
Tales of the fractured imagination

A mix of individual short stories that fit into the categories of horror and cosmic horror. All taking place in the same verse across alternate timelines, dimensions and locations. I'd love to hear peoples thoughts about my stories.

TheGreatSeer · Horreur
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13 Chs

The Human Shape

It was a bright summer day. Clear skies and gentle breezes. The temperature could only be described as high as sweat emanated off the bodies of those walking, jogging, talking, and going on with their day. It was all perfectly mundane. Yes, a normal day.

That's what Ben, a 22-year-old teaching assistant in casual clothing with brown eyes, black hair, and pale skin, thought before he turned his head around and stared directly at the man he had just passed and got a glimpse of those wide, bulging eyes only a cartoon character could possess.


He rubbed his eyes and told himself that maybe he was just delirious. After all, he was particularly tired today, as he had been hanging out with an old friend who was quite energetic, which was the opposite of himself. He looked away from the man and continued walking home.

"Yeah. I was just seeing things. Haha. I should sleep more."

While on his way, he had to walk down an alleyway that did not look appealing, but it was the shortest route home. He quickly walked down the alleyway, trying his best to avoid the numerous pieces of garbage littering the ground, then suddenly stopped.

"What was that?"

He thought to himself before turning around and seeing nothing in sight. He stared for a good few seconds before continuing to walk once more.

"Maybe it was that strange individual from earlier? Then again, maybe I'm just being paranoid."

Nearing the end of the alleyway, Ben would start to sprint as the noise from earlier was now louder than before and seemed to be multiplying, which forced Ben into a fight or flight response, which he chose. As soon as he reached the door to his home, he grabbed the keys out of his pocket, rushed inside through the door, and closed it behind himself, making sure that it was effectively locked.

Once he knew it was, he would sigh in relief. However,  about a minute or two later, he could hear something seemingly heavy crashing against his door with rageful might, causing Ben to step back from the door.

After a while, whatever that was would stop. Ben was shaken and could barely stand as he walked into the living room and fell straight onto his blue couch.

"What the hell was that? A bear? Wait, no, that's stupid. Why would a bear just randomly attack me? The real question is why I would think a bear would be out here at all?"

As he pondered the situation, he heard knocking coming from a nearby window. Now, really, after what he had just witnessed, he should not go anywhere near the window, but morbid curiosity got the better of him, and he cautiously approached the window and pulled the curtains that were covering it aside.

That's when the colour drained from his face as he saw the man from earlier, or more appropriately, the creature from earlier, but now it really was a monster as it had the man's face and body but with six arms in total, eight rubbery-like legs, and a plethora of eyes across its body.

The thing spoke with a human voice that was distinctly deep.

"Sorry for bothering. I noticed you were looking at me earlier, and so I thought you would like to talk face-to-face."

In response, Ben did not say anything but vigorously shake his head from side to side.

"Oh….how unfortunate. I thought we could be civil, but I guess manners are now off the table."

The creature said before that one of its long, rubbery, blackish legs would spear itself through the window, and glass shards fell behind Ben, who was now rushing out of the living room and up the stairs in a panic.

"I love hide and seek."

The creature said this before darting around the living room and then crawling its way up the stairs.

"Run. Run. Little human run."

The creature tauntingly spouted as Ben tripped and turned as one of the creature's legs pierced his stomach and blood spewed out.

"Awww. The game is already over?

The next morning, Ben exited his home and locked the door behind himself. It was another great day, as suggested by the magnificent sky and radiant heat. Ben's green eyes were full of energy, his black hair, which, while a mess, still looked half decent, and his pale skin, which made him look sickly, were still the same as ever.

"Ah. Joyous life."

He mentioned it with a slightly deep voice before he started walking.