
Chapter 122 Take advantage of you

"What?" Edmund asked in a low voice.

Adeline was so nervous that she couldn’t hear that it was Edmund' voice. So, she repeated her question again.

"I want your phone number."

"Okay!" After saying that, Edmund immediately took out his mobile phone.

The group of women behind her looked at their silhouettes excitedly that they almost jumped up. In the next second, the man's phone screen lit up. Soon after, Adeline's cell phone rang.

Adeline was stunned and said hurriedly, "I'll need to answer the call..."

She picked up her phone and took a quick look at it. It was Edmund. She immediately answered the call and said, "I'm going back soon..."

"Got it!" The voice which was coming from the phone was in sync with the voice in front of her.

Adeline was stunned, and the mobile phone in her hand almost fell into the ground. The onlookers behind her were also dumbfounded. "What's going on? Is that super handsome guy Adeline's man?"