him there.

After thinking about it, she took out her mobile phone and made a phone call to Edmund.

A moment later, she could hear a familiar ringtone coming out of the ward next door. Adeline was stunned and hurriedly hung up the phone.