
Tales of The Celestial Prince

These tales are of Aurel, a young celestial prince, and his journey full of adorable antics both memorable and loved. The many enthusiastic Gods, cultures, temples, and shrines he meets, the various threats he faces in his ventures. As ancient threats loom behind closed curtains, playing the strings of fate both worldly or otherwise, how will precious Aurel fare against them? ___________________ *MUST READ* Novel Status: Paused At The Moment General Status: Revision In Process Revision Details: I've spent years of my life on this novel, and through doing so I gained quite a bit of experience, however, now I desire to perfect and improve my art or rather my novel I've dedicated a handful of years on. While I've been fortunate enough to gain a handful of feedback, all of which I truly appreciate and ask that anyone who wishes it provides the same. Be it criticism, constructive feedback, or simply plot holes I may have missed, I wish to take it all in strides. As for The Novel itself, I will never abandon it. It's beyond precious to me so in my next revision I will keep many of the same characters, and try my very best to improve and rewrite scenes and explanations the best I can. For those who actually read this, thank you and I aspire to entertain you all alongside myself for as long as allowed. ___________________ Daily Chapters: Two chapters [One during slowdown] Chapter Publishing Times: 12:00 AM EST [00:00 EST] Author Status: Alive P.S: The New Cover Art is Rory! ___________________ Have any questions? Join my official discord below! Discord: https://discord.gg/2vEWGManyS ___________________ For all intents and purposes, this novel does 'not' feature real names, individuals, events, or politics, it is a work of fantasy and is intended as such. This work contains borderline mature content, hints, and otherwise, and is often greatly influenced by anime and other forms of literature. To be 'completely' honest it's hard to assume what others believe to be borderline mature content or not so do with this information as you may! The beginning is much as to be expected while later chapters are indeed quite interesting as I try my very best to add unique names, concepts, and systems. ___________________ COPYRIGHT 2023. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

Wakeless · Fantastique
Pas assez d’évaluations
334 Chs

Celestial Preparations II

"Rory, Elisabet, Mili, and Iris.. I apologize for scaring you all!"

Silas apologized before then looking to both the young prince and Mili.

"Aurelius! Mili! I heard you two were going to be fitted for your debut attires today. If so I've brought gifts!"

Silas playfully exclaimed before then taking out two golden Insignias.

The first of which belonged to The Royal Family of The Dark Elf Empire while the other two belonged to The Temple of Silvanus.

"The first is a gift from our favorite Empress Amelia! While the other is two are gifts from my temple!"

Silas explained.


The young prince curiously asked causing Silas to then nod.

"Of course! You'll have one soon enough!"

Silas added before then winking at the young prince.

'It appears a mysterious someone taught our young prince Aurel much!'

Silas playfully thought.

"I have some to give you four as well!"

Selphie proudly exclaimed as well before then pulling four golden insignias of her own.

The first of which belongs to The Royal Family of The Kingdom of The Elves while the other belonged to The Temple of Selphine and finally the last one belonged to The Temple of Lisandra.

"The first one is a gift from Kethryllia while the other three are gifts from my temple! Oh, and of course one from The Temple of Lisandra!"

Selphie proudly explained causing Aldra, Marjorie, and Annie to then happily smile.

"What do 'those' temple insignias mean exactly?"

Bradley curiously asked causing Silas to then smile.

"Golden temple insignias are only given out by the gods or goddesses or even demigods of said temples or shrines to those who are valued above all else!"

"I've never personally given them out.. making those two the first to receive one from The Temple of Silvanus!"

Silas proudly exclaimed.

"The same goes for me.. it appears that it may have slipped my notice until Silas brought it up!"

Selphie helplessly explained as well.

"But for the complete answer.. both of our temple insignias are kind of a big deal! Silas's could be seen as a godly artifact while mine a heavenly artifact"

Selphie answered.

"The others are still artifacts of some variety! However, depending on the god or demigod, they can also be big deals! Some are even universal like mine and Selphie's"

Silas playfully boasted all the while answering where Selphie had left off causing her to then pout.

"Ah.. I believe I understand now"

Bradley openly thought causing Silas to then helplessly smile.

