
Hostile Wyverns

Sacra opened his mouth and put the gem on his tongue. Then, Akash placed both of his hands on Sacra's specula bones and dictated.

"Focus the energy and transfer it into your dwelling, I'm telling you once again, don't swallow it and don't lose focus."

Sacra did as he was told, and the cosmic power started to burst from the gem before going directly into his dwelling causing his Star Dwelling to tremble.

Akash sucked the excess energy away while fully focused on Sacra as well. His left hand absorbed what Sacra's dwelling couldn't handle, circulating it throughout his whole body before releasing it via his right hand back into Sacra, mixed with a miniscule amount of his own cosmic energy. This allowed Sacra to successfully absorb the gem's powers on top of receiving it in a more stable and controlled manner.

While focusing on Sacra, Akash thought back to the time he learned of this procedure from Omni Dragon.

"Can a normal Star Dwelling devour another dwelling, father?"

Omni Dragon was eating a big piece of meat before burping and giving his answer.

"No Star Dwelling has the power to absorb or devour another dwelling. Only Chaos Dwellings can and even we don't know the reason behind it. However... a Star Dwelling can absorb a beast's cores.

Akash, intrigued, asked another question.

"Aren't they the same thing? The inner world of a tamer is called a dwelling gem and the inner world of a beast is called a beast core."

Omni Dragon replied.

"No, there is a huge difference. Only intelligent beings, who can make calculated decisions, are called tamers, and contain dwellings.

Those who are not sane and only follow their instincts, rather, are called beasts and they have cores. Have you ever seen a tamer without a sound mind in your life?"

Akash replied confidently.

"I have seen many."

Omni Dragon smirked.

"Did any of them have any contracted beasts?"

Akash pondered and his eyes widened.

"None... they always fought with their own powers without any beasts. We had thought that it was because they were so narcissistic, they didn't want any tamed beasts to help them."

"It's because they were not intelligent enough to create a dwelling in the first place, when they opened their channels.

A dwelling is an actual world, with living beings residing in it. While a core is just a huge empty vessel, filled with cosmic powers from which no lives come into being."

Akash kept looking at the Omni Dragon while he continued.

"Back to your question now, there is only one way for them to absorb a dwelling and that's when someone with a Chaos Dwelling helps them…"

~Back in the present, 26 days later~

Sohrab looked at Akash and yawned.

"It's already been nearly a month, I'm sleepy."

He turned his head to see Daan who was laying while looking at Akash and Sacra in awe. Sohrab smiled, he finally saw hope in Daan's eyes, for the first time in a long time. Suddenly, Sohrab flinched as he sensed something, something that was moving near them at a terrifying speed. Sohrab looked at Akash once more, who was still fully focused on Sacra.

Seeing that he was the only one free, Sohrab went out of the cave to check. There, he saw a group of sand-coloured wyverns, all around 30 meters long.

As he scrutinized them all, he realized every single one of them was at the 10th Star realm. Sohrab waved his hand.

"Earth Block!"

A wall came out of the ground, closing the entrance.

"Water Mirror!"

Drops of water merged and formed a mirror-like shield in front.


The wyverns cried out as they came closer to Sohrab and, in turn, he stretched his body, wielded his weapons in both hands and charged towards them. When the distance between them shrunk down to around 10 meters, Sohrab flew, startling the wyverns.

Thanks to this, they all scattered but the slowest one at the back was not so fortunate, its eyesight blocked by its companions in front as a giant minotaur charged at it, unseen.

Sohrab swung his hammer, striking the head of the wyvern.


The wyvern fell on the grass. It tried to stand but its legs were wobbly, Sohrab looked at it and commented.

"You sure are tough, surviving my attack."

Sohrab swung his axe downward as other wyverns cried out to warn it, but it was too late, Jeeth axe decapitated the wyvern's head. The eyes of the remaining wyverns turned blood red as they all, at the same time, gave out a strange shrieking cry.


Sohrab looked at them, waiting for another reckless move from them to counter. Then, he heard some rustling, coming from his surroundings, around 100 more wyverns had come from the jungle, and rushed at Sohrab.

"My goodness, uhhh... My Liege, are you done yet?"

A wyvern from behind flapped its wings, causing a dust storm to rise and, subsequently, the rest of the beasts followed suit.

Gusts of sand from all directions formed a tornado and Sohrab was sucked into it. He quickly landed on the ground, picked up his axe and struck it in the ground to anchor himself as a wyvern came from behind and bit the arm holding the axe.

Sohrab cried out in pain before swinging his hammer in retaliation but missed. Blood dripped from his arm, onto the axe, until Jeeth Subedar suddenly started to glow, shocking him in the process.


A strange and deep voice came from the weapon, further adding to Sohrab's bewilderment.

"Who?" He asked.

"I am Jeeth Subedar, your weapon."


