

Jack is a successful and charming multi-millionaire who seems to have it all. But his life is not what it seems. Jack is the son of a powerful mafia boss, the heir to the drug conglomerate but he wanted something different. He left his family business and moved to Kenas, Capitol city to open his own company. He has been pretending to date Lily, a beautiful young woman. Lily is unaware of Jack's true identity, but she is drawn to him despite their fake relationship. She sees a vulnerability in him that no one else does, and finds herself falling for him. One day, he got a phone call from Timothy, his father's right hand man. His father is in a coma, he needs to come back home and take his place as the mafia boss. As Jack and Lily's relationship deepens, the lines between pretense and reality begin to blur. Jack is torn between his loyalty to his family and his love for Lily, while Lily is struggling to understand her feelings for a man she barely knows. Meanwhile, danger is lurking around every corner as Jack's enemies in the mafia world close in. They see Lily as a weak link and will stop at nothing to get to her. Jack must make a choice between his family and the woman he loves, and Lily must decide if she can trust a man with a dangerous secret. In this heart-pumping romance novel, Jack and Lily's love is put to the ultimate test in a world where danger and deception are the norm. Will their love survive, or will the secrets that bind them together tear them apart?

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On a Sunday morning after the memorial ceremony, Jack and Lily were in the dinning room eating the food prepared by the house chef when Jack's phone rang, he checked his phone and saw it was Timothy.

He excused himself and went to the room to answer the call.

"Good morning Jack, let's not beat around the bush with dumb greetings." Timothy's voice was gruffed with worry, "the boys are revolting Jack and you need to step in, they want to see his son at least, ever since you arrived, you haven't show yourself to the gang, not even to say hello."

Jack used his right hand to rub his face resignedly, "I don't need this right now Timothy, didn't my mom tell you about the result, my dad will soon be up and he will resume his duties, Tell them to hold on beside I have a lot of work on my plate right now."

Timothy inhaled harshly, "so what huh? You are going to give up on everything that your father had worked on for years, nobody is asking you to take over anything, just show your face to the gang, give them hope that all is well. Is that too much for Mr Multi-millionaire to do?" Timothy asked mockingly.

That statement stuck a chord in Jack, he clenched his hand in to a fist, "fine I am coming now and if I don't see anybody waiting there, I won't bother coming next time." He said harshly as he cut the call.

He marched into the room and brought up a black leather from the closet, came downstairs and told Lily, he will be going out to see someone.

Jack sluggishly went there, he knew he had to take charge of the situation. The guys were his father's workers and he didn't want things to escalate any further.

As Jack walked into the lair, he could feel the tension in the air. The gang members were all standing around, looking agitated and restless. They all turned to look at him as he entered, and Jack could feel their stares burning into him.

"Hey, guys," Jack said, trying to sound calm and collected. "What's going on?"

"You're the leader now, man," Timothy said, pushing him towards the seat that had been set up in the center of the room. "You need to take control of the situation."

Jack hesitated, but then he looked around at the angry faces of the workers, He knew that they were looking to him for leadership, and he didn't want to disappoint them.

"All right," Jack said, finally taking his seat. "What's the problem, guys?"

The gang members started shouting out their grievances, one after another.

Some of them wanted more drugs, while others were upset about the way some of the members had been treating them. Jack listened patiently, trying to understand their issues.

After a few minutes, he stood up and addressed the group.

"I hear your concerns," Jack said. "But we can't keep fighting among ourselves and tearing each other down. We need to work together if we're going to get what we want."

The group started to quiet down, and Jack could see that his words had had an impact.

"We need to support each other," Jack continued. "And we need to find a way to resolve our conflicts without violence."

The gang members nodded in agreement, and Jack could feel the tension in the room easing.

"Together, we can make our lives better," Jack said. "But we need to do it as a team."

The gang members cheered him on, and Jack felt a sense of relief wash over him. He didn't know what he was saying, the words just spurted out from his mouth, at least, he had taken control of the situation and calmed the tensions that had been brewing within the gang.

As he left the lair, Jack knew that he had a tough road ahead of him. He would need to work hard to keep the gang together and steer them in a more positive direction. But he also knew that he was up to the challenge. With the support of the gang and the strength of his own conviction, Jack was determined to make things better for himself and for the gang for the time being, he was grateful that they didn't make things more difficult for him.

But only for the time being...

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