After lunch had ended Bradley and Bromley soon left for their duties while Aldra, Marjorie, Amber, Annie, Selphie, Mai, and Rory.

And Elisabet, Mili, Noel, Iris, Silas, and the young prince soon left to then prepare and get fitted for their debut attires, after entering the royal fitting room Amber soon took charge.

"We can properly do everyone at once! I call Aurelius!"

Amber quickly picked.

"I'll join you then!"

Selphie picked as well causing Amber to then happily nod.

"Me and Aldra can do Iris's, Rory's, Noel's, and Elisabet's all together!"

Marjorie chimed in causing Aldra to then excitedly nod.

"Then I and Mai will take Mili! We four can also do both Mili and Aurel's at the same time for.. research purposes of course!"

Annie happily offered causing Selphie's, Amber's, and even Mai's eyes to then adorably sparkle with excitement causing all three to then excitedly nod with approval.

"What about me?"

Silas curiously asked causing all four to then shake their heads.

"I guess we can take Silas.. but Silas, please don't make us regret this!"

Amber reluctantly pouted causing Silas to then smile.

"Don't worry I'll make sure the young princesses I mean princ-"

Silas happily joked.

"Never mind that! Stay out here and wait for us.."

Amber quickly silenced causing all four to then helplessly nod.

"That'll be for the best.."

Selphie helplessly confessed causing Silas to then pout before then shaking his head causing Annie to then hug Silas.

"Don't pout brother Silas! we'll be out soon!"

Annie playfully reassured causing Silas to then pout once more.

"Hmph! And you call me a bully!"

Silas pouted causing all four to then helplessly smile once more, moments later everyone had then picked out a fitting room.

All the while Silas sat in the waiting area pouting at such an injustice! After Amber, Annie, Selphie, Mai, Mili, and the young prince entered the fitting room causing Amber to then look the young prince and Mili up and down.

"I never thought I'd be saying this but both Aurel and Mili would look cute in dresses.."

Amber confessed causing all three to then nod.

"They would.. but we can't let Silas win! Aurel and Mili will look even cuter with what we pick out!"

Selphie righteously explained, causing Amber to then nod before then hugging the young prince causing Mai to then happily do the same with Mili.

"You can't forget Mili! Two precious treasures are always better than one!"

Mai giggled causing all three to then excitedly nod.

"They're both so precious!"

Amber happily confessed causing Selphie to then follow suit and hug both Amber and the young prince causing Annie to then quickly do the same with Mai and Mili.

"They are! But we should really start getting measurements done soon.."

Selphie reminded causing Amber to then nod.

"Five more minutes! Mili's just too warm to let go at the moment.."

Annie confessed causing Mai to then comfortably nod causing both Selphie and Amber to then helplessly smile.

After the hugs had ended Selphie, Amber, Mai, and Annie began taking both the young prince's and Mili's measurements.

Causing all four to then debate on what both Mili and the young prince should wear and if they should match before then deciding on both the color schemes and fabric.

"Hmm.. white on white to compliment his Elf features?"

Amber curiously asked causing Annie to then excitedly nod.

"For Mili, I was thinking the same but I was also thinking of adding some violet somewhere since he's also an Abyssal Elf!"

Annie explained causing Selphie to then excitedly nod.

"Yes! That and making the trim gold to match the insignias!"

Selphie added causing both Annie and Amber to then excitedly nod.

"Yes! That can work! But it feels like we're still missing something.."

Amber openly thought.


Selphie asked.


Amber happily answered.

"How about adding a short white cape over their shoulders along with golden aiguillettes?"

Amber queried causing both Selphie and Annie to then nod.

All the while Mai still adorably hugged Mili to the fullest before then occasionally nodding causing all three to then helplessly smile.

"Might as well add some Elven influences if we're going the flashy route!"

Selphie proudly added.

"Let's do that! I saw both Kethryllia and Emilia wear some sort of a medallion, I'm unsure if The Abyssal Elves wear something similar but could that work?"

Amber curiously asked causing both Annie and Selphie to then excitedly hug Amber.

"Amber your still so precious and convenient! I can see that some things never change!"