A loud explosion erupted, destroying the tornado. Sohrab was standing, holding a giant axe-hammer in his hands. His two weapons merged into a single form, one side axe and the other, a hammer. Sohrab raised it high into the air and smashed it down onto the ground.

"Jeeth Smash!"

The ground trembled, cracked and split apart. Trees and roots rose out of it and grabbed half of the wyverns, squeezing them into minced meat. Sohrab jumped again, high into the sky.

"Lightning Rain!"

Lightning bolts fell on some wyverns that were higher up in the sky, causing them to fall, allowing the trees to engulf them like the others. The remaining ones ran.

Sohrab huffed and looked at his weapon, surprised and happy. He started to go back towards the cave when he heard the land shaking and the sound of footsteps, he stopped.

"What is it now?"

From the jungle emerged a huge dragon, 100 meters tall.

"What the heck is that!"

Sohrab asked himself, as he had never seen such a beast before.

"Master, it's a dragon."

Jeeth informed him.

"Are they powerful?"


Sohrab couldn't ascertain its realm, meaning it was stronger than him.

The dragon growled and roared.


Sohrab was stunned as the dragon opened its big mouth and unleashed a burst of fiery breath. Sohrab was still paralyzed and unable to move when the fire came like a wave, burning the trees, roots and whatever else laid in its path. Sohrab closed his eyes and readied himself, thinking that this would be his end.

All of a sudden, a big slash of wind came from behind and struck at the fire, cancelling each other out. Sohrab opened his eyes, puzzled before a hand came from behind and tapped Sohrab's shoulder.

"Haha, what a pathetic sight."

It was Sacra Emilat.

Sohrab turned his head and saw a 3 meter-tall, slender and crimson-red orc.

"You... you are cured!"

Sacra chuckled and replied.

"All thanks to His Majesty."

Sacra was holding a long, beautiful sword. It had a green diamond-like pommel and a white velvet grip, big enough to hold with two hands. A cross-rain guard made of white feathers and a long blade, glowing green from ricasso to central edge.

Sohrab looked at it before speaking.

"Is this..."

"Yes, I was also gifted with a weapon by the King, her name is Coronela Subedar."

The dragon looked at both, fierce and angry before charging at them. Meanwhile Sacra spoke.

"You go for one side, I'll go for the other."

Both went in different directions and attacked. However, they underestimated the long reach of the dragon as it made a swift curve and swung its tail like a whip, striking Sohrab and flinging him far away. He coughed blood but stood up again in a hurry with wobbly legs.


[Do you want to get treated immediately?

'YES / NO']

Sohrab blinked his eyes in surprise, he was dizzy, yet his mind was still lucid.

"What is this now? I won't do anything without asking My Liege."

Sohrab said no.


[Do you want to go back to headquarters?]

Sohrab refused again and retorted.

"Please, don't disturb me now, I have yet to kill that big lizard-type thing. Ahhh, how could this ugly lizard attacked my delicate body with no mercy. I'm not even married yet."

Sacra was still engaged with the dragon. He was slim and tall, and with his experience as a general for decades, he protected himself from a fatal attack.

The dragon raised its claw, nails starting to emit fire before attacking Sacra with this flaming claw.

Sacra used the Wind Law and ran towards the dragon like a wind gust, barely avoiding the attack as he reached its legs.

The burning claw hit the ground and dug deep cuts in it, causing lava to pour out of it. Sacra quickly put his palm to the ground.

"Water Spring!"

Water burst from it and sprayed the legs of the dragon, after which Sacra raised his hand.

"Lightning Shock!"

Thunder rumbled before lightning struck the soaked legs of the dragon as it cried out loudly. It opened its mouth once again and breathed fire at its feet, where Sacra was.

Sacra raised his brows.

"Oh no!"

Sacra ran away with all his might.


The land became coal, however, Sacra was still alive but one of his legs was burnt.

Both Sohrab and Sacra looked at the beast, when suddenly a black and white ball came from the direction of the cave and hit the dragon. The blast was so strong that it blew the dragon away.

Soon after, A figure jumped in. Sacra looked at it and asked Sohrab.

"Who is this?"

Sohrab retorted.

"Like hell I'd know."

The figure looked behind at them and revealed its name.

"I am... Ponytail."

The dragon stood back up, now slightly afraid of this new enemy. It saw Ponytail in front of itself before he suddenly jumped high above. In response, the dragon spread its wings in preparation to fly. Meanwhile, Ponytail let go of his golden staff before murmuring.



The thin, short staff changed into a hundred-meter-tall pillar and fell onto the dragon, smashing it into the ground.

Sacra yelled.

"Sohrab, now!"

Sohrab raised his weapon with a huff and smashed it again. The same trees and roots came out and constrained the dragon.

Sacra ran towards the dragon with his now glowing sword as he made a wide, upside-down swing.

"Cut of the Wind Queen!"

The sword released a sharp and deadly cut of wind, cleanly cutting the dragon's head off.