
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantastique
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334 Chs

Midnight Camping IX The Celestial Inquisition I

Resulting in Rory adorably covering his mouth, Octavia flicking his forehead since he mentioned his assets, and Aubrey helplessly patted his head while Starla merely stared at her crystal screen with curiosity and simply didn't pay it much mind.

Soon enough after calming down Rory was surprisingly the first to break the silence having felt if her brother got in trouble she might as well too!

"I have Fifteen Skycastles, Five Sky Towers, and Fifty Thousand of The Golden Legion-"

Rory adorably confessed, surprising everyone even more resulting in Aubrey helplessly covering her mouth in understanding since she clearly wanted to join their little brother to relieve the burden on him.

Causing Octavia having come to a realization to then frustratingly pout.

"Where are you two getting so many Skycastles from?! I don't even have one you know! Let alone whatever that Golden Legion is?! Someone owes me a Skycastle you know! It's all that perverted Celestia's fault!"

"She wanted me to become her Holy Princess but didn't even pay me or give me a golden whatever! That bunny-hating pervert!"

Octavia frustratingly complained having not only felt outraged but felt like slandering Celes as well!

Of course, she wasn't truly upset, rather frustrated that being The Holy Princess of that pervert didn't mean much apparently, and wanted to send a message in an Octavia-like manner!

Surprising everyone even more so and causing Aurora to laugh her heart out while the still busy Celes continuously sneezed as if every time Octavia called her a pervert, and the balance simply accepted it!

All the while Aubrey having felt she should join her siblings in this sinking ship to then do just that!

"I have Three Skycastles, One Skytower, and Twenty-Seven Skyholds.."

Aubrey adorably confessed as well, surprising everyone and resulting in poor Octavia lamenting even more, until finally.. a wild Bradley had appeared! Albeit not wild in any real way, rather only his timing?!

Apparently while sorting several things out beforehand he had been informed by Gemma that his precious children were camping on the balcony.

Of course, he didn't 'want' to interrupt until he was informed by an adorable ambassador of Minma who got a late notification.

And curiously watched up until the young prince began listing his assets surprising Bradley having felt this was a good time to give them a good scare!

Of course, he also heard Octavia voicing out her frustration and saw this as a chance as well. Both Keira and Aldra had suggested a Daddy's day after all.

Resulting in him taking it to heart! Of course, it also resulted in him appearing behind all four wearing what he typically wore while in the throne room having not had the chance to change.

And within several moments all three having been distracted soon saw Bradley playfully shaking his head before then effortlessly snatching Octavia's Magepad.

And focusing on the talk cast until realizing it was still very much live on both ends to then helplessly nod.

"My sincerest apologies to Lady Coney, Lady Ossy, and everyone else currently attending, however, it seems I'm afraid that I'll be forced to cut this short"

"You have my sincerest thanks for keeping my children company and I do hope they didn't interrupt your game night too much?"

Bradley warmly apologized and after speaking to both Coney and Lady Ossy for several moments, wished them all a good game night before then leaving the talk cast and confiscating Octavia's Mage Pad even if its for a moment. He had a plan!

"My apologies Lady Starla, we'll return in some time, Aurelius, Octavia, and Aubrey, get dressed, I wish to speak to you three in private"

Bradley seriously explained surprising all three especially after hearing the seriousness in his voice, all the while causing Octavia to then immediately become teary, he took her Mage Pad..

Soon enough all three had worriedly gotten dressed, fixed their hair, and so forth while Lady Starla watched with surprising amusement.

After getting dressed all three worriedly left the tent causing Bradley to then nod before then sending a mental message.

Within several moments all four were teleported into what seemed to be a strange golden room until finally the sat on the big cozy couch while Bradley disappointingly looked down.

Unfortunately, the young prince got distracted by the room resulting in it reminding the young prince of Aurora before then coming to the realization!

Until finally the curtains slowly opened revealing Bradley's Personal Auction Room inside of Aurora's auction house once more!

Surprising all three and causing Bradley to playfully nod before then dangling Octavia's Magepad for several moments until finally she had successfully grabbed it! Causing Bradley to then warmly smile before then lovingly hugging all three.

"I'd never purposely scare my precious children without reason! However, it seems I may have gone too far in this instance"

"Octavia, Aurel, and Aubrey I'm truly sorry for such a trick! Aldra had suggested a daddy's day, and you three were still awake so I saw my chance?"

"Despite appearances, I truly wish to spend time with all of my children, and I promised myself with time I eventually will?"

Bradley warmly confessed surprising all three causing them to then adorably nod while Bradley gently wiped away Octavia's tears from her having her Mage Pad snatched.

"Now, I might not be comparable as your mothers but I'd still like to think I'm funner in some aspects!"

"Now, the rules are.. no more than fifty sky-level items, and you may ask your favorite daddy whatever questions you wish! That's all, now it seems the auction may have already begun?"

"I haven't visited an auction in a decade or so? So this should be quite interesting!"

Bradley happily explained surprising all three, causing both the young prince and Aubrey to adorably giggle and Octavia to then playfully smile since her 'daddy' was 'paying' for it all!

Now was her chance for payback by having him 'pay' ridiculous amounts for all her stuff!

While Rory simply wanted to spend this time with her baby brother, daddy, and sisters!

Soon enough the young prince was on Rory's lap in the middle of both Aubrey and Octavia while Bradley sat next to Octavia.

Causing him after several moments of ignoring the auction to then warmly smile at such a sight, despite how everything seemed he was quite jealous of Aldra and the others.

