
Tales of the HEART

Daniel woke up in the hands of his grandparents, He was drowned to death but was luckily brought to life by Alec. A merman and prince of the sea. Alec had given his first kiss to Daniel just to save him and went into an agreement with the sea god to exchange legs. However, he was to get his first true love kiss from the human or remain a slave to the sea god. Will Alec successfully carry out his plans, when the man he loves is a homophobic jerk?

Richard_Chidera · LGBT+
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10 Chs

Chapter Seven

Justin kissed Daniel, Daniel sat down there transfixed, he couldn't move nor could he do anything.

"He kissed me… I was the best friend he talked about kissing". Daniel thought to himself.

"How could he do this"? Daniel was trying to recollect himself.

"Justin". Jasper said, with his mouth in the shape of an o.

Daniel reacted to the kiss, he pushed Justin and then threw a heavy punch to his face that broke Justin's lips and made blood sip out.

"What the fuck was that, Justin". Daniel shouted, his eyebrows creased to depict his anger.

"You pretend as if you don't know how I feel about you, and you gave me signs that you also wanted it". Justin said wiping blood off his lips and then standing up to match Daniel's height, Justin was 4 to 5 cm taller than Daniel.

Daniel threw another punch at Justin's face, drawing another blood from his lips.

"I need more of the punch, make me feel how much you're angry that I kissed you". Justin smirked.

Daniel threw another punch, but it was caught midair by Jasper before it could make another impact on Justin's face.

"Stop it Daniel. What's happening to you"? Jasper said, and for the first time through the night, he was angry. His voice was laced with anger at every word that came out of his mouth.

"Jasper don't intervene". Justin released Daniel's hand from Jasper's hand.

"Our friend here is a fucking homosexual, but he is too homophobic to admit it. I understand you're homophobic, but not to your friends". Justin spoke, his voice laced with sadness, and his eyes welled up with tears as they were threatening to roll down his cheek.

"Daniel". Justin got closer to Daniel, he took Daniel's hands into his.

"Ever since we were little, I had always liked you… I like you, Daniel. I'm with Jennifer because I never wanted to feel like a fag in front of you and Jasper".

"My heart had always known who it belongs to, no matter the deceit I was trying to play. Do you remember when I promised you that I would always protect you from anyone and I will never hurt you…you can punch me whatsoever way you want, how much you want, but I would never raise my hand on you that's how much important and precious you mean to me, but recently, I felt more than that should be done, I want to call you mine, I want you to be mine because lately, I have been having this weird feeling in my stomach that if I don't tell you how I feel about you, I would lose you to someone else"? Justin finally let go of the tears he was holding back for long.

"Whatever you say goes, I will give you whatever you want. I'm in love with you, please say something, Daniel". Justin said desperately.

Daniel took his hands back forcefully.

"I don't want anything from a faggot, and I'm not in love with you, I can never love a boy". Daniel spat, his words so filled with venom that Justin had to let go of more tears. Their friendship was coming to ruin for something as feeble as a kiss.

"Take your words back". Justin cried, he was losing his best friend.

"No, I won't take it back… it's the truth… I can't possibly take anything from you knowing you had such evil thought in your mind and I don't love you, I can never love you". Daniel said, turning his back to leave Justin's house.

"Daniel, are you this homophobic that you don't care how much your friend is hurting". Jasper spoke, his voice laced with both anger and sadness.

"I don't care about fags". Daniel said.

"It's over between us, Justin, I would rather not see you anywhere close to me, or I will fucking kill you".

"Why are you even angry, it's not like you didn't know I liked you. Why are you acting out this way? You never even had a girlfriend to confirm you're heterosexual". Justin said.

"I don't need a girlfriend to prove to you, I'm straight, my hatred for the likes of you is already proof. I'm still warning you, don't come anywhere close to me, or I will fucking kill you, Justin". Daniel said for the last time and stormed out of Justin's house. Their friendship was over!

Just as Daniel left, Justin fell to his knees, uncontrollable tears kept on rolling down his cheeks. He shrieked and cussed himself for ruining his friendship with Daniel.

"I would have just kept it to myself". Justin thought to himself.

"It hurts so much". Justin shrieked the more.

"It's ok Justin, one way or the other Daniel was always meant to find out, it's a good thing you told him how you feel, at least you have gotten a big burden from your chest that you have been carrying for ages". Jasper tried consoling Justin.

"It's still a big burden, it's hurt so much that I just ruined our friendship. I knew quite alright how homophobic Daniel was, but I still wanted to try my luck, now he fucking hates me so much, and it's all my fault". Justin scratched his curly hair furiously that it was a mess.

"Don't blame yourself okay, Daniel, I know would come back. You should know how he deals with new information, he will be dramatic for a while, then wrap his head around it later on". Jasper rubbed invisible circles on Justin's back to console him.

"You don't get it, Jasper, I saw how much he hated me looking at those gray eyes. For the first time I saw how cold his eyes were, it denoted pure hatred". Justin cried.