Annie giggled causing Selphie then adorably nod in agreement.

"Amber you're a genius! That might be exactly what we're looking for!"

Selphie exclaimed causing Amber then blush.


Both the young prince and Mili pouted causing all four to then helplessly smile before then hugging both the pouting princes.

"We're so sorry you two!"

Amber guiltily apologized causing Selphie to then guiltily nod as well.

"Let's make it up to you two! What do you think of your debut outfits so far?"

Selphie curiously asked causing both the young prince to then hug both Mili and the young prince to then hug all four.

"W-We love it!"

Both The young prince and Mili shyly confessed causing Annie, Selphie, Amber, and Mai to then adorably smile before then kissing both the adorably excited young princes' cheeks causing both to then become flushed.

"I.. love you"

The young prince adorably mumbled before then hugging both Amber and Selphie surprising both causing Mili to then hug both Annie and Mai.

"I love mommy and Big Sister!"

Mili adorably exclaimed causing all four to then become teary.

"We love you too Aurel!"

Both Selphie and Amber exclaimed causing the young prince to then hug them even tighter.

"So cute! I love you Mili!"

Mai exclaimed as well.

Causing Mili to then blush once more causing both him and the young prince to then look to each other with adorably blushing expressions.

After a moment that had then led to an hour, everyone had begun to wait for Amber, Selphie, and the young prince in their new debut attire.

Rory wore an elegant Elven Influenced white dress, boots, and a pale blue bow complimenting her pristine white hair, skin, paleish blue eyes, and adorable features.

Elisabet wore an elegant Feless-influenced golden dress and boots complimenting her paleish blue eyes, whitish blonde hair, cat ears, tail, and adorable features.

While Noel wore an elegant Elven Influenced white dress, boots, and medallion complimenting her pristine white and adorable features.

And finally, Iris wore an elegant demon-influenced platinum purple dress and boots complimenting her pale purple eyes, and platinum purple hair giving her a unique yet adorable demonic charm.

"I wonder what's keeping those six?"

Silas curiously asked.

"Silas! Can you come here for a moment?"

Selphie yelled from the other room causing Silas to then get up from his chair and enter the young prince's and Mili's fitting room.

After a few moments, he soon returned with Amber, Selphie, Annie, and Mai while the young prince and Mili hid behind all five.

Moments later all five stepped aside revealing the young celestial prince and Mili in all their glories causing both to then blush after noticing that all eyes were on them.

The young prince wore an elegant yet flashy Elven-influenced white robe and medallion with an elegant yet golden trim complimenting the five golden insignias.

Golden aiguillettes, and the small yet elegant white cape with a golden pattern hanging off his shoulder causing the young prince to then have an air of adorable elegance.

Mili wore an elegant yet flashy Abyssal Elven-influenced black robe and an Abyssal Elf Royal Medallion with an elegant violet yet golden trim complimenting the three golden insignias, golden aiguillettes.

And a small yet elegant violet cape with a black abyssal pattern hanging off his shoulder causing Mili to then have an air of adorable yet abyssal elegance.

"Oh wait? I almost forgot about this!"

Annie remembered before then placing an Abyssal Obsidian Gold insignia next to Mili's three other golden insignias.

Causing Mili to then adorably look to the new insignia with an adorably curious expression.

"Your father wanted you to have this.. this insignia is given to The Abyssal Prince of The Abyssal Elves, however, I've been holding onto it waiting for a special occasion!"

Annie helplessly explained surprising everyone causing Silas to then playfully smile.

"I'd be surprised if Ames didn't give his only child a title.. and if I'm not wrong that insignia used to be his when he was a child so naturally it was priceless to him"

"I'm glad to see that he actually cares about Mili enough to go out of his way and do such things for him"

Silas chimed in causing Annie to then helplessly nod.

"Ames wanted to give him even more, however, he's still a child and I doubt Bradley would allow a Low-Level Sacred Abyssal Dragon in The Celestial Palace as Mili's pet.."

"Soo I've only allowed him to send an Abyssal Dragon Egg and a Sacred Abyssal Dragon Crystal so far"

Annie playfully explained causing everyone to then helplessly smile causing Mai to then remember something.

