
Tales Of The Phantom

Magic! A power many wish to possess; a power cloaked in secrecy, a power of unknown origins defined as a Miracle that cannot be explained. Upon its discovery, it shifted the world into a new era like never before, an era of steam and gears, an era of war and plagues, an era of hope and darkness, and most importantly an era of nightmares and mysteries. This was exactly the world that Sherlock Prelati found himself in, a world so unforgiving the life expectancy for a normal human being ranges from 30-40 years of age, Sherlock himself is a gifted warlock capable of interacting with the spirits of the dead, but one day he found himself in a situation where his life forever changed when he met a certain individual that sacrifices their life to save him at a cost, now task with the impossible Sherlock must uncover the secrets of the world and unravel the mysteries of magic, the power lies in the secrets, the goal is naught but the dream and the desire can be seen if he walk the path of the lore. Watch as Sherlock enrolls in Merlins academy for the gifted, a place full of mystery, a place full of murder, a place full of secret societies such as cults and secret organizations that fight against the tyranny of nightmares, what can one boy do against all odds, being gifted is a privilege, but being too gifted is a sin or a restraint, jealously, wrath, and pride, these are all's struggles Sherlock most crush under his boots if he wants to reach the top. "So say to me young warlocks, and witches, are thou prepared to traverse into the unknown, are thou prepared for the danger ahead, are thou prepared for the mystery, is thy shall firm-set enough to immerse yourself into the spiral of madness, the sore of insanity, kaka... if so I welcome thou to the orb of the occult. "

Kira_Kazuto_4040 · Fantaisie
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25 Chs



"Sherlock... Get up...

"¡W...We have to leave now¡


"Ha?!" I shouted, nonplussed by the sudden call of my name, the urgency of the situation seep through my soul, as the call from the other party was full of a voice riddled with serious consternation.

The precipitous awakening from my bed was something I was not expecting at all, but the timing was rather questionable.

Tell me, how would you feel to wake up at the sight of your mother panicking with great horror, and making quite the pother indeed? "Sherlock, my precious Sherlock, w-W-W-Wee. Hehe... Need to go."

Mother said holding both my arms tightly in upsurging anxiety, as her eye twitched uncontrollably in unexplainable horror, looking at her now in such a pitiful state, I did not see my beloved, and confident mother that I was so used to seeing.

Instead, all I see was a woman lost in fear, and overwhelm by horror, her nail sinking deep into my flesh, her eyes voided of any realization of action as if she was only seeking certainty.

I didn't know what to say in this situation, who could blame me, after all, moments ago I was talking to my unearthly female friend, only to awake to such an unforeseeable, unpredictable predicament, without a doubt I was suddenly caught up if not stuck in a quandary.

However, I could not stay here in a stupor, something happen to my mother on her mission, I did not know what, but one thing was for certain, I can't leave her like this, I look at her and ask in a calm, soft, slow monotone.

"Mother what happened, talk to me, I'm right here?"

But her reaction remains the same, her craze laughter, was a sign that she was a moment away from stepping into the realm of the insane, but the message was what filled me with horror, as I was not expecting such severity.

"Sherlock... Hehe... heeeelp me... They're here, they come for me, it's happening again... The man in red, the dancing unitaries, the Aiudaiozt'vhog, he is here, he is the village, the village is he, I'm scared, darling, Rirnef, JulLLLia... I'm sorry, mommy is sorry, it's my fault, Sher...Sherlock helps me, helpmehellmehelpme... PLEASE!"


"Denzel, I'm sorry, Alexander, I'm sorry... Sherlock, I am sorry, truly I am, I wish I was better, I wish I was dead, I was gone, I am a horrible person, why, why... WHY WON'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE, DOES MY TORMENT PLEASE YOU... DOES MY PAIN ALIEVES YOU... DOES MY SUFFERING SUSTAINS YOU, the man in red, the ash maker of error, depleter of hilarity, yet again he come for me?"

Mother's voice breaks as her tears bathe my sheets in her sudden depression, her tears flood the bed, but the moisture of her pain soaks my skin in wonder.

"What happened to you?"

However, at that same moment, footsteps could be heard in the distance, slowly approaching, one instinct overwhelm me, protect my mother at all costs.

So I smile at her as I rub her forehead, and said.

"You poor thing, I don't know what happen but I swear I'm going to murder the ass hole who did this to you, till then sleep."

With those words said, I hand chop her neck; knocking her out, instantly her head hit the sheets, and she was knocked unconscious, I gently push her under the bed, with a pillow under her head, it's not the greatest hiding spot but it's enough to put her out of harm way.

Meanwhile, I took the gun that I normally sleep with from the corner of my bedhead, it was a Pinfire revolver, and it was my fifteen birthday gift that I got from my mother, however, it only had a single bullet left in it.

Regardless of the thought, I went to hide behind the door as I await the approaching threat, and moments later from the entrance a tall figure entered, of course, I wasted no time as I aim for the intruder's head, and pull the trigger with zero hesitation, it was a given, seeing that my anger and total fucks given where so unregistered that collateral was the least of my concerns.