"I don't know who Daniel is anymore". Jasper thought.

"Aaaaaaaah…my chest". Justin dropped to the floor, hugging his knees tight as he folded himself on the cold floor.

"What is it, Justin". Jasper asked worried, not knowing what to do. Justin looked to be in so much pain around his chest.

"Aaaaaaaah". Justin's last cry was inaudible before he fainted.

Going back home, Daniel felt an immense sadness strike his heart. He felt he had overreacted and blew things out of proportion, but then again, he also felt that it wasn't his fault. Justin took him surprised, he didn't expect much from him, and maybe if he had kissed him when Jasper wasn't there then he wouldn't have reacted that way.

"I knew he liked me ever since, but why then did I react so badly". Tears were starting to trickle down Daniel's face when he remembered the hurtful things he had said to Justin and the punches he gave to him to prove he wasn't gay.

"I'm so messed up". Daniel shrieked.

"What kind of friend I'm?" Daniel dropped to his knees on the sands. He was very close to his old cottage, he was at the beach, few meters away from him hiding in the rocks were Alec and Basil.

"My heart is beating faster than usual having him so close by". Alec peered through the rocks, directing his gaze to the beautiful, pale land mortal.

"That's love, Alec, you do love the human". Basil said.

"But I feel sad watching him now, he is crying and feels so sad". Alec said with a voice that was laced with sadness.

"Too bad we can't go to him, we need clothes to cover our nakedness". Basil said.

"Then we will wait for him to go inside the cottage then we will knock on their door and pretend to have been robbed, and we needed clothes and a place to rest our heads for the night…if they're kind enough which I know they're they would let us in, and I can get to talk to the human". Alec added thoughtfully.

"That seems like a nice plan, but I don't think he is going anywhere inside soon". Alec peered one more time at the human, he still knelt there in the sand, crying and cussing at himself for being a bad friend.

After what felt like 2hrs of Daniel crying, he finally stood up from the sand, cleaning his face and eyes, so it wouldn't be evident to his grandparents that he had been crying. He dusted his trousers from the beach sand and walked to his cottage.

He didn't bother to knock on the door, as he assumed the door was open, and his grandparents were waiting on the other side for him, to scold him as to why he made it home so late.

"You got us worried there". Grandma said bringing Daniel into a hug.

"I told you I would be coming in late, you don't have to worry about me… I'm a big boy now, I can take care of myself". Daniel said, with no emotion, he was numb to every feeling.

"We know you're a big boy but as good parents we are, we should worry about our child". Grandpa smiled, joining the hug.

They were interrupted by knocks on the door.

"Who will that be by this time of the night". Grandpa said, but scared, it's the first time in years that they're hearing a knock on their door. They were too poor to be robbed, the thief should have spotted that.

"I will check the door". Daniel said as he noticed his grandparents were scared to move from the spot they were.

Daniel took gentle and slow steps to the door creaking the old thing open to be met with two naked dudes, one had a fish scaled bag that hung on his shoulder and the straps down to his rock-hard abs; the scaled bag helped to cover his man bits and the other was very conscious on hiding his man bits (penis).

The boy in front of Daniel looked to be the same age as Daniel, he had dark red hair that was very vibrant, green emerald eyes, and full lips that were crimson red and light-skinned but not as pale as Daniel. The other guy also looked the same age, but he had no striking features as the boy with the dark red hair that had a pointed nose and eyes that stood out in all his features. Daniel thought the other dude with no striking features carried no air of importance.

Daniel stared the dark red-haired boy up and down then back up again, he swallowed the lump that formed in his throat and tried as much as possible to hide the redness in his cheek as they were visibly turning into red tomatoes. Daniel thought the boy in front of him was all-around sexy and looked like a demigod sculpted like a sculpture, and each feature was put into consideration and sculpted into perfection.

"Daniel, who's at the door". Grandpa called out.

"They're strangers". Daniel stuttered, trying to recollect himself. He had stared too much.

Grandpa and Grandma came to check out the strangers, to also find out they were naked.

"We're genuinely sorry to disturb your peace". Basil said, knowing Alec wasn't going to say anything as he already had his gaze fixed on Daniel and looking at him all lovey-dovey.

"We were robbed and thrown off the sea, we swam here. We were hoping if we could be offered clothes and possibly rest our heads here for the night". Basil added.

"Please come in". Grandma offered. She was empathic and quick to help people in whatever way she could, especially when they were in pressing need.

"Thanks". Basil said and went in with Alec.

"I think you both are roughly the same size as my son, he will go upstairs to bring you clothes". Grandma said.

"Are you hungry or anything, I could prepare you both something". Grandma offered and nudged Daniel to go upstairs and bring some of his clothes for the strangers, but before Daniel climbed the stairs he turned back and directed his gaze to the dark red-haired boy who was also looking at him.

"Why do I have this feeling in the back of my mind that I've met this person before somewhere"? Daniel thought.

"But where". Daniel searched his memories trying to recall, but they all came back in flashes and dark plots that he couldn't piece together.