

Jack is a successful and charming multi-millionaire who seems to have it all. But his life is not what it seems. Jack is the son of a powerful mafia boss, the heir to the drug conglomerate but he wanted something different. He left his family business and moved to Kenas, Capitol city to open his own company. He has been pretending to date Lily, a beautiful young woman. Lily is unaware of Jack's true identity, but she is drawn to him despite their fake relationship. She sees a vulnerability in him that no one else does, and finds herself falling for him. One day, he got a phone call from Timothy, his father's right hand man. His father is in a coma, he needs to come back home and take his place as the mafia boss. As Jack and Lily's relationship deepens, the lines between pretense and reality begin to blur. Jack is torn between his loyalty to his family and his love for Lily, while Lily is struggling to understand her feelings for a man she barely knows. Meanwhile, danger is lurking around every corner as Jack's enemies in the mafia world close in. They see Lily as a weak link and will stop at nothing to get to her. Jack must make a choice between his family and the woman he loves, and Lily must decide if she can trust a man with a dangerous secret. In this heart-pumping romance novel, Jack and Lily's love is put to the ultimate test in a world where danger and deception are the norm. Will their love survive, or will the secrets that bind them together tear them apart?

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Debbie had always loved her family, but one year ago, she made a mistake that changed her life forever. She met a guy named Pablo, who seemed kind and loving at first. But little did she know, he was a drug addict and a manipulator.

Debbie started to change. She became distant from her family and started to argue with them over small things. She even started to skip school and hang out with bad company. She wanted her family's permission to openly date Pablo but they refused.

One day, Debbie packed her bags and ran away from home with Pablo. She thought she was in love with him, but she didn't know what was coming. Pablo was abusive and forced her to take drugs. She was no longer the happy and vibrant girl her family knew.

After one long year, Debbie finally realized her mistake. She couldn't take the abuse anymore and decided to come back home. She was afraid of how her family would react, but she knew she had to face them.

Debbie's mother was shocked when she saw her daughter at the doorstep. Her eyes welled up with tears as she hugged Debbie and welcomed her back. Debbie broke down in tears too, apologizing to her mother for all the pain she had caused.

As they sat down for a cup of tea, Debbie started to tell her mother all about the horrors of the past year. She told her how Pablo had abused her and forced her to take drugs, "He beats me up mama if I don't take it mama, he said our family's wealth was built on drugs and I was nothing but a Junkie's daughter."

Debbie's mother listened carefully and cried silently.

Debbie then decided to apologize to her father too. She knew he must have suffered a lot during her absence. He was hurt and angry at first, but soon he too welcomed her back with open arms.

Debbie's family decided to forgive her and help her start anew. They enrolled her in a rehab program and supported her through the struggle of breaking free from addiction.

As Debbie looked back at the past year, she realized how much she had missed out on. Her family had always been there for her, but now she realized how important they were. She had a new appreciation for life and a newfound love for her family.

Debbie knew that the journey ahead would be difficult, but she was ready to face it. With the love and support of her family, she was ready to take on the world once again.

A perfect beginning, right? 

To be continued....

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