However, at the last minute, the man in a dark cloak dodges the bullet at point blank quickly turning his head with ease.

But the desired alternative outcome had been met, and that was all that mattered, because the suddenness of the attack caught him off guard, as he trip backward, falling due to disruption of his center of gravity.

In that small moment, my eyes went to the glass bowl filled with the untouched beans and cabbage from last night's station on the table in my room, and my hands grab hold of it, as the content within was tossed in the face of the cloaked figure.


They screeched in pain.

However the bowl break-in his face, and countless glass pieces fly in various directions, I took one off the ground as my eyes were focused on his neck, tightly holding the piece of glass in my hand, as I aimed directly at the neck of the enemy, never in my life have I felt such a violent serve of immaculate rage or desire to separate the jugular vein of another living being to prevent blood flow to the right atrium.

But before it even reaches him, he reacted by kneeing my hand in the air causing the large piece of glass to fly from my hand, and before I could even think to initiate a counterattack, the man quickly close the distance between me and him and tackle me to the ground, holding both my hands down to prevent further movement.

The intentions of my enemy were clear, as he quickly move to restraint me, or to either kill me or subdue me, but I feel like I was being underestimated here, from a very young age I have been thought hand-to-hand combat, so I was confident in my CQC, especially when I utilize my magic.

Because in that very moment, I used my "Lord of The Phantom" to make both my arms intangible which free me from his grips, and the instant I was free I hit him with a hard and solid right elbow to the face, which took him by surprise as two teeth fly out of his mouth, bursting his lips in two, along with blood dripping, and the smudge of bean on smearing on my elbow; but I wasn't done.

The reason was I maneuver my legs under him, and with all my strength I kick him off of me, which made him fly into the wall, but that didn't help at all, seeing that he recovered immediately and went straight for a tackle again, which I prepared myself for in order counter it, this time however he fakes the attack as he leg sweep me off the ground instead which made me fall on the ground hitting my head hard in the process.

And finally but not least, he anchored my neck under his boots pinning me down with great strength, at this point and time I was still daze due to the impact, but just when I was fearing the worst I heard a familiar voice shouting at me.

"Are you fucking blind?!"


I shouted in shock, to which he replied with annoyance.

"You trigger-happy psycho what the hell, you almost kill me, what gives?"

Denzel asks me with shock as he slowly moves his feet from my neck, and takes off his hood which blocks his face.

Instantly I got up, but I held my neck in pain as I answer him as such.

"Denzel, shit, sorry bro, but I attack you because mother was acting weird saying someone is chasing her, I thought you were that person."

Denzel seems to understand, as he wipes his face with a nearby towel removing both blood and beans from his face, although his focus soon shifted back to me, as he tries his hardest to avoid my gaze, it would seem he was still under the effects of the desired form and said.

"For the love of God, please put on some clothes, it feels weird to see my aunt naked."

He said while turning his head from me, at that moment I look at myself, and just remember I was naked, after all that's how I sleep.

So I went to wrap the bed sheets around me as I said.

"You can look now."

Denzel then turns around and asks.

"Where mother?"

"I hid her under the bed, she came to me in a craze, emotional, and unstable state, what the hell happen to her, did you encounter someone while sweeping the baroness' house?"

However, the answer I got from Denzel was rather different, from what I was expecting.

Sigh!... "I don't even know where to begin, sigh... well for starters mother got like that because of this thing," Denzel said as he toss a folded piece of paper in my direction.

However, upon making contact with it, a feeling of dread, and hate, overwhelmed me like never before.

To describe just how odious this old piece of paper was, then I would say that just holding it like this in my hands, was akin to holding the very face of madness itself.

My eyes opened in steadfast horror at the basic level of interaction, just holding this thing in my hands, give me the unsettling desire to unfold its mysteries four-divided from my line of sight, as the secrecy it holds burn my curiosity like never before; such is the power of something so Antediluvian in appearance as it boasts an Archane temptation; one so primordial just holding it should be forbidden.

And yet such a piece of ancient and minacious creativity was found in the palms of a mere mortal household, truly this much power was never meant for the eyes of men, as its verboten nature is that of a higher order beyond this realm of understanding.

This much understanding by sight and touch alone fills me with an uncanny desire to drop it, but at the same time, I could hear a voice whispering in my head, the words it speak were nonsensical, if not nigh impossible to understand.

But despite the discernible unimaginable articulation of vowels, I was still able to ascertain a few words if not proper vocalization of the maddening, brain-shrieking, lackluster articulate pronunciation of their form.

They whisper, express, and violate in such a morbid way that anything less than insanity would be a miracle.

And yet for some reason even after hearing the piece of paper speak its atrocious verse in my brain, it had the opposite effect.

It was as if it was a futile attempt to temp me with its incomprehensible words, which only made me have a weird feeling of familiarity I could not explain.

"Loo█ ██ █e."

"███e █e."

Gazing at it even now was an experience of much discomfort, if not a sense of eerie philosophical Illuminatus.

Surprised by this I look at Denzel and said with great worry and concern.

"So Mother went insane after reading this?"