"Right the insignia!"

Mai excitedly remembered before then placing another two golden insignia next to the other four surprising everyone once more.

"I've always wanted to give Mili mine! Plus Ari gave me one to give to him earlier!"

Mai happily added causing everyone to then helplessly smile.

'It's already near impossible to be given Temple Insignias nowadays, so the fact that he and my celestial teddy bear already has so many would shock even the gods however what's even more shocking is the fact that Mai gave Mili one..'

'Despite the difference in levels demigods giving Shrine Insignias is even rarer! It means two things, first that demigod both values and loves that person above all else, second if you touch this person that demigod will come for you!'

'Gods would at least warn said persons or smite their house before finally smiting them themselves, however, demigods are a lot less restricted and would actually hunt you down and not only smite their house but pulverize it!'

'Even some of the gods avoid such people!'

Selphie helplessly thought causing Silas to then helplessly smile as well after thinking the same thing causing Selphie to then remember something else.

"Almost forgot!"

Selphie remembered as well before then playing with both the young prince's and Mili's hair revealing their adorable little Elf ears causing both to then blush.

"I'm actually impressed! I could never come up with something so flashy.."

Silas praised causing all four to then proudly smile.

"Me, Amber, and Annie found a way to make our celestial teddy bears even more adorable!"

Selphie proudly exclaimed before then high-fiving both Amber and Annie causing Mai to then adorably hug Mili instead.

"Not just that they're even cuter!

Mai confessed causing Amber to then quickly hug the young prince.

After the hugs both the young prince and Mili had then observed Noel's, Rory's, and Elisabet's dresses hugging each with an adorable blush causing the young prince to then stop at Iris causing both to then blush.

Causing Mili to then take advantage before then hugging Noel, Rory, and Elisabet before then hugging Annie, Aldra, Marjorie, and Amber.

Silas and Selphie before then finally returning to Mai and hugging her as well causing everyone to then adorably smile.

"So precious!"

Mai exclaimed.

"He is indeed precious!"

Aldra agreed causing Marjorie to then nod causing Amber to then hug both Mai and Mili.

"So warm! If only Vivian was here!"

Amber openly thought causing Annie to then playfully smile.

"True but both Marjorie and Elisabet are even better substitutes!"

Annie joked before then hugging both Elisabet and Marjorie causing Marjorie to then helplessly smile causing Silas to then playfully smile before then whispering something in the young prince's ear.

"Better make your move before she decides to stop kissing those adorable cheeks of yours!"

Silas jokingly whispered causing the young prince to then become even more motivated as he approached Iris before then being hugged.

"Your pretty.."

Iris whispered tone surprising the young prince causing him to then blush once more.

"You-Your prettier.."

The young prince adorably whispered back causing Iris to then blush before then hugging the young prince even tighter.

After the fittings were finished Selphie, Rory, Noel, Iris and the young prince with the addition of Elisabet soon returned to the young prince's room and resumed their positions.

While also making room for Elisabet causing her to then lay on the young prince's chest causing him to then fall asleep.

All the while being cuddled from all angles, while Annie, Amber, Mai, and Mili returned to Mili's room to then do the same.

After falling asleep the young prince had then been greeted by Sylvia once more.

"Your back! I missed you! And don't listen to Silas! No one would ever stop kissing those adorable cheeks!"

Sylvia excitedly welcomed back, before then hugging the young prince tightly causing her to then quickly notice the tears streaming from the young prince's eyes.

"Why are you crying Aurel-"

Sylvia worriedly asked before then being cut off.

"I-I'm afraid.. I'm afraid of being all alone"

The young prince sobbed causing him to then hug Sylvia even tighter.

"Sylvia ple-please stay with me.. do-don't ever let me go.."

The young prince cried causing Sylvia to then become teary before then holding the young prince's head to her chest.

"It's going to be ok my sweet prince.. I'll never ever let you go! We're going to be together forever"

Sylvia tearily reassured causing the young prince to then look up to her before then returning his head to Sylvia's chest causing her to then tearily smile before then hugging the young prince even tighter.