In truth, if he was able, he'd try to spend as much time with his children as possible, albeit he did in fact try.

Be it checking on them as they slept, visiting the garden, library, infirmary, and even to The Kingdoms of Feless and Wood Elves if they weren't able to visit the inn?

To put it simply he simply put as much as he could into being how a father should. He had put in so much effort ensuring he knew if he had more children, however, his mother had hidden so much from him, even Talia and those that he loved.

Despite appearances hurt him quite a bit, but he simply couldn't afford to show it, the best he could do now is to change that.

He had even sneaked off to The Ophidian Empire to check on his daughter, risking the meeting of her scary mother..

And now he was at an auction with four of his precious daughters-children! It's easier to forget the young prince was in fact a prince at times.

If anything he would at times confuse him with a younger Rory and even Stella. Even if Rory was present!

What's worse now was that Aurea and Laurel were now a thing, meaning he'd have to catch himself more often than he didn't! Which indeed was something to think about?

Not all fathers are perfect! So him squeezing in the time and being more proactive to invite the others to join him for a day or to go shopping would no doubt assist him in that regard!

He could take some lessons from his mother and arrange his schedule to include such things!

He was The Celestial King after all, and it seemed he could afford to be selfish as of late.

For all intents and purposes, he is an amazing Celestial King comparable to that of an Emperor, everything he has done was out of consideration, respect, and humility.

However, it seemed The Celestial Inquisition and quite a few others forgot such things were 'luxuries' they could no longer afford. Even if he suspected they may have been corupted some way or the other.

Resulting in him now spending this time with his children all the while The Celestial Inquisition's Headquarters on The Snowiest Peak of The Mountains of The Celestial Vale was being visited.

Not only by a terrifying Order of The Golden Legion but everyone's favorite High Scholar, Celestial Lord, and High Lord, the wise and eccentric magic lover, Prince Colin Vale of The Celestial Vale, and future fiance of The Queen of The Blackreach!

He was also joined by High Lord Admiral Lucius Lepar Vale, The Elder Brother of a 'certain' Celestial Queen of Lepar. Someone who had assisted Amber during the Celestial-Polis Conference.

To put it simply, High Lord Admirals are comparable to that of Chapter Masters, High Lord of Lords who control entire campaigns, be it land, air, or sea.

They were legends in their own right meaning not only had two extremely influential and powerful royals who could stand toe to toe with The Grand Inquisitor, but this wasn't the first place they had visited!

Both had visited the Temple of Celestia Accompanied by not only The Golden Legion but Holly as well!

Meaning after visiting The Temple of Celestia with not only Celes's permission but that of Celestine's, Holly's, and Bradley's, they had then went straight to The Celestial Inquisition right after.

Leaving Grand Priestess Holly to sort out the rest of The Temple Guard of Celestia, while they did so for The Celestial Inquisition with Talia? Unfortunately, Talia preferred the shadows so unless needed she simply wouldn't appear.

Funnily enough, Colin had agreed because he wanted to learn more magic and it was his duty to do so! They might have magic he never saw before?! So of course it was worth it!

Resulting in him happily waiting at the massive gate? Albeit he displayed an indifferent curiosity due to the task at hand.

While Lucius refused to remove his mask out of principle.. or perhaps he simply didn't want the snowstorm to slap him?

Resulting in Colin sighing while The Seven Hundred Members of The Golden Legion had just been dropped in.

Via the drop pod teleportation circles that required arranging your mana into the system of the sky tower to prevent any unauthorized personnel from accessing such drop sites.

Not to mention they could simply fly back up and reattach themselves after the operation is complete meaning it was simply one of the many interesting features of Sky Castles and Towers, which were practically the same albeit one was a tower.

And funnily enough, the Sky Tower itself was gifted to him by Avery. He was her favorite disciple after all!

While the Sky Tower itself was that of a Capital-Ship Level Sky Tower fully armed and equipped having been created during the earlier years of The Celestial Empire!

Meaning it was in itself as terrifying as The Golden Legion on it, and its owner!

Soon enough however.. nothing happened.. causing Lucius having felt something odd to then look to Colin who after also noticing simply walked to the gate and tapped it.

"It seems the barrier itself is weakening at a drastic rate. As for the reason, I'd imagine it's being consumed or redirected into even stronger defensive arrays! How interesting!"

Colin curiously explained before then tapping the barrier once more ultimately crumbling it until the sound of war was unleashed beyond the gate surprising Lucius while Colin couldn't help but sigh.

"The removal of the privacy barrier itself should have been their priority due to current circumstances?"

"How odd! No matter it seems we won't be able to question The Celestial Inquisition while they're being extinguished"

"Mind you they're still celestials and this is a highly classified location so we should fulfill our duties and learn new magic while doing so!"

Colin calmly reassured before then effortlessly breaking the seal on the massive gate and kicking it open revealing what many would suspect.. a battle of utter nonsense!

Resulting in Colin erecting a new Barrier via his Sky Tower to supply the defensive instruments with mana and target any or all unknown Sky-Level Threats.

While Lucius led The Golden Legion inside of the massive city-like headquarters of The Celestial Inquisition built into and above the mountain showcasing its utter beauty!

Unfortunately, a battle was still, in fact, ongoing resulting in Colin curiously examining it all and the attackers.

It seemed a small Garrison of The Celestial Royal Guard numbering in the one hundred led by a Female Captain of The Celestial King's Guard.

All of who were fighting alongside The Celestial Inquisition who were being battered by.. apparent shadowy figures?