
Tales of the Reincarnated: Dropped

This work has been sealed away, sorry! (cover: ins @elena_loves_to_draw)

arthuronuranus · Fantaisie
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29 Chs

Happy Halloween Brothers and Sisters!

My handsome and beautiful readers of all race, genders, and species...good Halloween to y'all.

I am currently sad right now :(

I prepared candy for trick or treating children but no one showed up this Halloween...T-T

Maybe because the candy wasn't sweet enough last year? Or is it because they don't like the new paint color of my van? Last year was black but this year I thoughtfully and specially made it white for it to be easier to see.

Now I have to eat all these candies myself ugh >-:

I'm fr going to get diabetes :(

The weather is stupidly cold these days too rip...shssshiver me tiiimmbers...one sec, I need to close the door of my van. The cold wind is blowing in. Besides, doesn't seem like anyone will come today *sighs and shrugs*



Why do I seem to be seeing flashing red and blue??


Officer! I can explain!!

What am I doing?

Currently luring children into my van with Halloween candy...ehheemm...

Aha must be the cold...

Actually I mean...

Wait! Stop handcuffing me!!!!!

It's just a prank!!!!

What? My candies are laced with psychedelics?

Slander I say!! It's just extra extra extra bitter and sour! Try one and you'll see!

It's just a Halloween prank!!

Uhhhh, sorry guys...it appears that technical difficulties has arisen...and

I don't have any chapters ready but here's a text art...enjoy! P.s: go steal children's candies, stop doom scrolling, molest a cat, get some rest, and make sure to stay hydrated pookie bears <3< p>










































































































